Hey Lugum, not asking to be WL as i don't meet your criteria but i am pretty sure asking for people to whitelist you back for your whitelist is not allowed. Better safe than sorry i suppose.
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I believe you can't ask for whitelist back...? I seem to recall seeing that variously, but don't recall.
Anyway, separately, you are on my whitelist. I usually whitelist people who seem to do thoughtful things. I don't do a lot of whitelist giveaways, but sometimes tack it on for a group giveaway.
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I try to do both public and blue heart giveaways on a semi regular basis. ^-^/
Added you just now <3
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might want to define public.
I know some of us(such as myself) prefer semi public(somewhat open groups(PA/UL7/Play or Pay/PAGYWOSG/a few others)) or invite only for giveaways in discussions/events(jigidi puzzles/pagywosg/community trains/etc...) just to try and avoid autojoiners/hyper leeches. Also what about those who only do level 10 public giveaways... those are hardly what I would consider public as well.
Some day I will decide on what I want out of my whitelist(it feels like I am playing favorites currently), its not even a dozen people yet here, thus the limited number of blue heart giveaways I do(they still happen at least).
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Public seemed public to me, a normal giveaway, meaning for everyone open and yes i myself did many invite ones for years (jigsaw, jigsaw advents, and lately the music puzzles) nor would i totally dismiss people wanting to gift in certain groups but those that you mentioned, don't qualify as a group circle thing.
It doesn't have to be 1 thing only, like you also did some public ones looking at the last 5 pages, at mid level, so you would qualify to me.
And yes level 10 only seems a bit like a stretch (didn't know that was a thing for some people, as it's evident even there are autojoiners /leechers etc.
Personally i am also with a thought that we all joined here at one point at level 0 too and others given us a chance too, so i am trying to make lower levels too (although i also had the hassles, the lower the level how more it went, but more over that people weren't activating stuff).
Anyway, in the end It's still a base to base evaluation. ;) Also depends on the comments, if they aren't many, i might add more, if it gets too much i might even just close the thread at one point.
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You should put a link to one of your whitelist giveaways so people can check if they're in your list before anything.
This is the last whitelist gib you've done: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/tuDxB/breakout-recharged
You're in my whitelist since forever, and I am in yours.
However I'd like to clarify one thing. I rarely do public giveaways. However I do giveaways for the groups which make the winner allow to delete the giveaway in case something goes wrong (bad game, bad region, duped...) like LootBoy SG, Delete giveaway if key doesn't work, and I think it's also a rule in this new group Bundles Oldies (or a very similar name). I am not in any group which requires a constant in-group ratio, or regular gibs exclusive to the group; actually recently I discovered I was in a group with a rule I didn't like and I got out of it. But LB, Delete giveaway... Those groups are public in the sense that anyone can enter. The giveaways are public with group restrictions only. Some might think these are not technically public, and they are right; read more on the next paragraph about that.
The other kind of giveaways I do are invite only in public threads, and I'm not talking about events or trains. I mean threads like Don't like Bots, Community Word Game, Positive Thread, and such. They're invite only, I know, but anyone can enter the giveaway (if they comply with limitations of the giveaway like level or region) just by visiting those open threads. There are people who consider these also public, I also do, but there are also people who don't consider them public, and I think both sides have their good arguments and it's a kind of personal decision rather than a battle about who's right on this subject.
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Well, as someone who was a student until not long ago, and is still merely a trainee, my ratio is a mess - which is exacerbated by the kind of groups I'm in. Since I fit everything else and my charm point is playing a lotta wins, I'm still chiming in.
I believe you've been in my WL for a while.
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I understand but your last giveaway has been a while, is that changing soon? A bundle can be the price of a cup of coffee.
I myself speak and come from never having had a lot of cash myself (and okay i also was fortunate to have had tremorgames at one point).
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I want to say yes, but I obviously can't promise anything. However, I'll check if Indiegala (where a lot of my past gibs come from) is back with the challenges :)
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we already know that we got us both on the whitelist ... cant do many ga right now because i moved this month, have to deal with the insurance claim for my car and had also to buy new furniture. if i start to do giveaways then probably when i got enough spare cash left.
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hi, i was just looking for someone to add to my wishlist and saw your post, i would be very grateful if you could add me, thanks
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(not looking for a whitelist, don't plan on doing whitelist or public giveaways) Just wanted to say if you want to add me on Steam or something and chat it out man, you're more than welcome to. I always wonder how you're doing whenever i see you start a thread after the one thread you made but never found it appropriate to ask as it would be wildly off-topic.
