i'm so sorry...i want to encourage him..
i have same experience
so, dspite i am not good at english, i want to speak something
i worte "congratulations your girlfriend's birthday"
-> but i wanted to speak "it's so sad, but cheer up".....it meant "sad & encouraging congratulation" (i can't express exactly.. T-T sorry),
therefore i didn't write "(ex-)" and i wrote "I wish your want comes true" ( his want = "I just wanted people to know she was an amazing person and had a beautiful soul")
but my english expression is inappropriate..
i'm so sorry..sorry..
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Well man, you didn't do that intentionally and the english problem is there so I think OP will understand you.
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Be strong man, I have no words to say because I haven't lived a situation like this before, but, keep enduring and live the best way you can because I am pretty sure that's what she would want for you.
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Thx for the train - sad to hear she passed away, guess all there is to do is accepting it and remembering her for all the good things.
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Reading this makes me sad.. I don't know her, or you, but I wish you the very best for your future.
Don't really know what else to write and I hope you are fine, but I feel your loss and hope that you will see her again one day maybe :)
(When time has come, not before)
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Sorry to hear that, I hope you're doing ok.
Thank you for sharing your story (and the giveaways).
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I considered long and hard before replying to this, if only because I don't want to ruin your day, but you did ask, I guess...
She was abused by her own father and eventually took her own life and I was the one finding her in our apartment. There, I'm sorry...
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Don't worry about me, I've read so many sick stories about monstrous things sick people do to others that I've become immune.
It's quite unfortunate she decided to end her life instead of starting a new one with you. With reason as well as with love and support from others, people are able to overcome just about anything. It's quite sad when people end their lives before realizing that.
I can only imagine how awful this must be for you, and the kind of thoughts and questions that keep going through your head. I hope you'll be able to get over it, if you didn't already and that you'll find happiness with someone else.
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To be fair, she tried... she really did. She was repeatedly raped by her father from the age of 7 until she was a teenager, at which point she ran away from home. Then she met me, I was 16 at the time and we had a couple of good years. But eventually everything caught up to her, she became addicted to drugs, just to be able to smile and be with me, she'd say... I tried so hard to make her happy, but I couldn't. And one day she was just gone... I was 19.
I'm 35 now, if you'd believe it. I've had plenty of other relationships, of course, and I've even lived with someone else for a while, but it didn't work out-- part of me was never able to move on, part of me is still lying on that bathroom floor, on that day, holding her body; she was my whole world.
Acute clinical depression and PTSD, is what the doctors say I have. I've not moved on, as I'm sure you've figured out by now... all I'm able to do is take one day at a time, and stay alive so that those who love me don't suffer the same fate I did.
Anyway... I'm so sorry. Thanks for listening, I mean it.
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Oh shit, that's even worse then I thought. Getting so traumatized at such a young age is something that's nearly impossible to recover from. At age 7 you barely know anything, you have almost no understanding of the world, and getting very traumatized at that point will almost certainly ruin the chances of ever being able to get over it.
I am sure she'd want you to move on and find happiness with someone though, she'd want you to enjoy the life even though she couldn't. Try being as positive as you can be, I am sure there is a person out there who would not only be a good match for you but would understand your situation and would help you deal with it. You deserve to be happy, don't let what happened ruin your life.
There's not need to rush things though, let them come at their own pace.
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My actual cake day was on the 27th of October, but I'm creating a small, very modest train today instead, because today would be my (ex-)girlfriend's birthday, had she not passed away. I guess I just wanted people to know she was an amazing person and had a beautiful soul.
Thank you for reading... and you can now enter the first carriage
PS: I'm sorry all the games have been bundled before, but hopefully there's still some people interested in them-- they're all level 1+
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