Before someone call me salty loser or something, I say, that I bought the most valuable games by myself, so no, I am not just the one who beg for free games. Also this is the mean of the site. To win FREE games. So basically, You can't be mad at people who want to get games for free. No, You can't.

The level system is very bad. Because first of all, it encourages RICH people to brag about how they are reach. Also why is rich kids better than non-rich people? Why is someone, who probably earn so many many money better or more entitled to win games, than someone who earn less? This site isn't about showing off how much You earn and how much You can afford to give. It's the site for giving free games for those who wants them.

But the main problem is... why You should pay 5000 $ to just have 0,000001% more chance to win a game. Basically... it means that You pay probably 100-500 more than You will ever win in this site. You have to pay that 5000 dollars to BUY those games with 100% chance of getting them. More than You will ever win in Your entire life.

Also current system encourages people to give away trash games. or the ones given away for free. Or from bundles. So instead giving away games You think they are cool, You just give whatever You have unneeded, probably some leftover from Bundle or other crappy deal. It's okay when they are good games. But what if they are just random crap? And that's the case usually.

What would fix the issue? "Desperation" system. Or whatever You call it. Every time You didn't win the giveaway, You get slightly higher chance to win in next one. When You finally win the game, the bonus is reset. Why is it better? First, everyone has the same chances and rewards people who are less lucky to finally win a game. It could be mixed with how long You didn't win a game. Some kind of algorithm.

But what is best of it, it would encourage people to NOT use bots and enter any random giveaway. Why so? Because You wouldn't like to lose a bonus chance to get NieR: Automata, because You've won Ghost Dog's Mapple Pie: The Reckoning. You would rather wait for something better, then just win random stuff.

Aaaand... the system should make bonus chance higher for games You've wishlisted. I know, people can add whatever to their wishlists. But most of them don't want to have trashlist instead of wishlist. They add many games, but rather not games that they are completely random.

So, tl;dr:
Levels are bad, cause they encourage to brag about Your status and people give any trash, because of that. Desperation system would make people want to win something, they really want, cause it gives bonus chance of winning and is reset when You win... even if You've won a trash game. So people would keep the bonus to win better games.

I feel that people will hate me so much. Just because I have an opinion, that prolly differs from theirs. But whatever.

PS Being rich and giving away expensive stuff isn't being generous. Cause You just give leftovers of Your money. Giving away things when You have less, that's generosity. As the evangellion says (it doesn't matter if You believe or not; that's just the truth told): the richman who gives 1000 gold coins gave less than a poor guy, who gave just one, because that one coin is all he has.

5 years ago

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The system doesnt encourage trash or bundled games, people give them out of their own volition.

You didn't win the giveaway, You get slightly higher chance to win in next one.

Thats exploitable too.
I think what you are looking for is a system that calculates a personal amount accordingly to their salary

5 years ago*

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You didn't win the giveaway, You get slightly higher chance to win in next one.

Just to be clear, that's not how probabilities work; each giveaway is an independent random event with an equal chance for all entries to win. There is no "chance" factor that goes up every time you don't win.

5 years ago

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OP knows, that's why he wanted what you just described to be implemented,
I quoted just to say it would be exploitable

5 years ago

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oh my bad I misread, I thought OP was describing how the current systems works ;)

5 years ago

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Technically you're absolutely right, and I know it mathematically to be right but I have found that my wins always operate in clusters. I won't win for weeks and then I win 3 times in 24 hours. I even won 4 times in 2 hours once. Makes no mathematical sense, and they weren't even specific group events or anything. Randomness is just so funny, isn't it?

Edit: sorry, I didn't realize someone had bumped a very old thread.

5 years ago

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"Levels are bad, cause they encourage to brag about Your status and people give any trash, because of that."
Also your logic is flawed. Getting higher chance for not winning increases the likelihood of joining stuff you don't want rather than reducing it. Bots will rule supreme under this system.
Just ask Orlygift, it used a system like this.

PS. Every single thing you gave away came from bundles, mostly Humble Monthly so... IDK what you're on about at the start either.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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The level system is very bad. Because first of all, it encourages RICH people to brag about how they are reach.

I don't remember seeing threads where people brag how rich they are because they can afford to make so many giveaways. Perhaps I missed some?

Also why is rich kids better than non-rich people? Why is someone, who probably earn so many many money better or more entitled to win games, than someone who earn less? This site isn't about showing off how much You earn and how much You can afford to give. It's the site for giving free games for those who wants them.