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Thank you i do very much appriciate that (and several offered that in the past to me) but while it does seem like i can talk a lot considering my threads, and the last one about a physical ailment which 3 doctors just said i don't know, and a majority of those issues went away just by moving my desk chair towards 90 degrees (who thinks of that?).
But i always feel like when something bothers me i want to talk it away from me, dump it and be done with it.While waiting for whenever it's convenient to the other it just brings it back up in my brain, but most of all there are so many things that even the few close ones around me (but also doctors) are like i don't know and thus i can't know either but i am somehow expected to.
Physically and mentally in august i sunk into something physically, and then it started mentally, but i was also cut off from my sleeping meds (which also helped me relax), each year a new doctor (and only 1) and the first two had no problems with them and if i wanted to stop treatment i could go home with them forever he said, then the third was reluctant against it although i did get them still on occasion until 3 months ago, and then a major insomnia kicked in with 4 hours sleep on average and a lot more physical ailments, but i received them again 2 weeks ago, my physical ailments disappeared mostly thinking the clouds are clearing again until a 4th doctor now says i am not getting anything anymore at all and willingly throwing me back in that hole.
And while i was already questioning certain things with my mind (the insomnia didn't help) the 1 female friend i had left said something in which my mind is completely different (about her having more children) and where it's a case of not a simple misunderstanding but 2 completely different realities but i don't know whose is really right in this story.
And against the loneliness (finding a potential partner still) i tried this board game club the only thing i could still think of but it was in a pancake restaurant full with screaming children, not clean (they don't even wipe the tables), there were only 2 persons and 1 one of them (which i came for especially) didn't even bother to say goodbye and thank you for coming.
So i thought i started to get better to see it's not and i still got some sleeping meds but they will eventually run out and i am very afraid to go back to things (nothing to do about) but the other 2 things noone can know (especially with that firend part). I wish for once those clouds would disappear and stay that way, but for some reason it never happens.
I am not suicidial (never been) but i am also on occasion like i can't go on anymore like this, but most of all life just isn't fun anymore this way.
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Man, I'm sorry you went through all of that. The experience I have had with doctors are completely different (in the US) where they trust you to make final call but that might be why we have such a rampant drug abuse problem. Well, you're always welcome to dump it on me and those other members you mentioned, bottling things up never feel great.
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Thank you, i appreciate the words.
Yeah we had abuse in the 90's (and my mom got those medicine i want too but she could keep them for her whole life, but for people like me it's pretty hard to impossible, and they didn't do difficult for 2-3 years until now.
I know in the US it's a lot easier and i even asked an US friend but what i figured customs might be a hassle and he suggested mexico even and pointed towards a site but they didn't had sleep medication.
Another friend pointed out a substance that was legal here, became illegal but still available in belgium, and for 2 euro you can get a try out package which i ordered.
I never went into those offers and i can't remember who they were, and i know bottling things up is never great but i am getting into issues with no solutions where talking doesn't help, there isn't going to be someone to say here you have your meds again, and here you have a friend/relationship (let alone advice how to reach it) there is so much for elderly people but not really much for younger ages.
And then you can say go date, but everything is so superficial with tinder and swiping, and for every 1 female there are a group of men, and not to mention the costs (100 euro for a year).
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I am suggesting to talk just for the sake of venting as it can be beneficial, not necessarily look for solutions. It's of course up to you, I just wanted to send you good wishes and offer an ear if you wanted one. Don't be a stranger lugum :)
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Yeah but i feel like i done that too much (perhaps according to some already way too much on the forum) but also 1 friend i have left only i didn't realize she had her own share of problems (but didn't tell me so i didn't know) and like doctors or people putting their hands in the air like i don't know, right now i just need some solutions.
The thing is i still saw some hope to perhaps win a million in this relatively small lottery here someday (but we got such a major house shortage here that even if you can find one to buy you already spend 500k on that alone) unless i take a drastic step to go to spain or sweden but leave my mom etc behind, so even winning a nice sum it still creates "issues" :p. and the thought of when i moved out, i would find someone.
I will add you on steam okay, not saying i need it now but who knows. And i will add you to my whitelist, nice people (to me) or to others on the forum also get a spot, and i dont mind if you do a whitelist giveaway or not.
Thanks again. :)
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I feel like i fufill the criteria for the most part, so here's for throwing my hat in the ring.
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It's Masafor's group for reference, thanks for replying though.
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What is your definition of "a select about of people"?
For example, Masafor's group has over 250 people, but often when you give a game in that group, less than 5 people enter the GA. To a non-member, that may look like a legendary 5-people-gifting-each-other-games group, even though it isn't. Members are simply managing their win/give ratio by only selectively entering GAs.
