In light of some threads about people not activating or playing the games they've won, I want to make sure that the Fallout New Vegas gift I'm about to make a giveaway for goes in the right hands. I'm a fan of the entire Fallout series and thankfully I've been able to get all of my favorite Fallout games in my library. However, there are people out there who genuinely want to play it but either can't afford it or have no way to purchase it, and I'm aiming to make one such person happy.

Even though some of you may say that it's too much fuss for a 10€ game, to a true Fallout fan the game is worth much more than that. I don't want my gift to end as a +1 in someone's library, but rather to be enjoyed in it's fullest since it offers so much.

So, as the title reads - how should I go about giving this game to the right person? Or more precisely, what should the requirements be for a person to get access to that giveaway?

8 years ago

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Best suggestions so far:

  • have Fallout NV on wishlist before a certain date (for example, 1.1.2015)
  • have a certain number of hours clocked on Fallout 3 (for example, 100+ hours)
  • some sort of a Fallout related puzzle as a step to getting in the giveaway (istoohard)
8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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First one could be enforced by me manually checking every candidate's profile and wishlist.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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To further Ambi's point: I'm persistently caught up with Steam queue.
While I most certainly do want Fallout:NV, quite a fair bit, I nevertheless have about 800 non-free/DLC items in my wishlist, plus an extra 800 or so non-completed games already in library.

Wishlist is meaningful for intent, here, but is it meaningful for "need"? Certainly not.
Even if I did get my PC built right away [and actually, fair shot of getting it completed within the next month: Whoo!], FO:NV'd sit on a backburner for me for a bit, no matter how much I want to play it, just because I have other games I need to finish first.

Wishlist is a fine premise to base off of- for initial interest. But don't pay it any mind as a validation source.

A Fallout puzzle is a good idea, but it runs two issues:
First, people often leak those links to friends
Doesn't matter if it's a sgtools link or not, they'll just link that link- no way to validate anyone completed the puzzle or not (without demanding they have an itsohard account and forcing them to list their names in the giveaway itself- and then their friends can just leak them the answers directly, so that doesn't solve anything)
Second, some people intentionally try to do puzzles for the better odds, regardless of what games are included.
(Puzzles do seem to filter out the biggest bots/casual leechers, however, so that's a plus. An SGTool filter can accomplish much the same thing, however.)

As far as 'hours clocked', it's exploitable, but you actually can use it as a reference by checking that none of the time played was recent [and thus, intentionally clocked for the event you're doing).
Still, like wishlist, it should be a preliminary factor, not a reliable proof of interest.

So, in summary:
Library size, wishlist status, hours clocked prior to the event being announced, an itsohard puzzle, AND confirmation that the would-be-entrants have played their previous wins (which is unfortunately something that can still be exploited, much like playtime for previous FO games), would do a nice job of trimming your pool.

So really, you can layer on the restrictions to try and get the best odds of it going to someone who'd appreciate it, but no arrangement [that I know of] would really do a firm job of actually validating anything for certain.

As a final note: Don't base it off FO3 playtime alone-
I know a fair number of people that refuse to play the Bethesda games (because Bethesda) but would love a crack at the Obsidian-created New Vegas.
In other words, base it on FO3 OR any Obsidian game. :)

8 years ago*

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Some of my most desired games to obtain are not on my wishlist, such as various Final Fantasy games, Fallout games, The Witcher 3, The Division, Far Cry 4... I don't have them on my wishlist because I have no question about my desire to own the game and I feel certain I would never forget this short list of games. I mean, maybe I should add them so I never miss a "too good to miss" sale but it is hard for anyone to miss sales on some of the aforementioned titles.

Anyway, just thought I would share that point of view that not everyone that wants the game would necessarily have it on their wishlist. I do think I did talk myself into adding some of them to my wishlist though.

I guess you could make a group on Steam and advertise it here and on Steam. To gain acceptance to the group, one would submit their credentials. The credentials would be what you have come up with so far -- Show that it has been on your wishlist for X amount of time, show that a certain amount of hours have be clocked in X games, completion of task you have created such as a puzzle, and anything else you come up with. So if you come up with a 2 more requirements (Vac banned, Steam account age, Steamgifts account age), lets say 5 requirements. Anyone wanting to join would have to submit to you 4 of the 5, being that if one would have all 4 things that are simply proof or not, they would not have to do the puzzle. So why make it a group? If someone cant match the requirements to join the group, they can submit to you the credentials they do possess and their case for why they should be allowed to join. You are the key-master to the group so you can make final decision on who gets access to the giveaway.

