There is no punishment per se, but the deleted one counts against the number of open giveaways they can have at any one time afaik.
So if someone makes 3 giveaways (or a 3 copy giveaway) and deletes them, they won't be able to make any more giveaways and will have to ask support to help them.
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I should probably have mentioned that, but I was going with the 'trolling-for-the-sake-of-trolling' example where the person would create the giveaways and delete them without giving away anything.
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I don't think that word means what you think it means.
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No there isn't any sense in making and deleting a giveaway to troll people, but what happens if the creator made the giveaway by mistake? Would you still call that trolling - perhaps that's what happened here?
As I said, there is no strict punishment - its more of an inconvenience to yourself if you do delete too many giveaways as it uses up your slots for giveaways. I also guess if you create and delete too many giveaways and lock up all your slots ask for them to be unlocked and do it again, support is going to give you a suspension
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Believe me, the giveaway I'm talking about has NOTHING to do with mistakes. The ppl who had time to see it can confirm this. It wasn't looking as a mistake at all.
Also, when happens you make a mistaken giveaway, the description is the only thing you can still modify, as I also applied more details on my description during a running giveaway.
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I know what you're talking about - but again - it didn't take a genius to see that it looked fishy :> plus - such a cases should be simply reported to support and they will punish a guy. There's no point of creating this toppic. And you're getting angry comments not because people believe it's ok to make fake GAs, but because you're overreacting and QQing about your "precious points" - what is an attitude most of community dislike ;P
The thing is that fake GAs are far less often than people making simple mistakes and thus deleting their GAs. So better option is to report single fake ones to support and let everyone else delete "freely", because other way it would be much more problematic - instead of solving one ticket of fake GA you would have to solve 49 tickets of ppl who made simple error so wanted to delete their GA.
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And? I think I too entered into the giveaway (despite my suspicions that it was fake - I had points to burn), and yes if it is the one I think it was it did look legitimate.
But then again, why would anyone go to the lengths of writing out a nice description only to delete the giveaway a few hours later? A typical troll would have made the giveaway with no description and left it at that and then deleted it.
I'm of the opinion: innocent until proven guilty so the creator may have made it as a mistake (may have thought he could buy the game(s) and then found it wasn't available after creating the giveaway?)
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Also left it open for 2 days, but only deleted it right before ending.
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The "punishment" is, that a deleted giveaway counts towards the maximum number of open giveaways you can have.
So worst case: You get trolled 3 times by one account, then he can't create any more giveaways (at least until he contacted support, explained the situation and has his maximum number of open giveaways increased manually).
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Well, the case I'm talking I didn't like it.
It wasn't a normal give away, it was requiring a huge loads of points, maybe someone here already got it what I am talking about.
For 1 whole evening I wasn't able to enter giveaways to cumulate all those points, then today I found he removed it, after he had trolled more 4000 persons like me. Yes, you get back the points, but if you have already the max you lose them, and meanwhile you cumulate them you also lose the REAL giveaways.
This is not an appreciated behavior and I saw mods here punishing for lot less.. Why shouldn't we be allowed to report him so?
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Oh no, you lose some points. No big deal...and be more careful about what you enter then, if you worry about points so much.
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Well, it could also happen that a stranger shoots you in the face. Of course, the stranger only could do this a limited amount of times before beeing punished, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen. You can only hope that the imminent punishment is big enough for most people to not shoot you
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Oh bullocks, I think I know what giveaway you're talking about. Now I know why I had so many points this morning, beside bundles.
Btw, I think that advertising YT channels/other webpages and not providing the game after giveaway should be a bannable offence.
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Why would a fake giveaway that requires many points to enter be punished more then fake giveaway that requires less points. Its still a fake giveaway, it doesn't make any sense. You should probably get a compensation for being cheated on a site that gives you stuff for free! Report him if you want, you would just be clogging the mods with useless reports
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Ofc it's stupid that people will troll people with fake giveaways but these are just a small percentage of all giveaways and most of the time pretty obvious like the giveaway I think you are talking about (Bethesda Collection - 2pcs, wasn't on sale in the last time, the creator was pretty new and he haven't got any Bethesda Game in his Steam and/or inventory). And to call this "disturbing" is kinda exaggerated imo...
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A beggar is more disturbing? and yet exists a rule that ppl must respect, I am right? Why should someone be allowed to make fun of others so freely then?
Imagine if this small percentage becomes a big percentage.....
(It was 3pcs, but I didn't name anybody, I was discussing the pointless action he did, whoever he could be.. If I start inspecting every person making giveaways here I'll need the whole day to do it...)