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The non circle groups and circle groups are mostly easy to pick i think. But what about his group are all 250 even still mostly active on this site or are half inactive and therefor you get lower entries?
And yes some groups have very strict ratio rules (why i never joined them).
Masafor's group i would say is okay.
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That aside, what you are lacking though is you haven't made any public giveaway for about a year now.
But we already had eachother whitelisted anyway, although such reasons would be reasons for me to delete people from my list but i have to run that script sometime whenever i am in the mood (probably won't happen soon).
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Wow, I'd love to be on that many whitelists! I check every so often and it's nice to see that little line slowly increasing over time.
I must admit I've become jaded with public giveaways and tend to only use them to throw out games I don't think many care for. I much prefer posting links on the forums and have finally started to utilise SGtools as well. I'd love to get some puzzles created as I enjoy taking part in those threads myself but think that's a way off yet.
Maybe one day we'll have the privilege of seeing who's added us with an option to reciprocate. Fingers crossed!
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I added you back in.... checks notes.... Mid 2021. For being Pro Vaccination. I imagine your likely in the groups I normally include with my WL I had to go back a year to find one I did as a WL only. My WL is not big so Its normally paired with other groups. (98 ... so its bigger then I thought)
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Well more like everyone should decide for themselve but not attack eachother on their choices (like with certain political issues). Did i take 2 shots? Yes, would i have done it again? Probably not.
But why are all your giveaways region restricted? Tthat could have been my reason not to return it. Yes humble can be that way but i can't imagine with every game you have, that must be a decision.
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You need updates. The original is no longer enough since its mutating. Its easy and well worth getting the new formula. I get it at the same time as the flu shot. Just an extra shot while I'm there anyhow.
Yes its a decision, my region restricted stuff is open to most of the world. It only excludes a few countries waging unjust wars doing horrible things, a couple supporters of it and a couple with bad human rights.
Thanks for the add.
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I took the shots for my parents, and so did they, but what happened afterwards (my dad died due brreathing difficulties) and my mom a stroke (when our housekeep said she suddenly had several clients that suffered the same) i questioned the shots. Nor am i really hearing about corona anymore in the media like it's still a big threat. I don't know, i will never know and it doesn't bring my dad back or my moms health.
The place where i could get shots have been housed with refugees now, so i wouldn't even know where to sitll get them.
And i am not even bothered anymore taking a flu shot while apparently you can't get the flu or sick from it, but somehow it did happen on occasion with me and i am not a person that easily gets the flu anyway.
Well it's not like many Nato countries or Americans are keeping distances from political matters in other countries, but okay.
No problem.
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Not asking to be added on the whitelist, but giving you a heads up you are one of the few (7) people in this community i WL'd.
I never point any reason why i WL people, but as far as i remember, it was based on discussions in this community, I remember you having a tough situation (drama or something along the lines) here with some people and i more or less supported your side at the time. I usually only add people when i get a good vibe from them, regardless of situation at the time of them being added. Sometimes it's just random. Like me laughing at a comment that made my day, or liking an avatar (one of the WL i have is exactly a person like this, liked the avatar and they made me laugh once with a comment. Person is here to win mostly, not to gift, but i do not care about this stuff honestly, i'm more worried about giving something to someone that will try to make a profit out of it).
I never made a WL GA, maybe i should do that once in a while... And add a few more people.
I don't GA as much in here because... i am lazy. I'm buying bundles quite often and i usually get dupes frequently, however, i am too damn lazy i do not consider it worth my time making a GA for those dupes, so i just drop them on random people i know IRL if they had the game wishlisted, or random people (friends) on steam if they have the game wishlisted because that way it is instant and i get it over with. If the game i am giving away, is of much higher value, i usually come here and do my thing, still, i haven't been as active as i used to be. Sometimes i pop up for a few months then step away for half a year or more.
I've dropped about 6 or 7 keys these last 2 weeks from fanatical or humble, all dupes. Still have yet to claim the keys from the current kalypso bundle, i know i have some of the games in there but i'll go over this one in the weekend. Again, i just can't be bothered with making GAs all the time for every dupe i get, it would be... a bit too time consuming and adds additional stress to my life and i don't want that.
I also feel like i got some sort of gamble addiction (i don't gamble IRL, but i do consider entering GAs gambling with luck). So what does this mean? At times i just enter GAs just because... i want to get that "satisfaction" of winning something every once in a while, regardless of what it is. The worst part is that i usually do not even aim at the stuff i have more interest in, but aim instead at things with better odds. Every once in a while i win something that i am interested in, but most of the time it's just games that i might not touch. It's the equivalent of opening a free loot box and collecting items you do not seek, but every once in a while you will get something that will shake your day a bit more. So yeah, being lazy and avoiding making GAs while also just seeking wins is pretty much what i do when i am around.
