As the title says:

What's the local co-op game you played most recently and with who?

I won't be replying (as I'm not super well and quite behind right now), but I need something to take my mind off my next MRI on Wednesday, but I look forward to reading your answers. Just tell me what Local Co-op (couch Co-op) game you played most recently and with who. You can say if you enjoyed it or not, but that's up to you!

I recently played and finished Guacamelee 2 with my partner and then tried Treadnauts as well!

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I played and finished Overcooked 2 with my brother and I enjoyed it quite a lot. It's not terribly long, took us about 5 hours to 3 star the whole campaign so it may not be the greatest value proposition at full price. You can get it from the Razer Game Store for $11.99 right now with the use of the $5 coupon they email you for signing up for their newsletter, which is just over 50% off.

6 years ago

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I played BattleBlock Theater with my faincee and we both loved it, then we played it with her siblings and it was a blast as well :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Not sure if it counts as co-op, but I played LAN Battlefield 1942 with my sister. Lots of fun.

6 years ago

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I hope you get well soon, sounds serious if you're having an MRI... Stay strong, friend.

I miss playing L4D all night until 3 AM with my friend. We'd join up on Versus servers and kick ass every day. Worked hard to get that Akimbo Assassin achievement.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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orgies. mostly orgies.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Death Road to Canada - We tested the beta version which allows us to play the game with 4 players. I still don't like it how it gives all of the priority to player 1. I played it with my nephews and cousin.

6 years ago

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Finished Divinity: Original Sin 2 with my wife. It was a great time! We really enjoyed it!

6 years ago

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F.e.a.r 3 with a guy I met on steamgifts 😄

6 years ago

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Rayman Legends in local coop with two friends. Most fun i've ever had in a while.

6 years ago

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Most of the co-op gaming I've done is LEGO games with my kids. But I have to also mention Rayman Origins / Legends which I played with my son and are very well done games.

6 years ago

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Torchlight 2, yeah old game.
With my co-workers

6 years ago

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Nex Machina with my GF, she really likes it even though it is hard.

6 years ago

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don't starve together with my friends,we used to play a lot but one of them and I are so busy right now and don't have time to play :(

6 years ago

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Dangerous Golf with my wife. Gets very, very, very repetitive after the first hour and feels like we have no control over the game at all.

But my wife likes it because she doesn't have to do much and I always get enough points to pass the round anyway. :D

6 years ago

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Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, but I don't think it's the kind of coop you mean XD

6 years ago

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Played quite a lot of Mortal Kombat X and the Jackbox party games with my lady and with my sis and her bf over the vacations.
Also The Deadly Tower of Monsters which is awesome

Hope the MRI went well

6 years ago

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Move or Die with my fam!

6 years ago

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Eon Altar with my friends

Actually, I think it was a game called Triple Agent (an app). I can't remember which day came first.

6 years ago*

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I don't have many geek friends.
Is it difficult to play if one doesn't have previous experience with tabletop rpgs?

6 years ago

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It's something like a turn-based version of WoW. There are just dialogues that you can say out loud that are story-related (took us time to realize what they were and ended up ignoring them xD ), and personal quests that you can either keep to yourself or share the information so they could help you.

Teamwork is really needed since you need to pool some items, synchronize your skills (we had a lot of trouble with friendly-fire, intended or not), tanking and attacking, planning your moves, etc.

6 years ago

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What about lenght and replayability?

6 years ago

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We took us about 7 hours for Prologue and somewhere in Episode 1, including times when we restarted certain parts and a short break to eat. Haven't played after that because our schedules are a bit messed up but there's up to 3 episodes. I don't think they'd be making more episodes.
There's also an arena/survival of some sort, where there are waves of enemies to kill.

6 years ago

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Sounds fair enough to me. ;) Thank you, maybe I'll pick it up in the next sales

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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TowerFall Ascension with my mate. Definitely an amazing couch coop/versus game. I'm mostly a singleplayer player and I often feel like games like Monaco or Trine 2 loose a huge part of it's singleplayer charm when played in coop, but TowerFall is a first game in a really long while which is actually more fun for me the more people play :)

6 years ago

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LEGO Hobbit all by myself with 2 controllers (because of one specific achievement).

6 years ago

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Borderlands 2 co-op for over 350 hours with my brother. Clocked the whole game, DLC and end game content. Was the most fun co-op game I've played ever. Would easily recommend this game to anyone interested in coop gameplay. Best of luck with your MRI. You can do it!

6 years ago*

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