It's a site for giving games for free, yes, but it has rules and allows people to set some requirements for their giveaways. I think that's alright. Sometimes you want to make giveaways for people who've given away a lot and there's nothing wrong with that.

You could argue that there's no point making giveaways for high levels as they could afford those games for themselves anyway, while some people with worse financial situations couldn't so they deserve chance to enter those giveaways more; but it's not up to you to decide what's right and what isn't and what kind of requirements people should set on their giveaways.

Also just because someone is high level it doesn't mean they are rich. Some of them have normal or below average income and yet spend their hard earned money to make giveaways, sometimes for games they actually want to play themselves.

But the main problem is... why You should pay 5000 $ to just have 0,000001% more chance to win a game. Basically... it means that You pay probably 100-500 more than You will ever win in this site. You have to pay that 5000 dollars to BUY those games with 100% chance of getting them. More than You will ever win in Your entire life.

Yeah, getting to higher level doesn't mean you'll be winning loads of giveaways or that you will get what you've spent back through wins. Yet some people make lots of giveaways anyway, probably because they like giving more then they care about wins.

Even without level system people would still make giveaways for trash or low tier games because what else would they do with them if they have no interest in playing them and they don't want to clutter their libraries with games they don't want?

Also your idea for reworking the system sounds like a disaster. Everyone should get the same chance to win giveaways no matter what. That's the most fair way to do things.

5 years ago*

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Some of them have normal or below average income and yet spend their hard earned money to make giveaways, sometimes for games they actually want to play themselves.

I am walking proof of that.

5 years ago

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You should pay 5000 $ to just have 0,000001% more chance to win a game

You don't need to level up.

View attached image.
5 years ago

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But... but.. everyone knows that all low level giveaways are always trash and all high level giveaways are best AAA and indie games ever made. That means you have to level up to get the chance to win the good stuff!

Just kidding. Getting to high levels really isn't as important to winning more games as some people think.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Lies. All the secret Half-Life 3 giveaways are level 10!

5 years ago

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So that's where I've gone wrong. I always thought it was the hidden GTA V giveaways :P

5 years ago

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Wow, i should lvl up faster then :D

5 years ago

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You want to leave? I won't stop you :)

5 years ago

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I don't care about other people here. i agree to your every word .

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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W-What am i even reading

5 years ago

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It's like a conspiracy theory rabbit hole. Not gonna lie it gave me a few chuckles.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Oh my word, I wasn't sure if I should laugh or despair at the mental gymnastics the author must've gone through to write that rant.

5 years ago

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Despair. Hes a product of our current school system.
Its not a pretty sight.

5 years ago

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And surprise that guy is still lurking on the site

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Nah he would not be so stupid right?

Like he would have at least an pound of honor and leave the site right?

5 years ago

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At least last time I saw yes he was still here

5 years ago

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Yes, he is still here.
I tried to comment on that underlore thing but the guy only accepts comments that are favorable to him.

5 years ago

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Ah I remember reading this.

A guy used bot to enter all GAs and got angry that he can't sell his wins.

And got suspended for selling 2 games he won instead of activating them.

At least that is how it looks like :)

5 years ago

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Aww not that, AGAIN.
Poor guy, he really needs a waifu.
Or some... how to say this delicately? Working brain cells.

5 years ago

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Thanks for the laugh. )

5 years ago

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Maybe this: "Train his cognitive functions" =P

5 years ago

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Not that guy again. That's the same guy who cannot fathom why so many people disagree that he isn't entitled to regift games he's won on the website in order to increase his level.

5 years ago

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Wow. It's time to play "Guess That Personality Disorder".

I hope they don't retain any of that behavior when dealing with people that are actually part of their lives, because that's some fertile soil for becoming abusive. Sadly the attitude and frame of opinion is so consistent that it's unlikely to be mere trolling for blog awareness.

5 years ago

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bahahah i cant even ,, absolutely can not! :D

And the funniest thing is? That he eventually started to delete/censor comments. He became what he hated so much, the 1%, the man with power and money. That forum is his kingdom, his world where hes the one true ruler, yet he couldnt resist to power trip. How ironic!
I know most people wont look at things like this but I always was a - devil lies in teh details - guy. :D

5 years ago

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Most people are fcking hypocrites, that includes me as well at times. But it can be somewhat funny. :D

Especially when it comes to power. Always see abuse in power by others, but never in own actions.

