I always go for value per £. So if I buy a game for £1 and I play for an hour then I'm happy with it. So I bought GTA for £25 and I know for a fact I can put 30 hours in that at least when I get around to playing it...
If people pay the money for it then why would the lower the price? Its business, not charity. Harsh but thats life. There are plenty of other games out there to play that are cheaper... I mean why not buy GTA 4? Saints Row is similar and cheaper! There are plenty of games I can't afford but I wait.
I actually buy games that aren't discounted. Its people's jobs you are paying for, future game budgets and entetainment you enjoy! Would you go in a shop and steal the game? Basically the same thing in my eyes. I'm not perfect, I've pirated 1 or 2 games when I couldn't afford it but I ended up buying the games when I had the money. I felt guilty :/
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The problem is people are completely uneducated on primordial but old commercial market rules.
Copies (manufactured and even more so digital) of single product have always dropped in price overtime, why? because value of said product always decrease overtime, why? because the "people"s job" was done a long-time ago, and either these people move on to another job or it becomes annuity which means speculation, why? Because you when you are artificially maintaining price of a value that is decreasing your are diverting money from the system and further pushing for the devaluation of both the market as a whole ie. other's people's job and eventually your own.
Now that'll be too long to explain why speculation in any form is bad, thus why this pricing scheme will end destroying the video game market but sure, I'll let people conform to pre-fabricated excuses to defend multi-million companies until they don't have money to buy any game and these companies don't sell anymore. But I like to try.
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GTAV is on the first page of the SG wishlist. 50,701 are playing now. 360,761 was its all-time peak. It has not lost any value?
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You didn't respond to my comment at all. You disregarded it and said I was wasting your time. Up there are cold hard figures and shows it is still at the correct value!
Supply and demand, my friend. Supply and demand.
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But I did respond, in very profound (maybe not intricate) details why the argument of Supply and Demand is a false argument. Also you figures don't show anything other than, yes GTA V is successful because 300,000 people have been playing it, do you know how many millions of people around the world pirated it because of the price? But that's not the point again, the point is the pricing scheme these publishers or platform are applying will, by eternal rule of market value and distribution, make the video game market collapse eventually and a new form of piracy emerge.
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Yeah a lot of people who were potential customers.. A lot of money that could have been made but didn't because they'd much rather get something someone worked hard on for free...
So, how did you afford your PC? Was it so much that you don't have the money to buy games?
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"Ouin ouin, the poor multi-BILLIONS company with their 6 figures paid employees, how dare people make a free copy of it if they dare the price unfair?"
You would help nazis deport jews in times of war I can guarantee you 100%. It's called "stooge syndrome" and you are one of 3/4 people on that thread with this.
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Just because a person is rich does not mean you have a right to steal it. The company made its money fair and square. Doesn't give a low life like you the excuse to steal
Wow, there is something seriously wrong with you.... You have to be a troll. There is no way a person can be this uneducated.
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It's NOT stealing, stealing can only occurs when you are stealing a unique copy of a physical object. Poor you, when 3D printer are the norm in 10 years how are you going to cope with poor multinational corporations having people getting object instead of...well, not buying it anyway.
It's amazing that in 2017 people can spit out this argument that has been void for 10 years: http://freakonomics.com/2012/04/02/copying-is-not-theft/
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Stealing definition: "take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it."
You are taking, coding, artwork, music files etc. You are taking someone's creative property. I bet you have plagiarized as well because you didn't take the person's physical piece of work
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SO how do you get a pirated game? Magic it up? Last time I checked it takes those things I mentioned and more to make a game you steal
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You get to "pirate" a game, by making a previously non-existent copy from an existing copy, which means that nothing can be stolen. Then whether you pay for a legal licence, which you don't have, is another question: were you to buy the game if you couldn't pirate it?
Studies, from Stanford to Harvard as well as the number I mentioned about GTA V (or could be Game of Throne episodes, I hope you pay for those, they work so hard the poor little hobos) have long shown that no, you wouldn't.