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Considering a single case you have a point with the begging, but when it would be allowed the forum would be flooded with people begging for games - it would severely harm the community. Deleting a fake giveaway on the other hand will get you your points back and will punish the creator so that he can make less giveaways. There is just no way this will be a common thing since it leaves a bad spot on your profile (I hate myself that I had to delete a giveaway because I chose the wrong game ;_;).
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Well.. that's the reason I am always carefull and read 3x times the giveaway before posting it....
But this one wasn't a mistake. One can't simply enter the page, put such game or pack, set it as 3 pieces, and set in it's description it was his bday by mistake.......
And I know multiple beggars would be an issue, as multiple troll would be in the end...
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"If I start inspecting every person making giveaways here I'll need the whole day to do it.."
If the giveaway looks too good to be true (i.e. 3 copies of Bethesda Collection / any Call of Duty etc.) take a few seconds to look at their SG profile - if they have been registered here for a while and/or have other giveaways marked as recieve, go ahead and enter. If not, look at their Steam profile - not many games / don't own the game / have the game in their wishlist, think whether it's worth entering.
If you then enter, don't come crying in the forums if it is fake and you don't receive if you won or if it gets deleted.
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Exactly. It could well be real despite having the looking fake. In that respect, it's up to you. Do you gamble on it being real? Do you pass it by on the off chance it is fake and then regret it if it turns out real?
I'd do the latter of the 2 so that the green win banner is more likely to be for one I think is real rather than one that might have been fake and turned out to be fake. I know I've passed up the chance on at least 3 giveaways that I thought were fake and turned out to be real (which is a shame, but I can live).
It's called strategical entering.
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Why should someone bother? Why shouldn't a netiquette exist instead as for any other thing?
Ok is free stuff, that means the website should look less serious because of this kind of persons? I mean, it's still time we're here, almost everyone ends up gifting, not just winning...
These are still black sheeps that shouldn't be found by anybody...
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"Why should someone bother?"
You don't have to bother, it's just you'll get almost no sympathy in the forums if you do enter giveaways that look suspiscious / get deleted and come crying about it 'because you couldn't be bothered to check if it was likely to be legitimate' which is what it sounds like from your reply.
"Why shouldn't a netiquette exist instead as for any other thing?"
There is an etiquette: Don't be a dick. That's general life etiquette, but as far as this site is concerned being a dick is stuff like fake giveaways that end, trolling the forums, crying in the forums about not winning / fake giveaways / forum trolls.
I don't understand the rest of your post. Sorry.
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The fact is that it didn't look suspicious to me.. I didn't realize this was allowed untill it actually happened, always tought the opposite until then.. Now I know everyone is allowed to do that and I am more aware of the risk.
If you re-read the original post, I wasn't blaming but asking infos about, because when I made a giveaway the site warned me of the risk of getting a bad feedback, but as far as I saw ppl who breaks this warning doesn't get a bad feedback if they delete the giveaway right before it's closure.
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The guy had 100% received on 2 games, stated in the description that it was his birthday and he traded his TF2 inventory to buy the games.
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First giveaway I'm guessing was deleted because he tried listing an old humble bundle as Psyconauts. Or just didnt understand how the site worked because it was created the same time he joined the site.
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What is it with all you stupid people coming here and insulting the OP when he is bringing up a perfectly valid point.
Why do you not take your hatred against the people that make troll giveaways? OP is right, it should be a punishable offense leading to a permanent ban if done repeatedly. I don't recall people in MP videogames trolling the team for example in MOBA games when feeding or in TDM shooters when idling or helping the enemy team to be ignored and the people that ask for a ban for those trollers to be flamed?
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For those times, you report the giveaway and let support handle it. Whoever's unlucky enough to win it can mark it not received and send in a support ticket. Some users I've seen get suspended over empty giveaways, so it's not as if it's a gaping hole.
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There is the incredibly small chance that the giveaway creator was going to give away the games so unless you have any proof that he deliberately made this giveaway without the intention of ever giving away the games it is "innocent until proven guilty".
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It might have been made as a mistake i.e. creator thought he could buy the gifts, made the giveaway then found he couldn't actually buy the gifts.
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The ones he was giving, I really doubt it. Unless you live in a bank..... You could have either got them during the sales (and still spending a bit, coz it was a 3 pcs) or else the deal was much bigger... As dragon said (so it is not just me, everyone who saw that one)
"I think I know which giveaway tc was talking about and it's pretty disappointing considering the giveaway creator wrote in giveaway description making you think it was legit."