That is probably way too much work though. But maybe you will be able to glean something useful from what I typed. :)

8 years ago

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In fairness, while everyone does use wishlists very differently, the 'on your wishlist' requirement is pretty common on SG, so it's not really too demanding on expectations.

Another reason we like having people reliably wishlist games, it helps us check group/whitelist wishlists for determining where we send our giveaways. So it's something beneficial to have, for multiple reasons. :)

8 years ago

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It's probably best to just make it a whitelist giveaway and create a thread where people have to state why they want it or something else to get a chance to get to the giveaway and thus enter your whitelist (maybe only temporarily). Or a puzzle or something of the like that takes quite some effort and only people that really want the game will bother.

8 years ago

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a fallout related puzzle would be a good idea

8 years ago

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Oh, a puzzle about Fallout game might be interesting... On one hand, it shouldn't be something easily googlable so not just everyone could enter but on the other hand... if someone wanted to start they adventure with this game it could be too hard... Decisions, decisions >.<

8 years ago

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yeah i agree about that puzzle ^^

8 years ago

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It will be a whitelist giveaway as that's the best way to control who gets access to it. A puzzle was my first idea but I dismissed it since I've seen people go to extreme lengths just for the sake of the challenge. I was thinking about making it a requirement to have, for example, 500+ hours on Fallout 3 or something similar.

8 years ago

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As I stated below, people having the game on their wishlist by itself could be a pretty good requirement too. But 500+ hours in fallout 3 is a LOT. I LOVE fallout 3, but I only have 50 hours in it (okay, some have not been logged, but still)

8 years ago

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The number was just for an example of what kind of a requirement I'm looking to set. The wishlist idea is great, and Lalwende's suggestion for "Game on wishlist before xx.xx.xxxx".

8 years ago

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I think the best choice is probably wishlist indeed, and then either the "game on wishlist before xxx" or an x amount of playtime on other fallouts. Both would work. I think x amount of playtime is probably best, due to some people just wishlisting everything. Before a giveaway of mine ended and someone won it with the game on their wishlist. I found out a day later that he had 3000!!!! games on his wishlist. Chances of it being on there is quite high then :3
But even then, the wishlist thing could still work, just filter out those 3000 wishlist people :3

8 years ago

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To elaborate on the "have it on their wishlist" bit, make that rule says it must be on their wishlist a certain amount of time before today.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Definitely setting that one as a requirement.

8 years ago

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+1 This is what I would do. People who truly want to play the game will be willing to explain why that is so.

8 years ago

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You could make a group (even just for the giveaway or a whitelist you can the remove people from it) and then create a thread asking people who have this game in the wishlist since... (you choose your date) and/or those who already have some hours into other Fallout games. Then invite those who meet your criteria and make a giveaway for the group/whitelist :)

8 years ago

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This is probably one of the best ones. Make a group or whitelist the people that can join your giveaway and only add people that have had the game on their wishlist before like 20/03/2016 or something of the likes. Ofcourse, make a thread where people can request to join the group or your whitelist.

8 years ago

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Suggestion accepted, I will add it in the first post of the thread.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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requirements? i mean if you want to do it for people that really want the game to join there shouldnt be any requirements, atleast as to level, ratio and that kinda stuff... if you want to give to people that want it just ask on forums like you are doing now or do a whitelist giveaway asuming you have people that plays their game on your whitelist... i myself want the game but i would not the giveaway because of 2 reasons, without the dlc the game feels incomplete and buying the dlcs is worth the same as buying the goty edition, its the same with every bethesda game, and second it is my least favorite fallout game (well aside from tactics and BoS)

8 years ago

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Create a Whitelist or Group GA and invite only members who have played many hours to other games like Fallout 3 or the classics...

8 years ago

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I'm excited for your giveaway cause Fallout Shelter is making me want to play Fallout(I actually have not played any Fallout) and New Vegas is on my wishlist.

Anyway, my progression on the Fallout Shelter:

Surprisingly a good mobile game despite I don't enjoy management games much.

8 years ago*

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there is no way to ensure that person who win will play the game. The best thing I can think of is making a itstoohard puzzle about previous Fallouts. Or creating a thread where people would write why they want the game and you'd give ga link to those that do the best job at convincing you that they will play it.
The probability of not activating game can be decreased with level restriction, because people who give away games usually know that it's against rules not to activate games.