5 years ago

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God forbid you don't sell your wins. I've read his thread before. Even responded to him... He's a bit immature to say the least.

Dude called me a psychopath because I said it's not nice to sell gifts you're given. He called me an idiot and he thinks that this site infringes on some ethics he personally holds. The man's a mental trainwreck and I personally stayed away after his comment. People don't talk that way when they're mentally healthy. I'm honestly guessing he has schizophrenia or just plain old libenter indoctus.

5 years ago

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That's a big oof

5 years ago

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I think many people agree the level system is a mess, and not only those who think they should be allowed to enter every giveaway... :) As you say, the level system leads many people to search for the cheapest thing that gives the highest CV, free stuff from some other website, 5 cent key shop garbage that's not in the bundle list, etc. If there were no benefit to giving away that sort of junk, I assume most people would stop giving away that sort of junk. It would be interesting to find out... :)

But I'm not sure the purpose of the site is to win free games, and I think people who are only here for profitz will never be happy with the results. You know, I won this cheap crap that doesn't even have trading cards, when I really wanted that game in my wishlist... Eh... I'd say people who are disappointed at winning too many crappy games should stop entering giveaways for crappy games. :) They won't win nearly as many giveaways that way, but they can be happy every single time they win. :)

I do think most people start out with blind greed for any random thing, as long as it's free... But free garbage gets old after a while... :)

I dunno, I think it's more fun to think of this as a place to give away games. Maybe something you liked and wanted to share, maybe something left over from a bundle, whatever. If you have nothing to give, then give nothing. No problem. :) And if you win something yourself, that's just a bonus. :)

5 years ago

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Words of wisdom, courtesy of Fiftykyu.

I have never entered a giveaway except that I truly desired the game. Yes, it is fun to win something just for the sake of winning, but I joined this site to give stuff away, not win it. For that reason, every giveaway I create is a win for me, and every giveaway I win is a happy bonus. )

Also, the leveling system is as good as can be. If Support or CG could think of something that worked better, we would already have implemented it. None of the alternatives we have tried have done as well as the current system. Even so, we are open to new ideas. The suggestion in the OP, however, has been demonstrated to both less effective and more prone to abuse.

5 years ago*

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One thing that could make it a bit more communal, raise the minimally required entries for cv value. Or otherwise we are having 5-10 person groups who gift each other stuff and get easily to level 10.

5 years ago

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That's called a "CV ring." Users we find doing that are removed from the site.

5 years ago

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How often do you find these 'rings'? Do you have a tool that reports these things? Because I saw quite a few people with 5-10 entry regular giveaways. Just never thought about reporting them.

5 years ago

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It really depends on how often people attempt to do it, but don't worry too much about that. There are plenty of reasons for people to end up with 5-10 entries in their giveaways, so that number is not an indicator in and of itself. Should you come across something that strikes you as "odd" or suspicious, feel free to send us a ticket. We will investigate and take appropriate action. It is our responsibility to police this site, however, not yours, so there is no need to place that burden on yourself.

I am not sure I worded that as well as I could have, but I hope it is understandable.

5 years ago*

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But then, you have groups like Unlucky 7 where I might give away a game and not many enter because they are holding out for things that they want. Those kind of groups might mean 5 or less entries. Bringing that number up to 10 or 20 would mean that gifters in groups like that one rarely get CV for their giveaways. It would be somewhat counter-productive. ;)

There are also a few groups here that encourage their members to actually play the game in a specified time-frame if they win. That also means that members will only enter for stuff that they can realistically play, or actually want to play in the first place. That results in less entries too. ;)

5 years ago

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Make the group bigger or don't giveaway trash in small groups. The problem is when you only see non bundled AAA games with the minimum entries on a profile.

5 years ago

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Also it's too easy fake playing a game lol.

5 years ago

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Not really. If the game has achievements it's not. I am not a member of those groups, but I read their rules. If the game doesn't have achievements, you have to post a screenshot to prove you completed it. I am pretty sure that the leaders of them groups are not idiots and root out people who cheat.

Also: Some of your own giveaways have very few entries too. :P

The one group I am a member of is U7 (as a gifter). They have over 700 members. Their main goal is to give members with 7 or less wins a chance to win something. If you're an unlucky (less than 7 wins), are not greedy and hold back for games you really want, you have a high chance of winning one. When games are marked only for Unluckies, they get very few entries. It's a fair system and a nice way of bringing new members into the community.

