

EDIT: I'm going to see if I can get a (non-comprehensive, be aware, there will be others, but most of these idiots keep their Steam addresses under their names) list of everyone from Facepunch who has used that code.

Admin Edit: Contact info removed.

That's as many as I could find. I still can't find that Communizt guy who posted it.

Oh, and in the thread, they're already planning on exploiting the rules:
[Numbers are rounded up, so if someone creates a giveaway for a $1 game, 1/10 = 0.1 points, but that's rounded to 1, so it helps to contribute to everyone.]
"Let's all add games worth 0.10$ "

13 years ago*

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Well if they are really going to go about exploiting the site then that is a problem, however I'm not so sure about outright banning them for using the code specifically given to us. (Maybe knocking them down to like -300 points or something) as there may be some innocents who if they had known it wasn't for them they wouldn't of used it.

All in all it probably could of been handled better by us as well (Keeping the code private so Escaped Lunatics couldn't get a hold of it)

13 years ago

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Certainly a few of them sound rather entitled. ex: "Wow you only get one point for gifting a game, what is this shit" - Scotland1

But I don't think it'd be fair to ban anyone from using a promocode meant for another website. It's just how it is. I'm sure plenty of B12ers, before we got the code, were scouring the web for a promocode for another website and would have used it themselves. And I don't think there are any games worth 10 cents, so surely the thing about exploiting the site isn't really serious.

13 years ago

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Well, people are searching for invites, it's difficult to blame them. It's not a surprise the B12G code was reposted within a day or two, and that's why it was originally capped at 100. It didn't show up on Facepunch until it was around 75/100 activations. Nonetheless, it worked out for the best. We have a bunch of B12G users registered, and they can now generate invites to share with their community, and we have a few Facepunch users that can hopefully do the same.

As far as exploiting the rules, the cheapest games are $0.99. If someone posts one, everyone on the site receives 1 point. I can't see how this works to benefit any person or group in particular.

13 years ago

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Not with the sale.

13 years ago

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anything below 1 is rounded up to 1 I believe. Plus games are counted by their base value, not their sale value.

13 years ago

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Banning is a bit harsh, but can you really expect it not to be reposted? Never the less, people want to use steamgifts, and naturally people want to help other people get an invite code.

13 years ago

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Banning is a bit harsh? Banning is the way of the gods.

13 years ago

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Mods* Mods = Gods

13 years ago

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How dare those durned elves steal our code! For this they shall pay in blood!

13 years ago

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Oh, and in the thread, they're already planning on exploiting the rules: [Numbers are rounded up, so if someone creates a giveaway for a $1 game, 1/10 = 0.1 points, but that's rounded to 1, so it helps to contribute to everyone.] "Let's all add games worth 0.10$ "

They were joking, calm down and stop being a kid, Facepunch is a mature forum, if you're in the right section.

13 years ago

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How surprising, this person is a Facepunch member.

EDIT: Who PRESUMABLY registered on our code and then came in here and starts talking shit. Seriously?

13 years ago

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We're still angry. All I want is to win atleast 1 of my 15 contests....

13 years ago

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Your contests? -.-

Yes, reposting that code was quite rude and inconsiderate, but:
It would be used up by Bay12ers eventually. Same amount of people added.

What I want to know is how the Facepunchers don't think that a code that says "Bay12Games" is supposed to be for everyone. :-/

13 years ago

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It seems there is quite a high demand for invites to this website. It is not surprising that people will use any code they can get their hands on.

13 years ago

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Considering most giveaways have 200+ entries the odds of your winning in your first 15 entries is pretty small.
There are tons of users that have entered well over a hundred times without winning yet.

13 years ago

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Calm the hell down, there is an age restriction on Steam you know.

Also I've already hosted a raffle and i've been here for about an hour.

I got my code from the dev who gave a big list. Grow up.

13 years ago

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Wow, that was an immensely bad move on his part.

13 years ago

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how DARE these facepunchers come to MY giveaway site and take away MY random chances to win MY free stuff. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 years ago

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Howso? Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of FP either (just the general atmosphere at their forum is...bleh) but the dev gave Bay12 a code without hardly knowing the forum, so why not Facepunch?

13 years ago

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He was being sarcastic, I guess it doesn't work very well on the internet.

13 years ago

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Yeah, I doubt it's plausible to assume anyone at Facepunch used the Bay12Games code.
After all, there is the whole invite system for a reason.

13 years ago

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RF, the way you are acting about this is terrible. So what, a invite code was given out? You act as though it is the end of the world.
Also Quinn, Bay12Games does quite a bit sound like a giveaway of codes to everyone, sounds like a gaming magazine site, or something along those lines. So that would be an easy mistake to make, if someone knew it was only for Bay12 people, then they would have probably looked for a code elsewhere.

13 years ago

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Seriously, a mod gave away 100 codes recently and you're still being mad about the b12g code? wow...

13 years ago

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This thread is one of the reasons I gave out all those codes (didn't intend to do so many, got carried away :p). I saw the thread on Facepunch, and that it had been locked; and then I saw a new one had been created, there was a lot of interest so I thought I'd give out a few... a few became 20, 20 became ... more than 20. :p

13 years ago

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Not even a single sorry in this thread. How's that for politeness?

13 years ago

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I got my code off Facepunch, but it was somebody's own invite code. There is nothing to be sorry about. There has been a big influx of new members from Facepunch but most of them were added through legit codes, not from the B12g key. It's wrong to assume that every new member from Facepunch is off to exploit the system. Sure, it's wrong for them to have used the B12g invites but it's also wrong to condemn a whole forum because of a FEW stolen keys. If I recall correctly, a mod released a hundred invite codes. And you're getting up in arms about 25-30 keys. Which users from the B12 forum probably still gained entry into Steamgifts after the code was posted on Facepunch.

TL:DR- You're being immature. Most Facepunchers getting into Steamgifts are coming through from legitimate invites.

13 years ago

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If i may ask: what exactly is Bay12Games, and what's the deal and the problem with it's invite code?

13 years ago

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From what I understand "Bay12Games" is game developer, and they were given an invite code to distribute among their community. While the code was at around 75%-100% activations (source being CG on Page 1), a Facepunch member found it and shared it with the Facepunch community.

My opinion of this is: The code was shared publically among the Bay12Games community, so it's expected the code would find it's way out of their site.

13 years ago

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Bay 12 Games is a 'company', run by a single man, Tarn Adams. He produces free ASCII games. The foremost of these is Slaves to Armok, God of Blood: Chapter Two: Dwarf Fortress: Talea of Gluttony and Toil.

The forum is based around these games, is run by Tarn, and it was on this forum the code was posted.

13 years ago

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I don't get the big deal about this, the site is gaining more members and the more giveaways -> more points -> more invites.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by RF.