BUT since the person is still playing the game, he might eventually buy it because he likes it, or it means that he'll share the game or a review with other people that might buy it, and because they all played it it means they're all way more likely to buy the next episode which is why Square-Enix is making everything so that their price are so cheap or bundled, that most people own all of theirs game, and then will want to buy the next one, which is why Just Cause 3 and Mankind Divided are already at 15$ and Rise of Tomber Raider at 20$, soon 15$.
And they lucky because musicians, which has been part of my job for years, didn't have that chance because they didn't have bundles, pay what you want, and very fast declining prices or flash sales, it means that they had to put their music for free on Youtube for ads, that they've ad to tour and make concert, or royalties in radios and mixes, or their image with interviews or photoshoot. Is is because of the evil piracy "stealing" people's CD from shops or people's house? No it's because of fucking labels and sellers irrational digital music price, everybody accepted it until a better offer came up like Spotify or Apple Music.
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The well known peer reviewed site, Freakonomics.com to go along with rabble.ca forums. This list of reliable proof and theory you got going on is getting out of hand.
Its amazing in 2017? Are you a time traveller as well?
Honestly mate, I said you were boring but between the shady sources, Godwins Law and Time Travel...I am BACK in!
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you should start up some game, or make something delicious, cleaning something...etc.... it a far more worthy cause to use your time
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I similarly do a value per $ calculation, but instead of it being based on time, I do it based on quality (I've got young kids and my free time for gaming is at a premium). So I don't mind paying $20+ for a 3-hour game if it's brilliantly produced. Firewatch would be a good example of a game like this -- despite being maybe a 3-4 hour playthrough, I think it's worth every bit of it's full $20 MSRP. Though I had the good fortune to win it in a giveaway, I've purchased it a couple times now at full price @ GOG to give to family/friends to show my support for this niche of the gaming market which I hope will grow bigger in the future.
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Hell yeah I totally agree with this! There have been plenty of games I've paid like £20 for and gotten under 10 hours but I don't care because I loved every minute of it. But most of the time I go for time:pounds!
I always want to support developers etc! They deserve it!
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Totally Agree Firewatch was my GOTY.
It annoys me people are happy to spend similar money to watch a film that may be 2 hours long but a 2 hour long game is not ok? doesn't make sense.
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oh dear - you clearly have no grasp on the costs of watching a film at the cinema in some countries - for instance in mine it costs approximately $20 - or even more in 3D - for just one person to go to the cinema to watch a film - so yes some people do spend that much - although I admit I cannot afford it often myself (but I have paid it in the past)
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Well this makes me think that, thanks for reminding me, that maybe price shouldn't be fixed in the digital age. While you are paying 20$ for a quality games, a huge mass of people won't because it's 20$ despite it being quality. Now the usual rule I mention is that games or ANY copies of a product drop in price of time because so do their value but it's also a way of selling WAY more overtime.
Maybe another approach is a PWYW cap that decreases over-time, so that if you want to pay 5$ for Firewatch several month after it's release you can, but can add or pay 20$ or more if you liked or want to support the game. That's why Humble Bundle is/was way more successful than some games.
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Average 3D BluRay cost in the UK is about $22
Normal Blu Ray about $18
DVD about $12
I just spent $36 equivilent on 2 tickets to Rogue One (normal 2D showing) had we gone full 3D with vibrating chairs it would have cost about $45
So yes to me paying $20 for a 2 hour game is fine...
Plus since when does budget count...
DVD and cinema isnt priced based on budget...
It doesnt cost me $40 to see Star Wars and $4 to see the blair Witch Project.
I think some people have just lost a little bit of reality about what really is value and quality.....
I also liken it to stuff that I also spend money on.... If I go out for an evening it costs me about $4.50 a pint of beer... a few beers and I have firewatch...
Hell I have spent $30 easy on a taxi home...
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why would you pay for something that you don't like, let them crash and when they will blame piracy '' they are stealing our money '', well, we will get a good laugh because we didn't felt in their shitty business plan and we will have our pocket full
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Videogames, are a hobby, you dont need videogames to live by, the 60$ price tag has maintain from the 90,s by inflation alone modern games should cost around 120$.