8 years ago

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I would like to make the odds for such a person getting the game as high as possible.
I think that setting a level restriction would defeat the purpose since people who can't buy games usually don't create giveaways.

8 years ago

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Then probably the best way is to create forum giveaways with combination of requirements I and others suggested.
Anyway I'm happy that someone from this community will get NV :) I liked it very much.

8 years ago

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brother I think you need saw your closest friends first, maybe he wants? or you can make a question or a statement about the game you want to give and I think you can choose wisely about their answers and maybe plus some little puzzle?

8 years ago

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All of my friends who play Fallout already have it in their library. A puzzle would be cool as an addition to other requirements.

8 years ago

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ohh okay, hope you have your answer immediately ^^

8 years ago

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Whitelist requeriment like have it on the wishlist before 23-3-16 and a puzzle to stay away of the lazy ones :P just a private givaeaway for the lovely citizens of the Mojave. Democracy wins. Your puzzle is the Hoover Dam.

8 years ago

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This guy gets it.

8 years ago

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Make a post asking reasons for the game, evaluate the answers create group with puzzle/quid/etc for that group.

8 years ago

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Several "filters" of requirements should probably yield the best chance for a true fan getting the game. Thanks for the ideas so far.

8 years ago

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You can say something like "Give me your reason for my FNV GA" or something related with fallout and reading the answers, you can select who can be invited to the group for the giveaway

8 years ago

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Make thread saying "Ill invite you if you've had __ wishlisted since __ date.

8 years ago

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I seem to remember someone making a mod for something fallout 3 maybe? that added a quest wich gave a giveaway link to people when they finished it. I thaught that was a classy way to do a giveaway.

8 years ago

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Well ain't that the best way to do a giveaway. Takes too much time and effort to do something like that though.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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10€ or not, a good game stays a good game, regardless of price or bundled state

8 years ago

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Let me know when you come up with a solution please, I'd really like to play that game as I haven't played any new versions of Fallout. I remember playing old versions of Fallout on Amiga and I have really good memories from them. When Fallout 3 came out I was more into mutiplayer games and now since I don't have that much time I really enjoy to play single player games and would love to play newer versions of Fallout :)

If you go with puzzles or something like that I would really love to join and give it a chance, I'd totally finish that game :)

8 years ago*

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My thoughts:

  • People who are crazy fans of the series and have 500+ or even 100+ hours clocked in Fallout 3 will already own New Vegas.

  • Having the game wishlisted since before you started talking about it seems like a good idea - of course there will be people with hundreds of wishlist items, but you could just ignore those if you feel it's not right.

8 years ago

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I'm just going to put this out there, but I think many of us would like a lot of our GA wins to land only in the hands of the "deserving," but there is no magic way to do it. If I were truly concerned about where it landed, I would go the library page in Steam and start by looking to see if any of my online friends have it listed on their wishlist. If you have no one listed there then the private/invite only gib seems like the way to go.

8 years ago

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Have them sign a calling-out clause that allows you to call them out on the forum...


Ok, that won't work.

8 years ago

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via steam group

  1. make steam group
  2. make topic here for applications in group (write some requirements )
  3. check players profile on steam gift and on steam
  4. after giveaway finished delete group

better than whitelist, because whitelist can be for all games for everything and group will be only for this game

players which game on wishlist more than 3 month
100+ hours
and some questions about game
EDIT: also can't enter someone who own a lot games or have in library a lot AAA games

8 years ago*

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My suggestion would be trying to care less about such things in order to avoid stress and wasting time.

8 years ago

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I have the istoohard puzzle created and I'm preparing the thread for the giveaway (should be live in around 1 hour).

The giveaway will be set to "whitelist only",so if I add a person to my whitelist will it become visible for them?

8 years ago

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They will be able to see it in their "group" list in the giveaway page (all the giveaways of groups or whitelists your in appear here) and they will be able to get there from your profile (the link will actually go somewhere). And it will also appear in the main list of given away games for them. You could also just put up a link in the thread and they will only be able to follow the link if they are whitelisted by you :)

8 years ago

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Due to lack of interest and possible obligations that may prevent me from enforcing the requirements I set, I changed the giveaway to private and added the link at the end of the puzzle. If you wanna give it a try, here's the link:

8 years ago

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What a shame. I already own the game though :)

8 years ago

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