House of Cards - great show can't wait to see the next season :-)
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At no point should any result of this election be considered winning ^^,
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After being stressed out for months, I feel immensely calm today.
A lot of people are having a bad knee-jerk reaction, but I believe this is exactly what our country has needed for decades.
Time will tell, but I think this is the first president we've had in a long time that cares more about the American people than about the money they will get from special interests and foreign governments.
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Yes, what this country needed was to elect a bloviating narcissist who has a lifelong commitment to enriching himself and his brand whilst being an unremarkable in regards to charity or compassion, often failing in business and partnerships to the delight of bankruptcy and civil attorneys, and all the while never holding public office and thus never having to answer to anyone but himself and occasionally his investors.
You can't name anything he's done to show that he cares. All he has done is run for president and beat a dumpster fire wearing a pantsuit. Running for public office and saying things to get people to think you care about them is quite literally what every candidate does ever.
And running for President itself requires a peculiar brand of narcissist--you have to be somewhat of a narcissist to think you're the best person to effect the most important decisions in the world.
Time will tell indeed if the backlash against Washington promoted by this selection (due to the vagaries of the Electoral College, but I digress) were what we needed or were just America cutting off its nose to spite its face.
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Everyone puts on a facade. Even Trump.
Being thin-skinned isn't a virtue. It just means the facade drops more often.
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Same here ... knew the morality to vote was high and people supporting Trump had at least a "greater good" reason to in addition to "neverhillary/trump". But with that much shilling - media campaigns/support and hell perhaps even rigging votes, i wouldn't have foreseen this but apparently the "MAGA magic" worked and thats good. As in the end the president never carries the "guilt of having failed" alone.
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Given that she's only off the hook for the e-mail handling not the actual content - yeah pretty much ... but that won't be easy with
that many invovled. The Clinton Foundation is still under FBI investigation ... there would be enough evidence but their probably
going down the rabbit hole and pondering what to do.
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-what's next.
aparently there is a front runner in the french election who is pro-exit Eu and pro trump
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the "Le pen" who's like trump in france have constantly been beaten in election, last time when they went to the 2nd turn it was because people almost voted for them as a joke due to the lack of candidate who really reflected what they wanted as a president (and voting as a joke is plain stupid i think..), and then when realized le "front national" passed the 1st turn, they all voted for chirac, he got 82.21 % of votes.. guess french people were a bit more realistic about how voting for those kind of racist etc was not the solution.
Though, when i see everyone complaining about françois hollande, i am afraid, very afraid that they may pass in the future years, like trump did..
For those who can understand a bit of french, and sarcastic / dark humour, you can watch "les guignol" wich is a french tv show that is always making parodie about poliics, stars, etc^^
here something with trump and lepen :p :
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Probably has something to do with actually having heads on their shoulders.
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Those silly educated people. Whatever are they thinking using their brains? They should have been like the "ordinary people" and voted for the guy who will promise them everything but deliver them nothing and then blame his abject failure on other people.
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Yup, Hillary's "e-mail case reopening gig" that started 28th Oct saved it ... she was 2 days before election of the hook
(handling the mails) as for the Clinton Foundation thats another matter and still under investigation so i last read ...
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I guess next is WW3 or no 3rd season of "Ash vs. Evil Dead"
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lets hope not :-D but either way i'd be ready
to be scared lol - and to praise the AUT neutrality "no Angriff pls - we r Froinde yis?"
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:D Butter bei die Fische ... glaube ernsthaft Trump wird genau nichts Weltbewegendes tun können - keine Mauer, keine großen
Versprechen, kein WW3, keinen politischen Sumpf absaugen können (trotz revolutionärer Rede) evtl. Obamacare ausbessern
und bei Möglichkeit seine Taschen füllen. Wobei die potentiellen Riots die nächsten paar Tage könnten spannend werden.
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Ich denke auch, das Vieles was er sagt gar nicht gemacht werden kann. Wenn ja, dann mein lieber Scholli ... Steuersenkungen wie angekündigt - wie sollen die finanziert werden? Alte Kohleindustrie aufleben lassen - viel Glück! Zu Mexiko steht übrigens auch schon eine Mauer. Ist halt komisch, wenn so ein Choleriker an der Macht ist :-D
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Yup pretty much ... even if she hadn't done anything - idle threats are still threats ...
in addition to recent events having made it look less like idle/prox-war than it may seem.
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Congrats to Spite America.
At least Trump can't repeal gay marriage, but what Pence will do to the lgbt community scares me.
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Don't be so sure gay marriage is carved in stone. He's going to appoint the next justice and if we're unlucky more justices after that.
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It saddens me to no end to see a political candidate who actively and openly denies basic science win :( No, I don't think this will cause WW3, I don't think the US or the world is doomed forever, but still, actively denying science because you don't like what it says is just ignorant.
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Well, you'd be happy to know that would be more or less the sentiment of the other side if Hillary had won.
What basic science has Trump denied and why would that be essential to this lie-ridden game to presidency?
