İ think it happens again :(

9 years ago

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What is Steam ?

Can't access my profile or inventory either

9 years ago

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İ only access mainpage.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Same here.... I'm trying ato acess inventory to see something and nothing happens

9 years ago

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yes , im having some issues too

9 years ago

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Yup, looks like community has gone Swedish Chef on us.

9 years ago

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Börk börk börk!

9 years ago

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steam is down i repeat steam is down!!!

9 years ago

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Mayday Mayday

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Valve needs to fix their shit lol

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Not again, jeez...

9 years ago

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i need a free game for all these leaks and problems

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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İ want dead bits

9 years ago

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i can give you overcast or particula

9 years ago

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I want bad rats 2

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Community is down

9 years ago

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Steam must be owned by the Kiwis now as it's all black for the moment! ^ ^

View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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RUUUUNNN is the end of the world (again)!!

9 years ago

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but hey, tbh i was a bit worried because steam was up too often, and had like zero real issues in past few weeks. so its all good now :P

9 years ago

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seem like its going to down soon again, black screen of death. :(

9 years ago

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what is steam
gaben dont hurt me
dont hurt me
no moreeee



gabeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen noooo

9 years ago

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Great, now I have to play Saints Row 4 yet again!

9 years ago

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That's a bad thing?!

9 years ago

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Not really, except I wish it would stop crashing and losing the save files so much. Didn't have that issue with SR3 or GoH.

9 years ago

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Oh, I don't know why you're not there
I give you my dosh, but you don't care
So what is right and what is wrong
Gimme a sale

9 years ago

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I was playing SR4 XDD yesterday i just passed that mission lol

9 years ago

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Cant see my inventory!

9 years ago

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same here man same here :(

9 years ago

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but i can

evil grin

9 years ago

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So what the hell's the point of this? Assuming yesterday and apparently today are DDoS attacks, then why? Are these guys trolling just because they can and want to screw with people, or do they have some kind of half-assed "message" they're trying to get across?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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DDOSed by its own users.

9 years ago

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Yesterday's incident had absolutely nothing to do with DDoS... Do you even know what that means?

9 years ago

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Valve even confirmed that there was a caching issue yesterday. No sign of DDoS.

9 years ago

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Um, yes I do - do you know, or do you just know how to act like a dick? From what I was reading yesterday the page caching issue was the result of a probable DDoS attack. If you have new information that proves DDoS wasn't responsible, then post it.

9 years ago

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If you have information that proves it was a DDoS attack, then post it.

9 years ago

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That's just more stupid nonsense. A DDoS blocks you of accessing the servers because the overload, so, if it was a DDoS attack, how people could still browse steam?

9 years ago

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You know I know jack shit about networking, i'm just posting what i stumbled upon yesterday and with the same happening every year to PSN (not sure about Xbox live I think it's the same tho) it didn't seem that far fetched.

9 years ago

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You know I work with that everyday :p If there's something that can't be, it's a DDoS.

9 years ago

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Well, actually I had two "incidents" with steam yesterday. Earlier on the day, everything was slow and didn't want to load. I googled a bit around at that point, and many places talked about that DDoS by SkidNP. It was first later on that this cache-thingy happened.

9 years ago

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Keep in mind that i'm just gamer and not very knowledgeable about this stuff.
DDoS attack, in very simple terms, is a lot of computers trying to access a website at the same time, all servers have a limit to their capabilities in small numbers let's consider 1000 users. If a DDoS attack gathers 2000 users the server can't answer all of their users and become unavailable to the "normal users".
If a DDoS affected steam you would not be able to access the steam store. What happened was that we were accessing pages that were not supposed to be stored on the server side.

9 years ago

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Here is a comment from steamdb that it probably was not due to the DDoS. Here is a person who actually knows what he is talking about in regards to these issues who speculates on what actually caused it. Ibtimes claims that the problems were not related to the DDoS attack. They have this quote from valve:

As a result of a configuration change earlier today, a caching issue allowed some users to randomly see pages generated for other users for a period of less than an hour.

Which states that the issue was due to a configuration change.

9 years ago

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They are probably demanding free Hot Pockets (I hate those things, but hackers on TV and movies seem to love them)

9 years ago

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Rat in the movie The Core. ^ ^

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Not ddos, just plain old valve ineptitude™

Stop trying to blame others for your heroes failings. Valve is the one fucking up here.

9 years ago

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Geez, the jackasses are real today, aren't they?

9 years ago

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What, because I'm not busy sucking gabes dick? With you fanboys its always someone else's fault, you're precious valve could NEVER be negligent... give me a break.... roll over so that valve can stomp on the other side of your face while you say 'thank you, here, have more of my money'. You lot and your blind ignorant devotion to valve.... you're pathetic.

9 years ago

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Why are you using such horrible language and being insulting? People are free to guess whatever they want as the reason for the breakdown. It's really not a reason to be so very rude to people.

9 years ago

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I know, right?

9 years ago

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I do understand your reaction, being attaked because someone misinterpreted your words is never nice. Though, let's be honest, being called a jackass isn't a good feeling either and usually does provoke one further ;)

9 years ago

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Luxy is everyone's mother

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Happy New year, gurl :p

Your kitchen misses you

9 years ago

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Happy new year, sweetie <3

I miss you guys too :)

9 years ago

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hey, hes the one that called me a jackass for pointing out what a ridiculous fanboy he is for rabidly defending valve and refusing to accept that they screwed up. He's the one who started with the horrible language... its pathetic to have people like him standing up and refusing to hold valve accountable for their total lack of regard for our private information... its like in his eyes valve can do no wrong, and i make no apologies for calling him out on that bs. If EA pulled this crap, people like him would rip into them... but when valve does it? he plugs his ears and yells from the rooftops how its everyone elses fault other than his precious gabe.