Making those groups bigger wouldn't make a difference. They thrive on members not being greedy a-holes and entering everything they see.

5 years ago*

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You can get any achievements you want without even opening the game once fyi. I have few entries on my trash giveaways. I saw people with 5 entries on AAA non bundled stuff.

5 years ago

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You can get any achievements you want without even opening the game once fyi

Sure, but people know about SAM and especially those leading groups where playing is a criteria. Getting 100 % achievements in a RPG with 5 hours idle time is suspicious. :D

5 years ago

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Exactly lol.

5 years ago

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You can get any achievement, doesn't have to be 100%

5 years ago

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Getting the achievement that at least tells that you've beaten the game (which is usually the requirement in those groups), but have way too less hours would be the same. Doesn't change my point.

5 years ago

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You can have as many hours as you want without even downloading the game.

5 years ago

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Aye, Cpt Obvious! Go fake a profile for these groups and tell us your sucess story afterwards. Until then, this discussion seems to be a waste of time.

5 years ago

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It literally affects everyone the same way. That's fair.

On a different note, you seem to have some insecurity issues. You may want to talk to someone about that.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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Seen as this site is a community and the level system would show how much people have contributed to said community, if there has been any bragging about it here it has been done as a joke or it was never bragging (psa, general curiosity threads and so on). What you are proposing is a flawed and easily exploited system. What you should do is propose, if anyone has bragged before (to you or to others), to look at the game givaeways a selfless act so who gave away what should not even be compared.

And the thing that got me out of my month of slumber was the whole thing about assuming a persons income according to their contribution here. That's an even worse statement than your level system proposal. I would say that's why you would be hated not because you have a different opinion, segregating and directly assuming stuff about people on a very low amount and very unrelated information is a bit frowned upon.

If it means anything I don't hate you no reason to do so I just don't like your close minded way of tackling the issue you wanted to present.

5 years ago*

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You were spotted. 🕵 😎
Welcome back from your month of slumber!

5 years ago

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Not a particularly happy about how I came back but eh had to happen :D

5 years ago

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True, but we (or at least I) am glad to have you back. 😀

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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This is quite an emotional rant. There's definitely a place for a discussion of these things, but this post comes from a weird angle and doesn't really use any facts.

Safe to say I disagree pretty much entirely.

I don't see the "Rich" lording it over the others
I don't see this need to level up to win
I don't see how the level system encourages users to not give good games
I don't think the alternatives provided are that good
And to top it all off I wouldn't say the level system is the worst part of SG

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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This site isn't mostly about winning games. For me, this site is about giving away keys that I cannot use that other people might enjoy. I'd infinitely rather a game goes to someone who would (hopefully) enjoy it; the key is better off going to someone--basically anyone--who wants it, than sitting in my library collecting virtual dust, unredeemed, and unable to be redeemed by me. Yes, I have won games. I have won some very nice ones, and I appreciate all of them and the generosity of the givers.

This is steamgifts not steamwins. If it were the latter, I would perhaps be inclined to agree with your logic about this site being about winning games. Personally, I am rather surprised when i do win anything; not because I "deserve" to win games (or to win more games because of my level than the level 0 person)--I don't deserve to win something any more than the next person--but from the feeling of "oh, I won something! That's really nice!"

I do not buy bundles to give away the entire bundle. I give away duplicate games (ones i already owned) from bundles which i have purchased for myself. There are many of us who could never afford to buy bundles just to give them away. if you see the same thing bundled again and again, and giveaways for those games over and over again, don't blame the giver, blame the system that puts those games in bundles again, again, and yet again.
[However, you shouldn't even do that, as many people did not have steam accounts the first time a game was bundled (or could not afford it at the time). The bundler doesn't need to punish those people by not selling the game in a bundle now, just because it was bundled 5 years ago. It is up to the bundler what they choose to make available to bundles.]

5 years ago*

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Love the selfless response and the bundling is more of a business related issue so cant really blame anyone for rebundles

5 years ago

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I really appreciate the kind words.

