Hey there,

I just realized that anybody could be giving away exploited keys/gifts, and there is no way to tell until it's too late. What's happening in such situations? Does Steam just ban you for taking exploited keys?


11 years ago*

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The game is removed from your library.

11 years ago

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Oh that's all? Thank god. I'm looking for some official steam page saying anything about the matter, but to no avail.

11 years ago

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And if you traded for it through the steam trading system, I'm relatively certain that you can get your stuff back if you contact them. I'm not certain about this, though.

11 years ago

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well you cant trade keys through the trading system, so valve wont reverse any key trades (even if the key is posted in the trade 'chat').

11 years ago

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Right, I was more thinking if they got a gift copy via a stolen account or credit card.

11 years ago

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what other guy said is true, valve doesnt shut down accounts for exploited keys, just removes em, so theres no worry.

11 years ago

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It seems unlikely that someone would exploit a key/gift to give it away here, where's the profit in it? But it does make me wonder if this happened, then down the line someone could report you (the winner of an exploit key) for not having activated one of your wins.

11 years ago

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I'm sure everything could be sorted out if you contact support. It isn't that hard to hide a won giveaway from someone's profile if it seems that way. Besides, some people here are nice enough to just buy the person the game if something bad happens since it isn't often it does.

11 years ago

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I think if the game were removed you would just change it on your giveaways won page from received to not received. I would assume situations like that are the reason it's even possible to change it after you mark it. It might be a good idea to give support a heads-up about it first, though I don't really know.

11 years ago

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Aliens will kidnap you

11 years ago

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Steam don't want you to trade keys.

That's why you can't find any support from them ;)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by bnvdarklord.