hmm didn't know that.I heard they had better deals than steam but i didn't know they sell at higher prices.Btw playfire is somekind of pay service?
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They had better deals when they were on USDs but then later they switched to steam's USD=EUR.
And playfire is their social thingie. You make an account and link it to steam and it shows your achievements and stuff and they give you store credit rewards for getting selected achievements.
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Ah ty for the info.I almost rushed to checkout before.Good thing that i noticed something odd about the price btw there are some games that you can get some good deals dough.For example Overlord complete pack has same base price as steam but with 75% and voucher on gmg u cant get it for cheaper.Have check their store for more possible deals
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You're kidding right? Almost all games are cheaper on GMG than Steam.. they match Steam prices and have a 20% voucher on top of it in many cases.
For example one of the most popular deals yesterday was MGS Ground Zeroes.. it's the same price on GMG with a 20% off coupon on top of the sale price..
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dough i misread the curency at first,It seems i wasn't completely wrong about the base pice witch is still more not by 10 euros but by 2.83 euros.But i suppose 20% makes the difference for a little
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I think they've improved since they've stopped giving away so much free credit via Playfire. When all the rewards were going strong the coupons started to get minimum spend restrictions. They were often of a lesser value too, at 15% or so and some of the time there were no coupons at all. It's only since they've reeled Playfire in that 20% coupons or better on almost everything is back.
The Playfire thing pissed me off I was a customer of theirs pre-Playfire and it was as though those who actually spent money before with them were now subsidising the rewards scheme for loads of kids using SAM. We were being asked to pay more for games if using cash.
They are getting back to where they were over 12 months as far as I'm concerned and it's good to see. My currency is and always was GBP if that makes a difference.
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Yeah guys sry about that my eyes are bearly open so sry about the stupid questions.Dough im not used to this site from what i can tell it has simular sale as steam dailes and those that last 2 days.So how do i see the timer when they expire and also do they rotate as steam sales after the first sale has passed or should i buy now if i see good offer.
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There is no timer. I'm not positve on when they change their deals, I think it's usually a couple of hours before Steam do but don't bank on this info being correct.
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I thought they banned a lot of people who used SAM for the rewards.
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They did, but I'm sure they didn't catch everyone. I was being a bit hyerbolic there as well. :p Another way of putting was that it felt like they were trying so hard to recruit new customers that they forgot about the ones they already had.
Before th awards started up big you'd get a £20 game with 75% off making it £5 then with 20% off voucher on top it would be £4. That would be quite common. When the awards were at their peak you'd be lucky to get a 15% off voucher making it £4.25, but then they'd say that minimum spend was £10 to be able to use the voucher so the game would cost you £5 if you wanted it and nothing else at the same time. You could earn £1 in credit from the rewards to make up the difference but that would take time and effort. Much prefer to just spend £4 instead of £4 + £1 store credit, taking however long it took to earn that £1 with achievements.
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More shops don't update the prices of various titles. It just happens.
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The Evil Within is sooo much cheaper on GMG now than on Steam, for example.
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Currently Half-Life Complete is half as much as it is on Steam. (Get it? Half?)
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Must be only with Euros. The prices in US Dollars is the exact same.
39.99 on both sites.
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Yeah it seems i got destracted a bit.I actually misread that the currency is in USD instead of EUR.Damn old steam habits die hard or i just need more coffee.DAMN it i'm blind as a bat how could i have not checked that
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I'm actually psyched about this week's playfire rewards... for once, considering i still have 4€+ on GMG credit. :)
I've got the 2 of Tomb Raider, i'm pretty sure if i log into the game and what not it will backtrack and if not, support has been kinda swift in the past, so...
And they just gave me reason to get Bastion out of my backlog all the way to my "To Play Now" list. :)
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Quite a few of the games on GMG winter sale are the same price as Steam, plus there is a 20% voucher on top of that. Don't know how that means more expensive.
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I never actually took a stab at the original question despite posting a couple of times already. It depends, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. :p
Don't judge me, but I was thinking of getting a route add-on for Train Simulator + a loco. £13.99 for the package on Steam. I can buy them seperately on GMG for £12.49 and £2.49. Using the voucher makes it £12 and I save £1.99.
I'm sure there are lots of examples where Steam is cheaper too. One game might also be cheaper on GMG for me in the UK and at the same time be cheaper on Steam for someone in mainland Europe or the USA because of regional pricing and vice versa.
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For a lot of games GMG base prices are in fact actually more expensive not much but for few euros.But with discounts and the coupon u will make it cheaper than steam even on steam is actually 75% off.And no one is judging you about game choice everyone wants difrient games :)
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if you are not in US region - yes, it's almost always more expensive.
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Well i'm put in UK region though I'm in EU2 so I get UK prices and often at least for AAA games its much cheaper to get it from GMG than steam.
Example: A week ago manage to grab Shadow of Mordor for 20euros(16 Pounds) with voucher from GMG which is 60% off.
For cheaper games you may want to do a little bit more math to see is it worth it or not.
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Some things are cheaper, Valkirye Chronicles for instance. It is 15€ on Steam and when I apply discount code and convert it from dollars it is about 9€ for the game, almost half price.
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So i was checking GMG i (haven't bought anything yet from that site) and i noticed that some games base prices(without discounts) cost more than the same games on steam.For example is Skyrim Legendary edition 29.99 euros Steam and 39.99 on gmg witch is 10 euros more.I don't have experience with that site and beside humble bundle and steam i haven't bought anything from elsewhere.Is this bug or they have diffrent policy when it comes to region pricing that i'm not aware of.I compared couple of more games that i'm interested and that i already own.I was the same story 5-10 euros more,only one or 2 had the same price as steam.
EDIT:I made mistake reading that the currency is in fact in USD instead of EUR.Yeah sry about that silly me i guess i got too used on steam that i presume that every site uses the same currency :)
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