Glad you liked it! I thought about posting my appreciation for SG long ago, but that kinda got pushed back. Thanks!
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37 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ceeexo
To everyone who read and bumped my discussion, thank you! <3 I'm glad I worked up the courage to post here in SG. I had several chances to, but never ended up taking them. Thank you for the love! <3
If you're new, read on to find out my story. Only if you want to, of course. The gibs are over, though. Sorry. :<
As the title says, I'm level 5 now! Hooraaaaay! I actually reached it a few days ago and wanted to giveaway that -80% deal of Dishonored: Definitive Edition, but I forgot it was a flash deal and missed out on it. :( (Curse you, brain!)
So, buckle up since it's story time! Or rather, just me talking about my journey here.
SG, for me at first, was something I couldn't achieve. I remember hearing about it and trying to sign up for free games, but I was met by the gatekeeper of "You need an account value of $100 to join." I remember checking back over and over as I got games, until I could finally join. It was a great feeling when I managed to pass through the gate.
When I was new, I seriously entered almost every single giveaway I could. I joined those massive giveaways. They were almost always a sure bet to get a game. I joined and I joined, thinking "Free games! It's a +1 to my account, and some even have cards!" For the longest time, I entered giveaways to get my hands on games I wouldn't even play. At some point, however, I decided to give back.
Now, the very reason why I couldn't give games in the first place was simple: lack of a means. I didn't have a credit card or anything back then to be able to buy from websites like Humble Bundle, Bundle Stars (Now Fanatical) or the like. I mostly spent money for Steam Wallets. Regardless, I eventually got to use a virtual credit card, which I use to buy bundles for you all now. :D
Back when I didn't have a credit card, I used a different website to earn games for giveaways. You'd trade in Steam Trading Cards for credit, and buy games with that credit. That website, however, is gone now. Still, it was a nice long ride. Thanks to that site, I was able to give back to the community.
I wanted to give back to this amazing community. What I once thought was just a site for getting free games had so much more. SG had a heart; a community. And in this community, in these discussions, I saw so much. I saw discussions with the aim of promoting positivity and awareness about important matters. I saw people pouring their hearts out as they went through struggles, and the love and support returned by the community. I was so caught up in the number of giveaways from people that I didn't realize that these giveaways come from real people. Real people who are giving something to others, oftentimes not even receiving as much. Oftentimes not even hearing a word of thanks.
Still, these people keep on giving. You keep on giving. And I'd like to say thank you. Thank you for fueling the fire that is SG with your discussions and giveaways. Sure, there are still people out there who only take and not give anything back. Sure, there are still those who come here and ask for games on the discussion board, repeatedly talking about his friend and posting a screenshot. But amidst this, there are people who are constantly on the forums; there are people who constantly give games. You have kept SG alive, my friend. You have done well.
And so, I'd like to continue being a part of this wonderful community. To more years, discussions, and games!
Thanks for reading! I've got a small train here for you all. It's just the Tier 1 of the Hunie Sekai Bundle, though. Still, it's got some pretty good games! Anyway, here's the link to the choo choo!
Hunie Sekai Bundle
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