YOU ARE NOT outh cheap game prices, people will charge whatever they feel for their job, you get to decide if its worth it or not, if not you can only move away a live without it. You dont walk to clothing store see some pants you like but are too expensive and go, well not gonna pay that, time to steal them.
or how would you feel if someone would ask you to do a very specific job for them, and when they hear the price they go, nope im not paying you, you charge to much.
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Just stay away from ActiBlizz and you will find games generally still do drop in price.
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lol even streaming games on a gigabit connection is trash so idk what you're talking about, I doubt everyone on pc will start streaming games since they're already playing on Pc for a good reason (quality)
I really don't want to write a paragraph about this so excuse me if I sound retarded.
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I'm not sure if this is what you're getting at but...
Sure... no-one is stopping you from pirating whatever you want. Most people wouldn't judge you (especially if it's a game by EA, Activision or Rockstar, fuck those guys) and the opinions of those who would don't need to matter to you.
That said: Why do you even CARE? There are SO many other games that get good discounts and stuff. So what if you can't get THAT one game? If it's not worth the price that they offer... well, it's NOT worth the price that they offer. Just flip them off (well... your computer screen, I guess... you get what I mean) and move on. :P
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I think some of my brain cells died reading this...
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+1 yes yes yes
My brain is literally hurting. I can't deal with this...
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I can't afford a HTC Vive so I'm just going to steal it to try it out...
But its okay because I can't afford it...I'll probably buy it eventually if I like it. Thats what I'm going to tell the police
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Okay... So... I'll go in a book store and write out the book on a notepad, or take photos of each page and walk out the shop?
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"In some cases" in what case is it legal?
At school you are only allowed to photocopy 10% of a book/novel... Because its illegal... Playing more than a demo of a game without paying is illegal... I don't care how much money you have. You can't afford it. Don't get it. I really don't understand how people are in this mindset because they can't physically have the game in their hands to take...
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I'm going to make sure my children never steal a product digital or otherwise. Its morally wrong...
What does this have anything to do with third world countries?
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If someone can afford a PC to run GTAV then how can they not afford £20 for a game? lol
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For example, in my country the minimum wage is $54/month. You would be surprised to know how many people don't want to put their money on something that is not physical around here.
When I was a kid, I didn't know any difference about legal or pirated CDs... I just bought them, because there were no other options. They were like a $1 for "Sims 2+Expansions" or something else. So it was a bit shocking to find out years later, that legal gaming is quite the price, compared to piracy. But yeah, now I buy stuff, although play it less.
Even nowadays you can walk to a gamestore, which is considered huge in our city, and buy a lot of pirate CDs and DVDs just for a buck. So tell me, how does a customer know, that it's pirated, and it's bad to buy these things, if he doesn't know much, and just wants to buy some games for his kid.
That's what I mean when say about mentality or the upbringing and education.
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Well if its that bad then don't buy things that are not physical. Its very simple. Budget and plan your finances on important things in life. Sure we want things but if you can't get it then don't... Like I'd love to go on a holiday but I can't afford it because I work part time and would actually lose money by working more... So do you know what? I'm not going to go on holiday. Instead I'm going to pay for food, pay my mother board and live without a holiday.
Oh and look at the image attached. You are telling me that this doesn't look shady and illegal to you?
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What do the actual discs look like though? You can normally tell by the print of the image. Its not rocket science
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I just told you a story about how people don't know the difference between legal and pirate stuff in my country, and you still argue that it's not that hard to know... But how does one know what is a real product if he never saw one in his life. I must be bad at explaining things in English. That's another topic though...
P.S. I'm not the most talkative guy, I don't even know why I started this argument.
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My first pc experiences were like that xD
Fun thing is that it wasn't illegal - because there were no antipiracy laws in my country that day.
When my parents bought first pc - computer store already installed w98, some office programs and couple of games on it.. for free..
They also were selling games and programs on CD-r freshly burned xD
If you wanted to buy original game you had to travel by train to bigger city xD
Also my parents (who were paying for stuff) were like: "why do you want to pay for it? we bought pc with cd-burner - use it and get it for free".
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Humble Bundle - really good.
