Surely you didn't consider it might be your gift to win ratio or the non activated win for The Hat Man: Shadow Ward?
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I know my win to gift ratio is low. Broke as crap right now fighting the VA and real life issues, they knew that too. Still better than those people with no gifts given. Main games I have given I actually got from the Tremor website along with the majority of games on my steam account now.
And my non-activated win is over a region restricted game I got that I couldn't activate and just regifted without realizing it was against the rule. Also had another region restricted win but I managed to get that taken care since I knew the rule at the time.
And like I said, I had no issues with not being on a white list, just wondering about the blacklist.
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Please, could you teach me how to do gifs like that?
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Not saying its a good reason or not, i dont even care about what happened, but after realizing it was against the rules i think the right thing would be to buy and activate that game, which by the way is incredibly cheap
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Would you be so nice and tell me how to check if someone activated a won game? I am aware of This site but every time I try to use it I got
Not Found
The requested URL /nonactivated/Fugus/ was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80
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just install this userscript, it adds the links to the left sidebar.
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if you use greasemonkey there's this handy script, it adds the links on the user's profile :3
edit: ninja'd D:
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You have to fill out both info boxes, SteamGifts Username ans Steam Vanity name/ id
Without vanity
With vanity
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If I check my profile it puts all my wins in red (non activated I guess ?, but I activated them and even played 3 of them (didn't have time to play the last one I won yet).
So if people black list users upon this site... I guess I'm on a lot of black list. :|
I'm not sure if I care, I'll still giveaway my spare keys anyway, but heh.
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Try with your Steam ID number and it is fine:
Mine does exactly the same if I use vanity name, shows all games as not activated, but with number, it works ok.
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Oh nice to know, thanks !
Anyway I think this blacklist thing is a bit silly.
I won't blacklist someone because he said thanks or not or he doesn't like cats or whatever. I don't care if the guy that wins is an jerk.
Because there is a small chance he isn't and will enjoy the game I gave away instead of seeing it rotting in my steam inventory, and that is enough for me.
Jeez.... People should learn to relax a bit !
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You don't have a Vanity name, theVanity name is the name after the id in the address, not you account name.
Like for me, It's Dk-Z
There's an option to set it in edit profile if you wan to set your own.
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Your Vanity name is the name after the id in the address, not you account name.
For you it's ark3lia,
That works fine.
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How can you tell if someone has a non activated win? O_O
Also, if it was for ratio the guy's a tool. I personally don't blacklist because of ratio...I whitelist because of good ratio. Not everyone can go around and give out games..and if someone can't get that in their skull then I kinda pity them.
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How can you tell if someone has a non activated win? O_O
I don't know if you saw it already but some kind users posted tools to check that for you just above :)
Or you can just do it manually by checking wins and steam account if you have time :)
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I don't really care, i will never let myself kiss any ass to gain something.. This is against my beliefs.
I just noticed recently, when i try to enter forum GA, it say you are blacklisted from giveaway creator :D
This is somehow funny to me, because i know exact reasons why.
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If I see I've been blacklisted I try to inquire why. Once it was for poor ratio, but I fixed my ratio so that was reversed. once me and some other user both had each other blacklisted and we couldn't remember why so we unblacklisted each other and went on our way. Once I didn't get a response so I guess I'll never know.
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There were some threads about it in the past - imho making blacklists symetrical would help a lot :)
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I would tell you if I knew lol (Cannot recall someone telling me they are blacklisting me!)
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Who knows? Some users blacklist you for breaking rules; some blacklist just for thinking you've broken rules, some blacklist you because they think your ratio/profile/giveaways/avatar/name isn't good enough or not to their liking and in the end people can and will blacklist you for just about any reason they can think up.
When you try to take part in giveaway and it's says you have been blacklisted, just blacklist back. Some call it symmetry others call it tit for tat.
I call it returning the favor.
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I noticed once a blacklist from a guy I've never talked to. I guess he has his reasons so, who cares? I blacklisted him back and moved on.
I still belief that blacklist should be both ways, if I blacklist someone I don't want to enter one of his/her giveaways by mistake. Blocking him/her from my giveaways and entering theirs feels really wrong to me. Blacklisting should be a double-edge sword.
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The whole blacklist / whitelist thing is pretty ridiculius .
Ppl blacklist you for having different opinion then them , for disliking your avatar picture ... low win ratio ... breaking the rules ( In their opinion ) ...
You know most random things ever , just BL them back and move on with it .
Actually bothering to ask why did they BL you will be only waste of time ( in most cases ) , and feeding the forum trolls potential source of new drama .
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breaking the rules ( In their opinion ) ...
Actually bothering to ask why did they BL you will be only waste of time ( in most cases )
My memory sucks
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Some people on the forum scare me, Delta thankfully not, but a good example is DownwardConcept (his avatar spooks me and his blacklist spooks me even more)
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While I hate that crap, I can honestly say that wouldn't be the reason for a blacklist. It takes breaking some rule to get on my list. Even if it was a rule in certain private giveaways. I've blacklisted a few of those people that would enter the No Wins forum giveaways despite having dozens of wins.
