I requested a new winner on October 20 at 1:41 PM
And it was rerolled on October 21 at 2:41 AM
That's like only 13 hours
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"Proof" as it relates to rerolls and deletions, is on the GA creator; eg, proof of rule violation, of active or recent suspension, of ownership of the content, of sufficient attempts to deliver the won content, etc.
"Agreement" is the aspect the winner has to provide, as the GA creator cannot- in most circumstances, large scale key issues are typical exceptions- reroll or delete without either proof or agreement. That is to say, the agreement of a winner is necessary when the GA creator can't provide proof.
The only time GA winners have to provide "proof", that I can think of off-hand, is if the GA creator wants to change the giveaway into a different version of the game or identically named game.
In the case of a Steam gifting restriction, the GA creator needs to prove the matter to staff and the winner. There's no way for the winner to be able to prove anything, as they won't have access to any kind of proof to begin with (as the gift will have been blocked on the GA creator's end). As to whether staff'll allow a deletion without winner agreement, that's down to the specific circumstances and staff member involved. Typically, however, even if staff or the winner agree to the matter, a deletion is enacted instead of a reroll, so as to avoid further potential regional issues with subsequent winners.
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There is a stats page for support here that will show you the current number of tickets. I think they have been getting through tickets fairly quick recently, but I haven't created a support ticket in a while, so I'm not sure. It also depends on what the ticket is for. Reroll requests are usually quick, but you need permission from the winner before they will approve it.
I also don't know how reroll requests are handled in a situation like this because support will not reroll for region restriction issues if the region restrictions were not set correctly when the giveaway was created, but this technically is not a region restricted game, it is a mixture of region and price issues that makes the game undeliverable. If support rerolls and the new winner also cannot activate the game because of region pricing issues, who knows how many times they will need to reroll to get a winner than can accept the gift. Because of this, they may treat it the same as a region restricted game and only allow it to be deleted and recreated with region restrictions set to only allow people to enter form regions that will be able to accept the Steam gift.
I am actually curious to know how support handles this situation.
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Are they in the "user report" or "other" categories? Those can take a very long time. There is not enough support staff and I think they don't really prioritize those.
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If there isn't a more appropriate category to create the support tickets under, I wouldn't get your hopes up about someone looking at it any time soon. I honestly wouldn't be surprised it it takes over a year.
Edit: And once it gets that old, they might not feel the need to respond to it anymore because a lot of stuff that old probably wouldn't even be relevant anymore. So, it's possible you might never get a response. This is just a guess though, I'm not sure how support actually handles very old tickets.
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I'm sure they still look at them, but the support members volunteer their time and there isn't enough of them to work through all the support tickets, so I think they try to address the important ones first that keep the site running.
There is a discussion section for bugs and site suggestions. If you create a thread in that category, support will probably notice it and possibly do something if they feel it is important, or at least respond.
I'm not sure what you mean by "an incorrect amount on a listing". Are you referring to the number of points it costs to enter a giveaway being off? I think that is automatically determined by the Steam API, but some games cost 0 to enter for some reason. I don't know exactly why that happens, but I think it gets fixed eventually. I'm not sure if support manually fixes them or if it gets done automatically. Also, some types of sales that bundle games can temporarily bug the game values while the sale is running because of something to do with the Steam API where the site gets the info from and I don't think anything is done about that. Just wait for the sale to end and everything will go back to normal. CV values will automatically be fixed for everyone when the price gets corrected.
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Thank you all for your responses, appreciated them! I have no problem about proving what happened, I have already messaged the winner on Steam telling him about what happened and he understood.
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Overall, I had a pretty positive experience when dealing with SG support, but I might be a bit biased
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Ok, I'm getting mad with how gifts works. Just created a 2nd and 3rd giveaway, one of them waiting for the winner to answer me and the same issue has happened to the 3rd one. How in the seven hells am I able to know which countries do I need to seelect for this inconvenience not happen????
The first time the winner was from South Korea, so that's ok, since I'm from Brazil. But this time the dude is from Mexico, wtf??? If things keep this way I'm out
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It can be frustrating making giveaways for these kinds of issues. There are the threads and comments that discourage winners from agreeing to deletions and others that point to the SG rules and expectations that you should be making an effort to obtain replacement keys to give to the Korea and Mexico winners where possible. The focus should be on encouraging giveaways but sometimes that can get lost here. On the other side, we can agree that the moderators have better things to do than to repeatedly delete giveaways that were set up incorrectly.
Do you know any region where this key will work? Looking at the region restrictions for this game on Steam DB might help. What is the game and Steam ID#?
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Thank you a lot, gonna check it right now! Seems to be a relevant and helpful info xD
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for example, Resident Evil Revelations 2 Steam ID#287290
This also shows the bundles it was sold in. Where you got it from can potentially helpful provide information
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It really helped me out, this is all I want to know! Knowing that Resident Evil Revelations 2 has a cross region restriction saves me and support time and patience. Gonna open a new giveaway only for brazilians this time, I dont like how it sounds but this is the only thing possible. Thank you again!
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Are you trying to send gifts directly through Steam?
If so, you should note that Steam has a gifting rule that prevents you from sending gifts to countries where the game costs more than 10% than it does in your own. You can check the regional prices for a game on SteamDB.
For example, in the case of Resident Evil Revelations 2, this page https://steamdb.info/app/287290/ shows that the game costs 63% more in Mexico than it does in Brazil and that the only countries you can gift the game to are Argentina, Turkey and Brazil. Being in a low-cost country severely limits who you can send direct Steam gifts to.
This regional pricing rule, which took effect in 2017, is one of the reasons why people don't use Steam as a source for giveaways as much as they used to. Most of the giveaways you see on SG are for unrestricted keys from third party sellers such as Humble or Fanatical.
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Ohhh, I see it now. Its seems to be really hard to be give free stuff on Steam, that's weird hahaha! Thank you for your time an info bro!!
Edited: Yep, I am trying to send gifts directly from Steam!
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Hello! Well, there must be a big amount of tickets open I guess, but just wondering, in your own experience: does it take that long to get a response? I have created a giveway and couldnt give the prize to the winner because of Steam price restrictions, so I'm in need to generate a new winner, but cannot do without the support...
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