After my victorious winning of Portal, I have been placed into a slightly odd predicament.

Am I allowed to enter pack games containing the game I own?

The Portal pack (Portal 1 + 2) and Valve Complete Pack (24 games, including Portal 1) each contain a game (Or multiple games) that I want, but my ownership of one of the games in the pack would violate the SG Rules.

Am I now not allowed to enter for a pack that contains 24 games, since I already own one of them?

I'm sure others must have come across this situation with the large amount of bundles on Steam, so some clarification on this topic would be appreciated :)

  • Reelix
13 years ago*

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I would enter, then if you do win ask the gifter if they are OK with it. If they are not tell them to re-roll it.

13 years ago

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Owning one game in a pack of two vs. one game in a pack of 24 are pretty different. I think most people would be okay with the latter more so the former.

13 years ago

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Same thing bothered me as well. But since SG allow you to enter it should be quite allright to try to win (in case you did the sync recently). There is some limit, like if you own 2/3 games from the pack you cannot enter. Or pretty close to it. So what SG allow me to enter, that I will. I guess...

13 years ago

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By "you cannot enter", does the site itself restrict you from entering?

13 years ago

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Yes, it says "Exists in Your Account" even if you haven't got every game from the pack (but more than some part of it, should be between 1/2 and 2/3)

13 years ago

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Since when do they restrict you from entering pack giveaways if you don't have them all? I never crossed one like this

13 years ago

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You can, but think about entering giveaway if you own like 10/24 games from it.

13 years ago

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Doesnt portal kind of stack in your inventory if you buy a pack with portal in it? Which makes this a moot point because even if the gifter was for some reasons upset, you could just send them back portal to reroll. An offical stance on packs and DLC GOTYS should be given for the community. Its rather arbitrary to leave it as "well let the gifter decide if they are mad". Not to mention unfair to the winner and community. The winner gets a win notch without actually getting anything, and the gifter gets another notch for a gift given/received.

Kind of annoying to avoid entering packs and bundles because I may own the base game w/o the dlc or because I may own one or two of the games.

13 years ago

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I just ask the giveaway maker their views on it. Some will be okay with it, others won't be.

13 years ago

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Very much this.

I'd also say that it's not a black-and-white situation. For instance, if you had Portal 1 and entered a Valve pack I was giving away, I wouldn't care. Nor would I care if you have a couple of the smaller goldsrc games (such as Ricochet and TF classic.) However, I would care if you had Portal 2 and entered the complete pack giveaway. Or if, for instance, you owned Fallout NV and entered a Fallout NV ultimate pack givaway.

13 years ago

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If it's a big pack, like the valve pack in the example, and you only own 1-2 games for it I'd be fine with you entering, most other cases, not so much. It's kinda like people entering for Complete packages when they already own the base game. What you already own will magically disappear when you activate it so I'd much rather it go to someone that will enjoy the full thing.

13 years ago

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We always leave that decision up to the submitter of the giveaway. There isn't a general policy against it, however.

13 years ago

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I think at the very least some sort of comment policy should be put in. Such as requesting the submitter to state their views on the matter in the description. This way angst for both gifters and winners is a lot less. It would suck if say I entered for a giveaway not knowing after winning I would have to forfeit the win. While I do recognize the fact that SG does allow people to enter for say New Vegas ULT when they own all content but one DLC which makes for much of the content being vaporized. And something something my point somewhere..

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Reelix.