TV Shows and Movies:
Kodi - free:
Link 1
Link 2
Last thing (Exodus): TV Shows < Exodus < ... (back) < Tools < Settings < Accounts < Trakt - Authorization... < Computer or phone: http://trakt.tv/activate and prompted entered < Allow Exodus to use yous account - Yes < Woohoo! < back < back < TV Shows and Movies
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Do not agree with this at all....
I remember paying £70 for a copy of Street Fighter 2 or £65 for a copy of Turok on N64
Even PC games were fairly expensive back in the day.
Games are so cheap now especially on PC and anyone moaning and whining is insane.
It's just like all these people who are moaning about Super Mario Run costing £7.99.... get a grip...
Peopl;e are just so used to dirt cheap PC games now its kinda warped some people's perception of how much games are worth.
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So much this.
I remember back in the day being so excited that PS1 brought out "Platinum" games as £20 was a STEAL. Add to that paying £39 for Amiga games that were literally unfinished, pre-internet, never patched without an "expansion pack".
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You know when you buy a digital copy Steam takes the place of the bricks and mortar shop.
In actual fact the cost of the physical game (eg box and disc and the money it costs to get ti to the shop) is about $4
These maths may not be perfect but it isn't like they can sell for $60 in a store and $30 digital and make the same profit margins... it just doesn't work like that.
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If you are strongly against the move towards streaming and non-ownership of your gaming licenses, support DRM-Free distribution platforms like GOG with your finances and word of mouth. If there is enough consumer demand and it is commercially viable, companies will see it.
Piracy is one of the biggest drivers of the desire for companies to pursue always-online, restrictive license, streaming-type distribution platforms -- the way to combat that is to make them see that DRM-Free distribution can be equally if not more lucrative by giving pirates less justification in not giving appropriate compensation for the hard work of others.
Put simply, most large corporations will do what makes them the most money given current and future trends, bottom line. I believe the time of dirt-cheap PC gaming is coming to an end as companies realize it is not the most profitable path any longer. The PC gaming market is getting pretty saturated with both titles as well as perhaps reaching a limit currently on PC gamer growth as things like mobile platforms compete for the mainstream casual gamer's attention. What this means is it doesn't make sense to flood the market with cheap games and extreme discounts anymore, especially when places like G2A are just ensuring that any time a game goes on deep discount it stays that way almost continually beyond the intended period.
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I do support GOG. But I believe that you are extremely naïve if you think that piracy is what drive companies to pursue always online, streaming-type distribution. Piracy is what always kept the prices of cultural media afloat and affordable and thus growth in market.
Companies are NOT rational today. They are rationalising. It means that if they had to auto-destroy themselves by putting irrealistic price meaning selling no product, they would, for the simple reason that the stockholders driving this companies today would get to liquidate it's remaining assets between them.
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Piracy is what always kept the prices of cultural media afloat and affordable and thus growth in market.
I'd argue that it does precisely the opposite. If everyone who consumed cultural media had paid for it, it would mean that companies could charge less for it while making more money because of the increased numbers of sales. Here's an example:
10,000 copies sold of a $50 game = $500,000
100,000 copies sold of a $20 game = $2,000,000
It means that if they had to auto-destroy themselves by putting irrealistic price meaning selling no product, they would, for the simple reason that the stockholders driving this companies today would get to liquidate it's remaining assets between them.
While certain companies (many of which are publicly traded) are run with short-term stockholder profits in narrow focus at the expense of longer-term company growth and stability, not all companies are. Research and look for companies with business practices that you agree with, and support them. If you decide that every single company is an evil entity controlled by its short-term profit seeking shareholders, you'll miss out on giving positive support to the good companies that need consumer backing to be able to fight and compete against less ethical businesses.
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Well my point, taking the best example that is Apple, is that a company is not a machine run by a sentient AI but by humans who can twist rationalisation until they are self-destructing themselves out of pure greed.
Because if a company decides to forget rational business and start thinking that the higher the price, even if it means selling less, the better
10.000 copies sold of a 50$ = $500.000
4000 copies solds at 150$ = $600.000
therefor it's justified, meanwhile they are ultimately selling LESS, thus converting and locking less people, thus growing backwards in market number even though they're making slightly higher profit.
