Do you read the giveaway description and follow it?
Own rules for giveaway are not accepted anymore on steamgifts. I've read they were some time ago, but not anymore. So in your case you don't really have a reason to be able to request a new winner, if that's the only thing wrong with them.
For bundles it's another case, as it's written in the guidelines:
Try to refrain from entering giveaways for packs if you already own the majority of the games contained within. The giveaway creator may request a new winner if you own a high percentage of the packaged games.
So in that case there is at least something giving a reason for a possible reroll.
May not be what you've wanted to read, but you'll have to believe in the winners to follow own parameters, as there's not really a way to enforce these kind of rules like adding someone on steam.
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Are you requesting that the winner will add you on Steam, or are you willing to add them, but not deliver the gift via email? I think it's reasonable to request a reroll if you added the winner on Steam and they didn't accept (expecting you to send them the gift via mail), but I don't know if Support shares the same view.
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+1 . This was my first thought too. If someone knows better please correct us.
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i don't think you can reroll if you don't try all possibilities to send the gift to the winner.
The winner has not redeemed my gift, and I'm unable to get into contact with them. How do I proceed?
If you've been unable to reach the winner of your giveaway using e-mail and Steam after seven days of your giveaway ending, and they have not yet activated or redeemed any keys or gifts you attempted to send, please contact support to request a new winner.
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I would not enter Bundle/Franchise Pack if I have over a half.
In case of packs like GOTY or Humble indie Bundle #3, I ask the creator it would be OK only for DLCs or I have x/y when there is no description.
When I create similar GAs, sometimes I allow people to enter only for DLCs, sometimes don't.
We can ask support re-roll under 'Majority of Bundle Exists in Their Account' if my memory is right.
Also, because I don't like to deliver gift(not key) via email, I would add winner if needed. I don't know about other enforcement rule. -_-a
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But what is a high percentage? ;) Less than 50,00% isnt high in my opinion (mathematic idiot :D). Others will say 25% is high and if I only own the base game but there are a lot of dlcs? I mean I know the guidelines and I think its okay if you set the rule that you should not join a giveaway only to get 2 or 3 games out of 10, but I dont see a difference to other rules set by users. Its just a generell discussion :)
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If I understood you correctly: I guess because it's harder to quantify. If you don't allow the creator to decide when to request a reroll for the packs, you will need to set a rule about it in the faq. However, sometimes the dlcs in the pack are worth much more than the base game, maybe the base game was given out for free or sold very cheap, etc... Also, not all the games in a pack have the same value and often that value doesn't depend only on their steam store price, but also on their bundle status, lowest price they have been on sale, rating and so on.
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In case of bundles, it is left to the creator's discretion, so it is fine (and helpful) to clarify in the description in which cases you would request a reroll. Other special rules are not allowed, however there isn't anything forbidding you from asking (as long as it is within the site rules) and, as long as your request is proper and reasonable, most of the winners will comply without issues.
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Legal? Wrong choice of words right there. :P Well, all the time, I have to add the winner, then they usually block me, I have to send them an e-mail and tell them to unblock me, in order to be able to gift them the game directly. :P That's sh@tty, right? Still, nothing to do about it. :P About your situation, you can't really ask to reroll the winner just because they didn't add you.
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I made the experience that its not allowed to set my own parameters for joining giveaways I created by writing them into the giveaway description. In my case it was only "please add me via Steam". Only a tiny thing to do for those who win giveaways which will cost them 20 or more $ if they bought them by themself. I accepted (I dont add someone who wants someone from me) but never wondered about, but today I woke up and saw a bundled giveaway where its not allowed to join when you own the base game and its very often that you are not allowed to join some bundles when you own "x or more" games. But is this different to my rule? What does the support say to this? Is it legal? What do you think?
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