Note: Starting in the next few days, items purchased for Dota 2 either in-game or on the Steam Community Market will not be tradable or marketable for one week after purchase. We are making this change to combat fraud and scams, and to help matain a safe and healthy item economy within Dota 2.

Hmm they fight against scammer with block on 1 week couple items and ,, safe and healthy item economy" to block them ?

wtf ?

How the duck economy will be safe and healthy when they block them on 1 week. A lot of people pay for games etc. via items and sell it to get new cards for get badge etc etc.

Also with scammer. If they block some items then what the problem for scammers is take others. Even if they block all items for 1 week ... it's still 1 week....

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Vic88.