As for your last point I agree, but positivity cannot exist without critics of what's wrong and detrimental, like justice can not exist without the sword. While I do believe you can chose to only support people you agree with like in politics, eventually when you not addressing or fighting against slipery slopes, dangerous or detrimental thinking then you have Trump elected (not that it's my concern, but I like that some people woke the fuck as to how a certain arrogant and vile censorship made people oblivious to the truth that has to be fought rationally and eloquently).
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Something that might interest some people in this thread https://www.communications.gov.au/sites/g/files/net301/f/online-copyright-infringement-2016-final_report-accessible.pdf
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"older the object, the lower the price" is not a mercantile rule at all... Objects are worth what people are willing to pay for it. If people are still buying GTA V at $60 then it is worth $60. That is its market price (for the sake of simplicity, let's ignore other currencies, different regions, trading, sales, etc) and there is NO reason to lower the price for it if it is still selling at a decent rate (which is determined by the publisher). For them to lower the price just because it's old is for them to devalue their own product. An absolutely stupid move. If they notice a drop in sales, they'll realize people are no longer interested in buying GTA V at that price and lower the price to match and pique consumer interests.
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If everyone who thinks taking a digital item isn't stealing because its not a physical item, if you could all just give me your bank and paypal details I'll happily take your digital money from you. I wasn't going to spend my own anyway so its ok!
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DM'd you my digital details bb! Have fun! I know you weren't going to spend your own money on things anyway <3
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a pirate wasn't, isn't and won't be a customer. ever. all possible transactions made by him will net companies $0.
software piracy = stealing!
steal what?
the non-existent money i was going to spend?
and don't even get me started with the fact that phisical goods can't be compared to a digital one, unless "building" 2 digital items costs more material or energy than 1.
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yes, i get that. but me as a pirate-customer didn't spend a cent.
i just noticed you attracted the worst two stalkers and bullies on sg, so now they will pollute your thread with stupid comments like they have done for 4 months to everyone else that disagreed with them.
have fun!
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I noticed, which ones are they so that I know exactly where to orient my comments. Also you might be interested in this french principle that I found important more than ever (translated here): http://rabble.ca/babble/babble-banter/stooge-syndrome
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I have a headache... Jesus, my brain cells. I guess I never have to buy a game again. Close down humble bundle, steam, uplay, origin etc!
Arghhhh. I need a parrot now! Anyone got a file for The Walking Dead: A new Frontier? Can't afford it but wasn't going to buy it... Even though I want to play it... Just send me your copy! Thanks bois!
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I was paying more for games in 1996 (N64) than now, and that's before taking inflation into account. I was paying more for games in 2001 (PS2) than now, and that's before taking inflation into account. I was paying the same in 2006 (PC) as now, and that's before taking inflation into account.
Since Steam became a thing, I stopped pirating completely (not that I ever did much before).
You stated that the current pricing scheme is worse than EVER in ANY market that exists. You're wrong.
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No...I stand by what I stated. Taking not just inflation but also cost of life and most importantly...cost of operation and reach of distribution on the internet, there's an economical non-sense in current Steam prices.
In fact as I stated, I too stopped pirating with a saner more rational pricing scheme was applied to digital video games. That's not the case anymore and that's why piracy started back-tracking two years ago...and is now rising again.
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Well the price of PC games on release hasn't really changed in the UK in years barring the odd exception (Civilization VI), so relatively they've never been cheaper, at least since I've been gaming. Logic would seem to dictate that the onset of digital distribution didn't lead to noticeably lower prices because sales figures either remained constant or increased, and publishers figured out that they didn't need to slash prices by huge amounts to see large sales and that doing so was hurting them in the long run.
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Possibly the most arrogant person I've encountered on SG. And I dislike people with private profiles who none the less insist on sharing their overbearing fucking opinions anyway. Like shouting at people from the bushes.
And, I disagree with you. Is this the bit where you call me stupid as "f" because I hold a different opinion?
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Either that or call you a nazi. It's consistently been either or both of those two things.