So now you know, i am one of the people that added you and you were wondering as to who and why. With "a bit" extra info.
Also hello blacklists, i'm zeus!
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Thank you for the backstory and the whitelist i appreciate that.
There has been drama but not just with me that tends to happen quickly with anyone over the last 6 years i been on here, and many good people have left because of that, the forum hasn't been what it was back then, why we can't have proper political discussions anymore, and how it was a mess just talking about the covid vaccinations back then.
With me? Over different occasions, different people, different years, lately yeah i shared some of my (large) portion of issues i experienced of the last year, some might question why, but i don't have many people left around me, and i always feel this place has been a bit like home.
Not sure why you claim to get many dupes from bundles, i bought many and that rarely happened to me and even so humble/fanatical even dig always been helpful in providing replacement keys where they can, unless you been very unlucky.
But the things you aim for with better odds, you do atleast tend to play those games or just enter more for the sake of the feeling of winning something?
I been very open so far i think to still whitelist people back, and your ratio isn't the greatest (and you given your reasons). But yeah the quantity in the last year hasn't been great, unless you are starting again, but also what you said make some whitelist giveaways, when you do you can always drop me a note any place and then i will definitely add you.
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Yeah drama is everywhere and is present in everyones lives literally. I just recall your situation specifically. I don't recall everything i do, but i do have pretty good memory most of the time (haha).
Oh, i meant dupes as in duplicate games i already have. Since i got a fair amount of games on steam, when i buy bundles, i get more duplicates, which i throw away via chat, this happens almost every bundle i purchase. Which is usually like once or twice per month, the amount of bundles all depends on how many bundles are going that i consider good.
As for the better odds, i do not aim specifically for games i want most of the time. Basically i switch around between wishlist/multiple copies and groups at times. Wishlist is usually my 3rd option to go spend points out of the 3 tabs, regardless if the game has high level requirement or not. If i get to enter wishlisted stuff, i aim for the games i want the most in the front page.
I did create a small event for now for my WL, made a topic aswell. You don't need to add me back just because i added you before, this was just me stepping forward to clear out one of mysteries behind your whitelists.
I do not have intentions of being 100% active on giving away stuff, but i might do more stuff like this next year. I usually like to do things different, my idea currently, i see it as a "game" since it involves RNG. Back in the day i made a steam group for stuff like this, but ended up abandoning it after a while. There was no whitelist or blacklist back then, so only solution to do something like this was creating a private group and allowing like people to get in and then do my thing. This is what i did.
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Yeah but after covid it somehow got worse (or feels like it anyway) everything is left/right pro/against etc.
I don't know your age but trust me it does get worse when you get older. ;)
It's good to say you got a lot of games already, imagine me with my 12000+ now I do get duplicates enough.
Well i always appreciate any support and friendly people (sometimes it wish it was just a bit more hands on in real life but mweh) anyway therefor i added you to my whitelist no matter what you plans are.
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Sometimes i see people doing giveaways with both whitelist and group and not always easy to distinguish if they also got me whitelisted or that i am just part of a group, unless i dig into those groups or more so people that got me whitelisted but give away games that i already have (with my 12000) and therefor i can and will never see and thus return the favor. If you feel you are one of those, do comment that here (and let's be honest).
I know that there is a script for it i believe, but according to my stats i am already on 1200 people's whitelists but as when it comes to seeing giveaways i am only seeing 2-4 pages and if it's limited to 1000 on my side, i couldn't even add everyone if i wanted to, i wanted to set that straight.
However i am open to a few new people but some rules (i borrowed from amano):
-No leechers, if your ratio is too poor, forget it, i am not so much looking at the real cv part that is has to be 1:1 because it's not always a fair system, but come and get close and atleast in numbers it's prefered to have more sents then wins.
-No exploiters (50p crap games) and group circles (gifting only in groups with a selected amount of people).
-Have all your wins activated.
-You must do public giveaways on a regular base (atleast have done so in the past year).
-Therefor you must also do some whitelist giveaways per year, otherwise what's the use?
-Being active in a positive manner on the forum is a plus.
I am not going to reply to each and every person, if you get added you will see it yourself (or check) and it's probably totally random and it's not because i wouldn't like you but my remaining space is limited (and yes i should purge the inactives) but i also don't want it too full so a certain group that deserves it get a better chance on winning sometimes (it's what's it there for).
You can check here: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/tuDxB/breakout-recharged
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