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That's my point, he may thought he could buy the Bethesda Collection* (he may be rich, enough for all you know) created the giveaways then tried to buy and couldn't buy them in the Steam store where they are / can't buy it outside of sale season. And so he did the correct thing and deleted the giveaway.
*Fuck it, I'm going to say it. Yes I think it may have been a 3x Bethesda Collection but have no idea if it was or wasn't.
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And? He might have got lucky / might have been rich enough to afford $510 and then found out that you can't buy Bethesda Collection outside the sale season.
Innocent until proven guilty I say, and I have yet to see anything saying he is guilty of deliberately trolling rather than making a mistake.
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If he was really trolling...
Do you really think he will ever tell you?
Would an assassin tell you he killed or not someone?
There's no actually way to prove that, but if I did something for mistake I would put a sorry in the description first, and then think about deleting it after a bit of time (before the end ofc)... Or even put an excuse topic in here, since there were 4000+ ppl inside...
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I wasn't meaning that they'd tell you they were trolling, just that they wouldn't put anything there at all.
If I had made a big mistake (or if you had judging by this topic) I'd have put a 'Sorry' in as you say (or made a forum topic apologising, with possibly a small apology giveaway). Some people don't care about other people's feelings enough to say sorry for their own mistake. Other people might delete the giveaway then think that maybe they should have apologised.
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OP is pissed because he could have been using the points to enter other giveaways instead of one that got deleted and now he has missed them.
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Making a fake giveaway does not automatically mean "making fun of people".
4000 entries and at least some knew that it couldn't be real, but they were willing to throw virtual points to see if it was. Turns out, it wasn't and they've received their points back due to the GA being deleted. I've seen cheaper giveaways not being deleted and the unfortunate winners having to mark as not received. In those cases, no points were returned.
Making a fake giveaway does not constitute as 'trolling'. Trolling on the forum is punishable as 'inappropriate behaviour'.
You telling us that the giveaway creator was 'trolling' by blindly applying your assumptions of their intentions is also misleading. Unless you have evidence that the giveaway creator did intend on trolling, then you are purporting fake facts. Isn't that also "trolling", to an extent?
Not that I'd think your definition of 'trolling' would hold water anywhere.
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And until that person comes forward or provides evidence that they were in fact trolling, your argument hinges on your own assumptions.
Chill. Making a fake giveaway for a video game is one of the lesser offenses one can commit on the internet.
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Then why did you enter in the first place if it was plain to see that it's a troll giveaway?
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You are looking on the internet wrong then if you think everyone respects everyone else. It's pretty much the exact opposite. People don't trust each other (and rightly so), people don't respect or care about others.
It's just human nature, everywhere you go you'll find people who don't give a fuck about anyone else. The internet is worse for it because of the anonymity in a username. I'm sorry the creator doesn't live by your views on respect, but it is the way it is.
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That was a reference for The Matrix Movie,where Morpheus gives the choice for Neo to see the real world OR continue in the fantasy world
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I got the reference to the Matrix - i.e. the pills - (despite having not seen the film) but failed to see the relevance to the topic.
Now you've explained that it's to do with 2 worlds, I understand. You are saying OP is living in the fantasy world where everyone is perfect and respects everyone, and I was letting him know that it isn't so in reality.
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Why so serious? :P
YES, my reference was to you and OP. Exactly this part...
"It's just human nature, everywhere ...... is the way it is."
Where you explain the OP about real world instead of happy ending one with everyone is a winner.. Get
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Dammit, my brother's playing tricks on you guys. I am sad :(
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We give users the option to delete their open giveaways since it's a convenient tool to have available. Users occasionally create giveaways that need to be deleted for one reason or another, and allowing users to handle this on their own is extremely useful. Yes, someone could potentially create a giveaway to troll, and delete it at the last second, but then again, they could just as easily create a fake giveaway and not send the gift. Deleted giveaways count against the number of giveaways a user is able to create, and they'll be automatically locked out if they attempt to troll the community. Points are returned to users when a giveaway is deleted.
Gifts not received have been declining over the past two years. In recent months, 99.5% of giveaways are either received or awaiting reply. That means only 0.5% of giveaways are not received as of late. I'd much rather give users the freedom to delete their own giveaways, and create them without being reviewed, instead of creating more restrictions to try and bring that number down a fraction of a percent.
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Hi cg, thank you for the answer, wanted to write you days ago, about something which happened to me, but wasn't able to because I didn't know how to contact you...