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I don't give a shit. Trump won. Well I didn't vote for him, but I would just to spite you. That's how much I hate people like you, and you'll never understand why until your life, your society and you country is already down in flame. But we're far from the topic at hand aren't we? A long fucking OP to make a statement that people with a fucking spine seem to have understood whether they argue against or for, for people like you to just comment and cry about "arrogance" because your fucking tiny hypocrite emotion got hurt, bouhou.
Also, I disagree with you doesn't constitue an "different opinion" or any opinion at all.
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+1 I gave up on him... Him and his supporters clearly have some issues that only a professional can help.. Might be upbringing or something mentally wrong with them :/
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Yes that's what nazis used to say, people who disagree with them must have a "mental illness": http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/disabled.html
Why am I not a hypocritical c$cks$cker with the "stooge syndrome"?
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The Witcher
I don't think that you checked how much W3 costs on gog... or any other game by CDP - because its total opposite of what you are describing. Also games on gog are without drm - so it's your copy (fuck all those "license ownership").
Some developers though.. I mean seriously bethesda... Skyrim is fucking old, remastered edition looks worse than what people were creating in workshop and you want 30e for it so many years after release?
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Right now on GOG:
W3 goty: 21.99$
Imho this is steal xD
But I played only 530h so maybe I can't see if it's really worth the price yet xD
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...is it time to go back to a new kind of "piracy"? Everybody now knows it (except for the few hypocrites who'll accept any crap shoved down their throat)...but do you know a little about the background?
There's a lie which consists in thinking that popular media formats scheme changed with the internet. But it's not true: since the first vinyls sold in the 50s, the relative price of records have always been balanced with a bootleg market which emerged first in russia (called roentgenizdat). Then K7 and VHS came-up, of which the cost of production was way lower and yet prices remained the same, which made piracy grow. Then came CDs and DVDs which despite the price of production being dramatically reduced stagnated and then even rose, provoking even more piracy.
And then the internet. But was it different? Absolutely not, the thing is you still buy a licence to use a copy of a media, wether it's on a physical format or directly the digital file, except of course digital format crush the prices of production, manufacture, distribution...close to zero. Yet price remained the same although the offer multiplied, hence piracy finally exploded.
But the video game market, contrary to other media market, had the chance of successfully transitioning to digital thanks to several adapted schemes: first, the likes of Humble Bundle or PS+ which gave a certain amount of games bundled for a very low price. Then there was the rational business idea that, your goal as a publisher since there is no format cost, is for a maximum of person to get your games no matter the price, be it for them to buy DLCs or have more people talking about it to friends then buying it or for them to be locked into your franchise to buy the next opus.
Therefor the pricing scheme that made Steam and digital game so successful was that a game would release at full retail price for those ready to fork-in 60$, but then months after months it would get down to reach lower and lower thus more and more pockets, and eventually have very low flash sales. This is not only rational in terms of business but also in term of mercantile rules: the older the object, the lower the value for it to be adopted and distributed by more people.
Unfortunately this has now changed. Because piracy has backtracked thanks to this legal scheme, as well as denuvo and corruption, but also because game streaming is on the horizon, the new pricing scheme is worse than EVER in ANY market that exists (beside housing): now most games are released at full retail price and barely go down even long after, but never below a certain point making them unaffordable if you play lots of different games or you're young/student, the worst being GTA V: this now 4 years old game is STILL a 60$ retail price, only to be regularly cut at the same high 30$ price, especially if you don't care about online.
I'm sad to say, as I rapidly mentioned, that this will get 3x worst in the coming years, not just because "piracy" is not counter-balancing with the legal market greedy price abuses, but also because streaming is on the horizon and it changes everything: with streaming, you're not paying to own a legal licence anymore, nor can you pirate the game in any way: you will have to pay 5$ to play a game for a hour, 12$ for a day, 20/30$ a month, 50/60$ for the year and IF you want to own the game (if it's still possible) and never own it, it'll probably cost you 80/120/more to fully buy games like GTA, Battlefield, CoD, The Witcher...
So as the title announced...what are your ideas.
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