Personally, as someone who joined steam a bit over two years ago (and learned about bundle and sites around Christmas 2017), I am glad for rebundles.
If there were no bundles, I would buy far fewer games, and not be able to afford many/most of the games which I am blessed to own!
If there were no rebundles, I would not be able to afford this or that really nice game that others have. If I had not purchased games like Crusader Kings 2 from steam, I would love some of these GMG etc bundles that offer it again and again. Some of the bundles are outstanding for new steam users, and I am glad for their sake that they have the option to buy them.
I am also glad for the rebundling of certain pick & mix bundles, as I can perhaps purchase different games each time, while I wouldn't have been able to afford all of them the first time.

5 years ago

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More of a convenience than an issue so it seems XD

5 years ago

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For many people, yes. Enough that they should continue, even if I have probably all of the very-regularly-cheaply-bundled games that I want right now.

5 years ago

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You end up with plenty of dupes getting bundles with games you want, sometimes even as 1 buck on Indiegala group buys (wish I knew about those earlier). Give them away rather than dust, get some cv and before you know it you are over level 5 being no where near the definition of rich (still waiting for -75% on Witcher 3 for example, or GTA V. I wish I could just churn 60 for each new game but there's no funds for that. Thank the heavens for bundles!).

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Just stop caring about CV and give / enter what you want. Problem solved.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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On a personal level, I feel many aspects of life can be that simple. My 1st reaction when someone tells me something complicated or paints the picture to be complicated. I try to understand what they mean and break it down to the simplest manner so I can understand and execute.

Alot of times, its being content and skipping on things that you should not be bothered with. In life, there's simply too much to be bothered with. XD

Cheers and Regards for a great weekend!

5 years ago

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You can even hide giveaways above your level, so you don't have to see them. I don't see the problem here.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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As a practical matter, even minor changes to the current system would take a lot of programming time, effort, and expense, and I doubt the site handlers would bother since things are running smoothly as it is.

5 years ago

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I can touch my nose with my tongue.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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wow,,, ive been able to do that, since before i was born... (brag-rights)

5 years ago

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You must be pulling his tongue! Pun: Pulling his leg ;)

5 years ago

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I wasn't able to do that. But fortunately I'm very rich, so I bought myself a new nose and a new tongue, and now I can do it.

5 years ago

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Every time one of these threads is made, I always have to question if their intention is to offer me money.
I mean, with them being so adamant in wanting me to be rich, it's the most reasonable interpretation of things.

5 years ago

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Just tried to do it and now my tongue hurts.

5 years ago

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I admit, i just tried :D
I can't do it :(

5 years ago

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Thanks for the laugh. )

5 years ago

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You're welcome.
I got tired of everyone telling everyone else what SG is about.

5 years ago

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But, can you touch my nose with your tongue? wink wink

5 years ago

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Your girlfriend must be happy about it.

5 years ago

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Let me correct you on a minor detail there; the mean of the site it's not to win free games. Rather, it's about sharing, gifting. Without the will to do so, the site won't even exist. I hope the majority of the community sees it this way, and in doing so I would guess your vision is an unpopular one.

I'm from a third-world country. And I've been here, gifting, buying full-price games for the community since before Steam introduced regional prices for my country. A full-price AAA game costs me quite a few hours of work. Hours that I decide to gift to someone else in the hope that they would enjoy my passion the same way I do, to enjoy the thrill of entering a raffle, and the joy of winning something. People that know me personally have called me crazy at the thought that I'm (was) wasting so much of my hard earned money on unknown people on the Internet. I gift, not because I'm rich, but for the pleasure of sharing.

So, if a point system in place allows me the illusion of having access to something different just because I'm contributing to the cause of the community, so be it! Can it be improved? Of course. Is it unfair? Maybe. But if you, like me, are here just to give, you won't even pay attention to the CV. However, I must confess, I do pay attention to ratios. Since people who I don't seem to share the same vision about the site have caused quite a bit of trouble I've decided to avoid them.

I guess I'm not alone in this; I hope a great deal of users here share my vision. They are the ones keeping the community and the site alive at the expense of their own pockets, in the process, dealing with users that are here just to leech, to get something for free and keep demanding. Talk about unfairness now.

5 years ago

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always love your positive attitude , whilst you open minded explain your point of view to the other...

5 years ago

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Yup, AAA games are some hours/days of work at least for lesser blessed minimum wage countries.