No, I don't think this will cause WW3, I don't think the US or the world is doomed forever
That's in my opinion the bullet thats been dodged ... HRC threatened military strikes not to
mention her track record of political choices that is no secret.
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He openly denies climate change being caused by humans, and has said that he will tear up any treaties based on it. Yet this is a scientific theory, with near unanimous support from the scientific community of it being a serious thing. And I say near, because there's about 2% at this point who don't believe it's a thing (the same holds true for evolution). At this point, if you were to talk to a scientist about climate change and saying that it's not a thing, you'll sound about as ignorant as saying that evolution is not a thing, or that you don't believe in quantum mechanics.
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This...I work in the field of environmental sciences and it makes me sad to still hear climate change denial. :(
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Looks like you've taken the Hillary-Bait - let me unhook you ... > pledging or saying what you're going to doesn't equal following through. Especially whats being "promised" during the presidential election is usually worthless bait to hook a certain group of people that is going to vote for you. Hell if you seriously believe Trumps will really go for a 1600km long wall to Mexico - you've taken the Trump bait ... however he would reinforce the topics/measures or whatever so it doesn't look like a false/empty promise until its "fading".
As Obama who ended up campaigning for her said:
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Trump has, through numerous statements, not only during the election campaign, shown that he really is very scientifically ignorant. That makes it very easy to believe that he will try to cut the treaties that forces the US do something about their carbon footprint.
Forcing Mexico to pay for a wall they don't want, well, that's a pie in the sky "look at me I need your attention" kind of idea and I doubt he'll actually do more than say "Hey Mexico, build that wall".
Of course, don't take my word for Trump not being able to read sources, and denying scientific evidence, just look at statements like this
I'm not a big Hillary supporter either. It's just the lesser of two evils.
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Looks like you get the idea yourself - its not as if he will make any decisions alone,
thats what the swath of advisors is for ... as others aid - only time will tell.
denying scientific evidence, just look at statements like this
would be same as that anti-vaccine "Green Party" candidate - Jill Stein ... not to mention that Twitter feed might
point towards it "gather attention" - no denying that but is finally a worthless statement. Unless there's
a written policy statement he seriously intends to back up.
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He will still have to act on the promises he made. Even if he can't get them through, there's always the risk of some of them getting through.
would be same as that anti-vaccine "Green Party" candidate - Jill Stein ...
She sounds like a scientifically ignorant person as well, who should be kept far away from power.
no denying that but is finally a worthless statement.
It's not a statement that I expect him to act upon, but it is indicative on how ignorant he is. And it's quite frankly shockingly ignorant.
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And it's quite frankly shockingly ignorant.
Frankly i don't know what percentage of people die "from vaccinations" likely the combination ... and i'd doubt ANY statistic even if its only 0,01% in 1 Mio. people thats still 100 - however rare those cases are, their real which is why the statement would have some footing. Tweeting it however in comparison to the 99,9% something that are spared from maladies that kill thousands of people is dumb nonetheless ... That is why i cant take it seriously, unless its written somewhere mention-worthy and debated as a serious policy.
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He has made multiple comments like that though. He has also made incredibly ignorant statements about Ebola, basically encouraging people to not help dealing with it. He does not know the first thing about fracking, yet openly talks about it and so on and so forth. And at the position he's in, he'll have a far easier time spreading this misinformation and cause real harm. Encouraging people to not vaccinate their kids is something that we know is dangerous, and communities with a strong anti-vaccination bend do suffer from diseases that we almost managed to eradicate (and people die from them).
If he don't know about these things, then that's fine, nobody can know everything, but what he's doing here is dangerously irresponsible.
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Political pro tip 1
I know :( That's why we have a party with ties to neo-nazis as the 3rd largest party in Sweden.
Political pro tip 2
That depends a lot on the situation at hand. If you make open promises, and there's no outside influence that happens (like Bush Jr. actually opposing war and neo-conservative ideas up until 9/11), not at least making a token effort hurts you in the long run.A token effort in this case would be trying to back out of the treaties he mentioned, but then not changing the laws. Openly lying is not a good thing to do as a politician, but not telling the whole truth is something you can often get away with.
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A MAGA thread to share the sentiment:
Congratulations USA folks - you made it!
Very pleased to see, that there's still a majority of lucid American people to make the right decision, for a far lesser evil.
Look how nicely the electoral votes are spread - all across the map, while Hillary's seem "lumped" into the biggest cities. Good job!
edit: gibbs over :-)
To share the sentiment some gibs (steamgifts):
lvl2 RU:
lvl2 GRP/WL:
lvl 2:
🐋 lvl2 GRP/WL:
Feel free to bump the thread with MAGA, pics, your thoughts or whatever you'd like to - i'll bump it with memes myself if need be. :-D
Since i can't reply to everyone - thanks for the participation to you all!
📔 Reasons why the Democrats/Hillary failed - text.
📔 Selected Reflections imgur- pic-series.
📔 The State of the Media After Trump.
📔 The votes - women, Black, Asian, Latino for Trump 💁🏼 👌🏾👌🏽👌🏼
📔 About the Trump Protests 👌
📔 The summoning 👌😂
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