I'm not bothered by a normal giveaway even being a troll one.. But this one is a special case and pissed off a large amount of ppl. As many here said, and also you said, deleting giveaways influences the max they can open, but this can be easly fixed by a moderator.. Lets suppose I delete 3 giveaways, 2 of them were real mistakes, while 1 was a community harassing.. I get blocked, and I catch a mod to let him unblock my account for more giveaways... Who would suspect one of those was actually made with bad intenctions? I will get more giveaways rooms (I could even use them for more troll giveaways and nobody could expect) and my feedback would be untouched..
The difference from empty giveaways and deleted ones is that the first leaves a sign on your profile which cannot be removed in any way, the second only puts a limit which can be removed any moment if the user is smart enough to convince the moderators... So they can't be definitively blocked or punished...
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Mods won't give you more slots if you were purposely trolling/creating fake giveaways, you have to have a proper reason.
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honestly - the problem you are talking about here - like purposely lying, talking with support (which also requires time, waiting for answers etc) just to make another troll GA and get locked right away is such a small fraction it's not even worth bothering with. You want to punish whole community, because 0.5% may do something wrong out of which maybe 0.05% will even bother unlocking this one extra slot?
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And if you some how talk them into giving you slots / lie to get them opened then use those extra slots to troll I'd hope you'd be writing your own one way ticket out of SG.
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Why not? They'll see that you've had 3 deleted giveaways and given excuses for them in Support forum posts and then had extra ones opened up they'll probably kick you out (or at least not give you any more slots) if you then delete that extra ones.
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Yes, it's possible someone could create three fake giveaways, convince a moderator to allow them a second chance, and then not send those new gifts as well. It's unlikely, and if it does happen they can't continue to repeat the same process, so I can't see this becoming an issue.
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That if you find the person deleted the most of them... he could anyway hide by just making a troll giveaway every tot normal giveaways...
"Stealing and then Donating to poor doesn't make me less thief than I am"
I am still acting bad even if I'm also acting good... but can't be proven as there's no way to stop the behavior..
Thanks for your explaination anyway.
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It works just fine. There's nothing to worry about those "trolling" giveaways. Life goes on.
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OMG, honestly... just stop this QQing please... I even wanted to defend you in one place, but you just keep going and going with the same thing - even after CG gave his opinion you still write the same thing over and over... OK - You got unlucky, got tricked. Still lost nothing (even less nothing than nothing if GA ended as fake, while you would lose this 150p, or if you won it and never received a game). It happens. It's unusual, but it happens. The case you're now bragging about (continuous unlocking spots by a mod) is even less likely. Theres ABSOLUTELY NO POINT in punishing whole community by some ultra-restrictive systems just to protect this community from ULTRA-UNLIKELY cases like this.
You wanted to win this GA? Too bad for you, I may even feel a little sorry for you, but you feeling bad about something is no reason to request punishing whole community. So just stop. Go for a walk, let points accumulate, enter more GAs, win more GAs and you will forget about thois one soon enough. And we will all live happily ever after. :>
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Actually it's just chatting for me.. xD
and yet i know I talk a lot, it's one of my flaw, lets say?
But still not insulting anybody, and wasn't me to firstly name the giveaway/person I was referring to, as I only wanted to discuss the point.. XD
I Don't care too much of the game itself, not like I surely won it, was pointing out some things, without pointing nor to cg nor anybody else, also comparing it to a situation happened to me before in which I was punished and many persons said I didn't deserved...
If this giveaway was never arrived under my eyes yesterday I'll be now keep thinking this wasn't allowed, and that's why I firstly asked infos, then the hatred didn't start from me, did it? So if you (not meaning you personally) attack me personally for my thought or my wonders, expect to see me defending myself.
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And you got answer from cg himself. So what's the point of keeping it on. System is as it is. It's the best it can be - still able to punish most of offenders, while not punishing normal users. It will not change. No matter how much you will post your same silly arguments over and over again. ;p
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if this giveaway was never arrived under my eyes yesterday I'll be now keep thinking this wasn't allowed it's not allowed to create consciously fake GiveAways - it's simply tracked manually by mods and community via reports. It's simply is not such a big of a case to creating a restrictive system which would punish whole community as well as these 0.0X%.
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Hard to even manually track, and I think reports for this case are still useless spam, probably many actually only reported this guy, I prefered to open a discussion and understand better how it was working, but I WON'T personally report him... I will still be checking much more carefully giveways I enter from now (when I have time to do so, because I don't come here often), conscious that I might find ppl behaving this way.
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When I made my giveaway I read to do it carefully since once published I couldn't go back, and deleting during it's duration could be punishable...
Since when troll giveaways are allowed then? Now someone can just put a nice giveaway, make enter lots of ppl and then remove it as nothing? And don't even get punished? I don't feel like someone should be allowed to do so, I think it's not respect, imagine if everyone does that.
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