5 years ago

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Im not even from a third world country. Im from a country that loves to put itself among progressive countries and say that our economical situation is only getting better,
Still our minimum wage is around 3 euros/hour. God damn thats almost three days work to even consider to buy AAA game (almost impossible to survive on minimal wage)
Las part time job I had as a student I recieved around 4 euros/hour. Not really that much of an improvement. But enough to put gas in my car, but still lived with my parents.

Now Im gunning for job that pays 7 euros/hour and that is considered great wage here. And even then it means I have to work whole day to buy AAA game. I sure would want the game to go to someone who will play it and enjoy it, not some no level leecher who just wants cards from 60 Euro game.

5 years ago*

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You put it perfectly

5 years ago

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Well put. Take this +1 for being not as elequoid.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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Why are you so entitled

5 years ago

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Some SG groups have rules that address some of the issues you are concerned about such as too many entries you are "competing against", level restrictions on GAs, "trash" GAs, etc. You should check out group recruitment - There's a variety of groups out there. I'd invite you to my group since your giving history is solid, but my group doesnt even show up on SG along with other groups created since April.

5 years ago

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Steamgifts may not be perfect but it is the best site we have.

5 years ago

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You just give whatever You have unneeded, probably some leftover from Bundle or other crappy deal. It's okay when they are good games. But what if they are just random crap? And that's the case usually.

Yeah, I give away bundle leftovers. What's wrong with that? The whole reason I came to this site was to give away leftover bundle keys. I figured there were people who might be interested in the games that I was not interested in. And I was right! Plus, what's the alternative? Just leave the keys unused? What good does that do anyone?

But what is best of it, it would encourage people to NOT use bots and enter any random giveaway.

I already don't use bots, and I don't enter random giveaways. I enter giveaways for games I'm interested in. I don't need any additional encouragement to continue to do that.

I wish Abrix was here, he could probably help you be less

angry on Steamgifts.

5 years ago

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But I had 1 level!

5 years ago

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You are not giving AAA-AAAA-AAAAAAAAAA games, I must report you with support!!!

5 years ago

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It's the joining reason for many of us. If it wasn't for bundles this site would be dead, especially after Steam's gifting limitation rules.

5 years ago

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Angry? I am ANGRY!!!

View attached image.
5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Lol, I know, I remember him. He was still hanging out on Fanatical discord since my last use. XD

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Your whole argument is troubled with flawed thinking.

You don't have to actually pay 5000 dollars or 500 or even 1 dollar. I see level 0 accounts with 100's of wins & 0 giveaways.
I have never seen someone say rich kids are better than the un-wealthy here, until you just now.
I haven't seen anyone bragging about giving away a steam game. People celebrate their levels sometimes and why shouldn't they its an achievement.
The leveling system in some ways actually encourages people to make giveaways, your solution does not.
The system doesn't actually encourage giving away trash games.. rewarding no CV for games given away free and reduced CV for bundled games.. It actually encourages the opposite.

In saying that, people will give away what they want to; be it free, a game bought out of their own pocket, bundle leftovers or nothing at all, It is up to the person themselves. AAA game, trash or not you're not forced to enter and you are not forced to giveaway.

The system may not be perfect but your reasoning is borderline stupid and your solution sucks.

5 years ago

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rich kids are better than the un-wealthy

I appreciate each and every individual who gives me free pie equally, regardless of their wealth.
Coming in at $5~10, a pie is something accessible to anyone with any amount of money, without preference to their caste.
Sure, the very poor can't afford it, but they also can't afford it for themselves, and who would think ill of someone who can't even afford pie? As George Bernard Shaw once said, “There are two tragedies in life. One is to eat all of your pie. The other is to never gain it in the first place.” Pretty sure I recall that quote correctly..
Anyway, in summary, pie truly is the ultimate symbol of world peace. Praise be to pie.

The leveling system in some ways actually encourages people to make giveaways, your solution does not.

While there's a lot to the idea that seems less easy to work out, it's actually not that hard to see it working with an encouragement system. It's easy to implement a system where the "desperation meter" is boosted by making giveaways. Of course, while such a system would stop "bragging about levels", it wouldn't help any of the other elements the OP wanted to avoid [such as the rich benefitting from the site, the system encouraging the giving away of "junk" games, etc], and would in fact likely actually emphasize such elements.

In short, efforts to make the proposed system feasible would likely also invalidate the entire list of reasons for implementing it in the first place. Whoops.

you're not forced to enter and you are not forced to giveaway.