Valve fucked up, and i have no idea why you would defend people who say that its not valves fault...

9 years ago*

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I think you misinterpreted his words and acted rather harshly.

I don't see any of his assumptions as defense of Valve. He just came to the same conclusion, as did I, and reacted to it. I too at first thought it was a hacker attack, as did many people, because of the articles that were going around the web and what people were weriting here on several threads. And it has nothing to do with any kind of fanboyism. I am just not highly educated in computer sciences and I do not know how a server reacts under which conditions so I can only rely on what others, more knowledgable on the topic, tell me. My expertise lies in a couple of different areas and there's no shame to it. I'm guessing the case is quite similar with him.

Do I have any emotional attachments to Valve, EA, PSN or any other company? Not in the slightest. I care more deeply about H&M xD

I'm sure you're really quite a lovely person and your overreaction has more to do with the day you were having and the anger about your personal info leaking out than anything else (and trust me, I'm not at all happy about that either), but lashing out at people is really not the answer.

Also, even if he, or anyone else, does deeply love Valve or any other company and feels the need to jump to their defense, it's their business and getting upset about it does absolutely no good for you. Think of yourself first and do yourself a favour by not reacting to it. This is the internet and arguing won't do anyone any good or make the slightest bit of difference. You'll just get upset over a person, or things, that don't really matter to you and that just doesn't make sense, does it? :)

As for the vocabulary, even if you want to speak up and disagree, you can do so and still remain polite. No one will think lesser of you for keeping things civil. If anything, people will respect your opinions and you as a person more.

Again, I'm sure you're a cool guy and it's just that this situation got the better of you :)
And remember, saying sorry is not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of self-growth <3

9 years ago

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No, trust me - you're the only one around here who's pathetic. I never defended Valve against anything, all I did was ask what reason hackers might have for attacking Steam, basing my assumptions on what I read in multiple articles and forums yesterday. Meanwhile you take the time to become comically enraged, hurling profanity, sexual slurs and insults at a complete stranger who didn't even do what you're accusing him of. I think you need to take a long, hard look at yourself, your life, and how you conduct yourself with other people, and I would suggest you make some real changes. But that's as far as you concern me - you're really not worth any more of my time.

9 years ago

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The hell are you talking about. you're blaming a ddos for valve screwing up. You're trying to shift the blame, you refuse to accept that its not hackers that caused this. You're the poster-boy for the typical disillusion valve fan-boy who refuses to believe that valve could possibly 'fail'. But hey.. keep on believing in your saint gabe, and trying to distract away from your pathetic cheerleading.

9 years ago*

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lots of useless people around.

9 years ago

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It's not DDoS, it would display a 4xx error then. It is the usual Valve servers cannot coping with themselves error we always get when they put more than a couple hundred indie games on sale.
As for your question: last year they had a message of people should hang around less online and spend the holidays with families. This year their short-lived atack had the message of "we are totally serious hackerz (with a z, biatches!) because we know how to hire a botnet for lulz".

9 years ago

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I'm assuming they're doing security maintenance on the community servers. Nothing bad.

9 years ago

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steam works fine for me

9 years ago

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try to enter your inventory.

9 years ago

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Yeah I thought it works fine too......until I tried to enter inventory xD

9 years ago

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again? What the hell is doing this guy for protect us? we are scare too...

View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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Steam is always lagging and glitching, so this is nothing wrong)

9 years ago

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logged in to paypal this morning, got a warning that someone tried logging into my account from somewhere in Pennsylvania. go change your passwords

9 years ago

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I just want to clear my 56 notifications :/ That's all I ask, Steam! C'mon!

9 years ago

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all works fine but only games prices now are free demo...

9 years ago

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Pc gaming at its best...

9 years ago

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haha it happens all the years at psn, don't panic XD

9 years ago

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Two times in a year on Psn and every day on steam... Steam still has so much too improve

9 years ago

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Every day? That statement is clearly based in your fanboysim because this is the first time in months that Steam has problems, at least for me.
Anyway, yes, Steam needs to improve a lot of things.
Just curious, I assume you don't like PC gaming that much, so, what are you even doing here?

9 years ago

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No problems in months? You clearly dont use steam much. I use psn and steam every day, and steam gets unusable at least 3x time more

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago*

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As someone else who uses both, you're all ****s

Steam has downtime and some security problems.
PSN has downtime and some security problems.

Also, be careful about some of the articles you take as truth, they aren't always accurate. Remember, they are there to make money through advert hits.

Calling one #### a fan boy while being a %%%%ing fanboy yourself doesn't help your 'arguement'.

Seriously, Steam has had several lengthy periods of downtime, and may I remind you of that time anyone could bypass SteamGuard earlier this year?

9 years ago

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all what!?


9 years ago

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1 Across - Four letter word for female genitalia.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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that's a 5 letter word you're thinking.. there's even a movie with Ashton Kutcher (or howhever it's spelled) where he mets his GF mother and she insists in him calling her that way... guy repeats it perplexed :P

9 years ago

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hahahaha! wasn't it a common word for certain type of people or a almost-slang for others of certain region or country? XD

also, Delta, you're pretty good at crosswords games, I love them too :D

9 years ago

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