hello steam gifts community.
me and my friend decided to open a new giveaway group
so people could have better chances at winning games
Rules for joining the group or being in the group

  1. To join the group ask for an invite from one of the admins. We won't accept leechers that dont have even one giveaway on SG.
  2. You gotta keep the rules of SG and don't giveaway games that were given away free.
  3. At the moment you join, You gotta Create a giveaway in 2 days or you will get kicked
    4.Members of the group gotta giveaway at least 1 game per month !
  4. Max number of people in the group is 50 !

Enjoy this great group !

http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Rockinggiveaway invite one of the admins

12 years ago*

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i joined it waiting for few more people to enter i already have games to giveaway

12 years ago

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You're not going to get any interest with rules like that combined with the fact you've never given away anything that cost you more than $1. Good luck though!

12 years ago

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I ain't looking for rich people that can giveaway Skyrim and Far cry 3, im looking for people who are enjoying what they have and looking to give some games and win some. People like u would have never be in those groups

12 years ago

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people like him helps to build a better community here
I do believe he could be in any group
and I'm not writing this based on what he gaveway or not

12 years ago

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This. GL though

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by sean901.