The peculiar thing is, unless you're absolutely obsessed with "maximizing profits", there's little reason to care about how the site's benefit system operates [beyond considerations toward it being applied in a consistent manner]. Or, rather, so long as the site continues to allow you to freely set filters and use groups as you please, there's no reason to care about the overall system from the perspective of a gifter. From the perspective of an entrant, the level system only affects you if you let it, and is reflective only of the intentions of the individual gifters, not of any sort of site balance.

Sure, exploitation is a factor to keep in mind with any strongly structured system, but anyone troubled by that can more carefully filter their giveways, or make use of a group that screens out exploitative users.

5 years ago*

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Your idea isn't necessarily awful, but your personality kinda seems to be. If you just focused on the idea, instead of being needlessly rude, you'd get much better replies.

And no, the "people hate me only because my opinion differs from theirs" is a cop-out that willfully unpleasant individuals use to justify themselves, and nothing more. Anyone who even states such a thing has already lost any semblance of dignity, much in the same manner as a child throwing a tantrum because they don't like what they hear. Facing the reality of that comparison may be unpleasant, but it is by no means exaggerated or out of place.

Simply put, if you didn't fill every conversation you take part in with you insulting people for their levels, their ratios, their blacklist habits, their liking of visual novels, or whatever other basis you may have used that I didn't manage to come across, people'd react a lot better to you.

Let's be clear: People "hate" you because you're needlessly rude toward them, not because your opinions are so profound that others can't bear to acknowledge your magnificence, driving them to attack you out of uncontrollable jealousy and incurable ignorance. In other words, you are "hated" for the same reason people "hate" basically every other self-proclaimed victim on this site: Because you treat abstract groups as enemies, and are driven to initiate conflcit with others before there is any justification for such.

And, for the love of cake, it has been clarified so many damn times that level isn't reflective of wealth [those who are poor and those who benefit off of developer keys are both common among higher leveled members of the site], so it's unfathomable as to why some continue to fixate on the topic and claim some sort of oppression on the part of those higher in level.

If you have direct quotes evidencing either a common trend of rich elitism or proof of a shadowy organization of rich elites [Patreon supporters don't inherently count as such, sorry], then by all means, quote such to prove your point- else, there's no reason for anyone, yourself included, to consider such beliefs to be anything more than paranoid delusions derived from personal insecurities.

Though, in broader context, I'll yield you the point. Rich people can be hard to deal with, and the imbalance of rights between social castes is an unfortunate, grim part of reality. However, while bragging is reflected in your own statements, I've yet to see any bragging based in wealth, aside from a few self-admitted site exploiters (who, by virtue of that, were not especially high level on the site).

Besides, among the high level people on this site that I've encountered who have acknowledged being financially well-off, they've all been extremely generous with their gifting, and they only brought up their financial situation after having been asked about the basis for such generosity. So your getting on them is like standing outside of a charity with a picket sign, arguing that charity is the worst expression of capitalism. It serves no clear benefit, it has no supportable basis, and there are so many more meaningful concerns that one could be spending their efforts on changing.

Of course, if this is your way of offering to make the poor members of the site rich by sharing your own finances with them, then your fixation would make more sense, and your personality'd suddenly be much more agreeable. But somehow, I don't get the impression that such an approach ever made it into your considerations. But hey, all you gotta do is prove me wrong, and you "win" this topic! Easy breezy.

Finally, only three things determine what the site is for: cg, the community as a whole, and the perspectives of any given individual in regards to their own usage. Any single individual's personal perspective on "the proper way to use the site" just does not have grounds to extend past their own usage, unless it is also reflective of one of the first two elements. The rhetoric you're offering is not only lacking in credibility and merit, but is worn out and dull. By all means, present things from your own subjective perspective, but make sure to acknowledge that that is what you are doing.

Besides, arguing that the only purpose of the site is to win free games kinda.. would make the site break down rather quickly. I don't see how that's difficult to figure out. As far as your nonsensical "why are people who give more entitled to win more", they bloody well aren't. The site offers absolutely no inherent bonuses to anyone on the site. Every single entry condition is set by individual users for their own giveaways alone, and if someone wants to limit who they give free stuff to then (outside of exploitative or bigotry-driven circumstances) it's pretty egotistical for someone else to claim a need to override their preferences, much less a right to do such.

