Not a complete loss, he got WaW which i'd say was pretty good.
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Kids are everywhere nowadays, idk wtf you're talking about, but PC would most likely have less kids since they don't know shit about their PC, whereas any dumbass can get a console
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Did I every say it's bad? I only linked to Metacritic with the words "meanwhile, over at metacritic..."
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MW3 was quiet fun, indeed MW2 was better.
MW3 had just lame players.. campers, kids crying everywhere, XxX360ScopezXxX that fail all the time, boosters and Akimbo and tube users and Infinity Wards didn't give a shit, also maps in mw3 ain't that good.
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Why do the kids love Call of Duty?
And what do you guys think?
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I'll take it for him, don't worry it won't go to waste ;D
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Could be worse, he could have had multiple monitors...
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fail. digital deluxe edition is more expensive. if you had bought both extra you had saved 10 bucks :D
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Where have you been living? Every cod has been like this. As in the absurd DLC pricing.
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Well of course, being a business that is surely understandable. But you also can't really blame people who look down upon what some 'big' game titles like this often represent. Namely,
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Just had this discussion with a friend the other day, actually.
Game developers always want to chase their vision, but not always able to. At the end of the day, you can only make what will actually put food on the table, so you can continue chasing your dreams instead of flipping burgers 40hrs a week while making minimal progress on the games you envision. This is why you often see reputable game developers put out a shitty licensed title or cheap iOS gimmick from time to time.
What some publishers do is certainly deplorable, but their success is entirely based on the money they keep bringing in. People who continue buying into these practices are the enablers. You cannot deny the immense market force that Call of Duty has, thanks to the millions of copies that sell year after year.
Indie games and Kickstarter is certainly a savior of creativity in the gaming market, though. Because of this, I find no reason to complain about the current state of gaming. I have hundreds of games that offer very interesting and challenging concepts that will keep me busy for years to come. Then there are countless gems that were released over the years, just waiting for me to uncover.
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Yeah...I played Call of Duty when it first came out and have bought & played every subsequent game up to and including Black Ops. MW was ok, MW2 was...meh, everything after is...well. I'm not buying Black Ops 2. I won't rag on some kid about how much it sucks, but at the same time I don't mind telling people why I don't intend on buying a CoD game on release day or at full price as long as I live.
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All the fuck faces hating on the haters without having played it and only because they're call of duty fanboys.
Besides all the CoD games have been the same since CoD 4 and WaW and are great at what they're supposed to be, mindless cash cows.
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Exactly, little kids think that they are better than MYTHICAL fanboys (never met any of them), so they must whine all the time, on every forum, chat etc. You guys are the cancer of Call of Duty and you keep talking about it all the time. I've even seen many times, that people were accusing others of playing CoD (sic), WTF!
PS I played CoD 1 - it was very good, CoD WaW - boring, but multiplayer was fun, MW2 - very good campaign and my first game, that was like a movie.
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cant hate on a game before playing it, but after all of the cods that have came, i dont expect very well reception.
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My 360 version will be here tomorrow...hoping for the best. Congrats on your keyception.
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Congratulations, you just wasted a lot of money on pile of crap. Have nice day!
EDIT: To the people raging here my post should be like:
Congratulations, I think that you just wasted a lot of money on pile of crap, but hey, that's just my opinion. Have nice day, enjoy your game!
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You seriously expect some extreme changes in that game? There still will be killstreaks with overpowered bonuses, community is filled with 13 year old kids raging about other people killing them. And there is like 95% chance, that single player will be terrible unless they came up with some revolutionary solution to its linear campaign.
Also are you aware of something called "personal opinion"? If he will have fun with it, it's great. I only said that game is crap FOR ME, not for everyone in the world.
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I'm really far away to trolling here. Reread my first post to this topic, should be clearer to you now.
Cod for me never was and never will be good (except like first 2 games). It's produced for mass, people are buying it, because this game got good marketing campaign and if they don't they won't be able to play it with other people (lots will go from MW3 to BO2, first one will loose players).
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I play lots lots of different genres of games, both indie and AAA. I can safely say that COD is not even close to the bad games I've played simply because it's a quality experience. You can't deny that even for a second. I've played bad games, and COD always manages to impress me each year (no matter how short the single player is). I pay for a decent cinematic experience and multiplayer that is well thought out and just "fun" to play, COD gives me both of those.
The fact that a game can break "entertainment records" due to marketing alone is ridiculous. It would have fizzled out by now. COD has a fanbase that consists of so many people, and it grows clearly every year (based on records being broken). Everyone complains about 13 yo kids, well I'm fairly certain kids aren't the only people playing COD based on the crazy amount of copies sold.
COD is not my favourite series by any means, but I do really like it. The fact that Activision are assholes and COD is so popular gives people a reason to pick it apart and hate on it. I just wish people would be more impartial when judging a game.
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Comparing ponies by color is like comparing people by hair length (he is cool, he has long hair, but this one is bald and bad and ugly), or FPS by in-game graphic (hey, COD:BO2 is better than Borderlands because it looks more realistic). Next time use adult arguments.
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OP is looking forward to playing a game he was exited for.
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I just gave a single sorry FUCK for that attention starving douche :D How about you guys?
Edit: changed f@ck to FUCK for adamofbutthurt
Yeah i still wonder how i managed to play Atari 2600 games at the age of -14.
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instead of telling people to learn to meme... you should probably learn English a bit better... just saying as i believe "L2meme" is not a word... it should be "Learn 2 meme"... secondly, if you like the whole "meme" thing you get classed as a "newfag" anyway so get over it dude... i have been told I'm cancerous due to the things i like and I'm proud of it...
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lol, >30 year olds scared to swear on the internet.
[EDIT] Well done pee-wee, well done. :P
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Congratulations! :) I hope you have a ton of fun with it.
I haven't really gotten into the series, but I do have friends who like it. I see several of 'em on Steam and Xbox live playing this pretty much all the time. lol
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congrats :) sadly call of duty games are very expensive for my wallet. hell even black ops 1 its in the same price for two years. :/ i guess im gonna play those games 10 years later :/ that's sad....
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This thread is a perfect indictment of everything that is wrong with this community. So the kid is happy about a game that he likes. That's great for him. I hope he enjoys the hell out of it.
If you don't like the games, move along. There's no need to dump on him.
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I agree 100%. There are far too many haters on this site. I mean, I could understand all of it if Khser was spamming or being a douchebag, but they're just happy to have their new game and want to share their joy with everyone. u_u
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This is what the game looks like on the highest settings. Gameplay's just as bad as the other entries. Solid 3/10, get a refund pls.
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Nuclear Dawn is fun, why you no like it? beisdes it's nothing like COD.
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And i am quite happy :D How about you guys?
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