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Well , duno ... guess you know better since you BL me lol :)
That was the one instance i remember having any form of discussion with you , and then i checked the train ( giveaay ) you ahd there , and i was BL'ed ... so tough that was the reason ....
If it was something else , well i have no clue what it was .
Guess it was not something major if i dont remember it ....
I do remember the PCMR Incident tho , since i was like ... why ppl take it so personal all the time ? Its a joke lol ....
Figured out later on i should just avoid using that forum .
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Actually, I might remember the reason, though I could also be thinking of someone else with this (as admitted earlier, I'm forgetful, and since I couldn't mark reasons for most of my blacklist members, its hard to find out the reason for each).
I know someone I was in an argument with had followed me to another site I use, and finding a private giveaway I posted there for those users decided to post it here against my wishes.
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Alright, back to me being clueless on your crime then. Sorry.
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actually i was removed from a bl once.
and i saw other people the same... sometimes the finger is to fast to click ;)
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what the what? Was he just trolling? He's all sounding sad and apologetic then starts saying he doesn't need the games and busts out the profanity..then says how he needs the games again and people to rot? I can't tell if he was trying to get a rise out of people or just really insane.
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Been blacklisted by one person that I know of, altho I haven't a clue as too why as I've never spoke to them or even seen them before. I rarely talk here so being blacklisted is a mystery as why I have been. It doesn't bother me that I've been blacklisted people can do what they want but there are times when I'm curious especially after not knowing the person at all.
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I don't know if i'm blacklisted by anyone...I only yap on the forums...I rarely if ever join private group advertised GAs unless it's from someone I know or, since it wouldn't come up in the list of giveaways, I live in ignorance of the blacklist hammers and just pretend everyone loves me and has never blacklisted me ;P
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I don't even bother to ask why. If they blacklisted me they sure have a good reason (whether it's a good reason for me too or not is a whole different issue).
It's probably because of my ratio or because of me being asshole towards someone, does it really matter? What matters is you following the rules of the site and not being a total jerk. :)
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Ratio or attitude is the stupidest reason for blacklisting IMHO....I think you and I even had some words back and fourth at least once...(Cause, you were kind of an ass...though to be fair..So was I), and I didn't blacklist you...Same with Ratio, why blacklist cause someone doesn't give as much as you? Whitelist them if they do as a reward, but don't punish someone for what might be for reasons beyond a persons control.
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I strongly agree on this matter with you.However, if you are a total asshole towards everyone (and I of course am not talking about you personally) I'll probably blacklist you. Like there was a total jerk who was calling names the giveaways creators of the giveaways he won (I was kinda happy to see him getting permabanned). But other than these uncommon cases there is no reason, in my opinion, to blacklist someone for having a bad attitude towards someone once in a while.
As for me being a total ass towards you or anyone else, I'd like to apologize if something like that happened (I really can't remember ^.^ ).
However, it's not that difficult to happen. We are on the internet, we many times misunderstand what someone says and the way he says that. Furthermore, the opinions many times differ and as long as that happens there will be misunderstandings and fights. :)
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It depends on your definition of rude...If someone is just being rude toward me, or disagreeing or argumentative...No, I think it's stupid and actually childish to blacklist someone because they don't agree with you...or even if they don't seemingly like you. However, if it's someone like the person shown in Murks screenshots? Oh hell yea! Blacklist them...They are vulgar, disrespectful to everyone, demanding and shouldn't even be on the site.
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I've been blacklisted at least once, possibly more. The way I found out was after winning I went back to the giveaway thread to thank the giver and was greeted with the blacklist message. Could possibly be the unactivated Russian Bad Rats that I declined or my crappy ratio. It'd be pretty funny if I was blacklisted for not thanking the giver :)
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Eh! I know some people do ban non-thankers...though the ones that have done that, that I know of said in their description they were going to...also at least one person I remember posted for people not to say anything, and they were BLing all thankers. Yea, I agree it's a stupid reason, but it's their list and games I guess.
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When i find one who blacklisted me i try to post a funny coment about that. Sometimes they answer and unblacklist you because they dont know why, but sometimes they don't answer so you will never know.
Amna "Tell Me Why"
Supermode - Tell Me Why
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First time I ever had this happen before.
Browsed past a random giveaway posted by an old friend on my steam list. We never had a falling out or anything or left on bad terms. I just stopped logging on steam for a while and then noticed they were off the friends list one day.
Clicked on it just out of curiosity and thinking about entering it only to find out I was on their blacklist. No clue why, I could understand not being on a white list, but no clue about a black list. Don't anger me so much as it confuses me as to why.
Anyone else ever had that on here? And did you ever find out as to why?
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