Nevermind that anyone who insists the site should be focused on freely gifting should theoretically appreciate people being able to gift without restraint more than anyone else.. unless of course what is actually behind such a perspective is a belief of "I should be able to get access to every giveaway without any thought, effort, or consideration to others"?

Morality (in contrast to culturally-subjective ethics) is objective [though even that has its philosophical debates], and facts are objective by their inherent nature [regardless of how much members of certain political outlooks will insist they aren't]. Everything else in life is subjective, and it is our responsibility to be aware of such, and to fairly and openly consider the perspectives of others when those perspectives or the personalities of the individuals clash with our own. Just like how I'll fairly consider your suggestion in this thread, even while criticizing your presentation of it.

P.S. For someone who claims to not care about people "being triggered by your opinions", you sure do bring the topic up a lot.

tl;dr version: Cake is delicious.

5 years ago*

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Wut, I paid CG my Premium Bonus Golden Extra SG Platinum Mega Super Duper Account to win each 5 minutes and one AAA daily, I feel scammed

I want my 9999.99 yearly back!!!

5 years ago

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This is so beautiful I had to WL you.

5 years ago

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My experience with the OP was this discussion...

Trying to explain a trilogy being 3 games and Steam can't make 1 dlc for 3 seperate games earned me scorn and a blacklist.
Sorry... I meant my total obvious lack of agreeing with the superior system suggested while being Gaben in disguise so I could totally change it.
"It should be this instead" should always be a suggestion, not a demand.

Having said that nice-write up, cake is the best!

5 years ago

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Your cake is too articulate. I'm afraid it is too rich for the palate of some.

5 years ago

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Registered 5 years ago.
GA entered 89751

And still you deserve a better site to tantrum, like Reddit I.E.

Almost 49.17 entries diary aprox., wow, very impressive, almost sounds like automated stuff

5 years ago

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almost sounds like automated stuff

Well, I'd rather leave the site than use bots, and I'm at 60,000 after [just shy of 4 years], and that with me often having nothing to enter, as well as regularly failing to check in on the site in a timely manner; Thereby, seeing me hovering at cap points for lengthy periods of time. So 90,000 after [just shy of 6] years doesn't seem too out of place?

I'm not even sure entry count can be used to assess bot usage to begin with, since the primary influence on entry count is the typical P cost of the giveaways someon enters. Mine is high because I like entering for indie games (which are generally $20 or less). Looking at the OP's wins, they seem to almost exclusively enter for very low-P cost games, as most of their wins are in the 1~10$ range. So in actuality, their entry count may in fact be on the low side.

5 years ago

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Then is too much free time, good to know it's possible

5 years ago

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I'm not sure totalling 20 minutes or less a day is an excessive investment, but okay. :P

A single entry takes no more than 10 seconds to load, process [by my reading speed], and enter, assuming a typical giveaway description. Thus, the 50 entry daily average you quoted above would be about 8 and a half minutes in total, tops. If all you're doing is checking against Wishlist and New filters, there's fairly little time needed on scrolling, so quick days should leave you spending only maybe 10 to 12 minutes in total. Rounding up to 20 minutes should be enough to account for any other delaying factors which may be involved.

..though I do spend too much time browsing the forums [or responding to giveaways], some days, which does significantly increase the amount of time I spend on the site. So I guess I can't fully argue the sentiment itself. :P

Assuming the OP is using a one-click script, they can reduce entry speed to maybe 2 seconds. That could bring their base time investment to less than 2 minutes. So maybe 6 minutes a day, after accounting for delays. If they're not bothering to participate in the community [or respond to giveaways] outside of the occasional thread such as this one, that seems like their site usage wouldn't really affect their free time nearly at all.

Of course, those who are more invested in the giveaway aspect of the site would likely be spending more time than myself. Even so, since the highest entry count would be derived from use of low-P custom search filters, it presumably wouldn't raise the necessary time investment by much.

Rather, those that care the most about what they enter while also having the least familarity with the games that appear on Steamgifts, would presumably be the group with the highest time investment. [Of course, my familarity comes via excessive time spent on Steam Queue and gaming sites and whatnot- so, once again, one can still find cause to criticize how I utilize my free time in a broader sense].

5 years ago*

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I testify that SG is perfectly capable of sucking up as much time as you give it. P

5 years ago

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Those damn bragging rich kids!

5 years ago

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And their pesky dogs?

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5 years ago

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haha :P

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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