9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Yeah, but the Rep system doesn't work at all, it would be a complete downgrade. :S

9 years ago

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I think best is just to get rid of separating bundle value from real value. Or split the two in entirely different categories.

9 years ago

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Probably inspired by This comment here I thought about the same thing, but:

1: Creating region based CVs would require region-specific Bundle Lists as well. This overloads both the site with data and devs with work.
2: I think that would make the site too "professional" while it's supposed to be a place where everyone gets around and gives away games. I don't care if a Russian based lvl10 used paid 100$ in RUB instead of 1000$. He still did very much. I would be envious, can't deny it, but he still did a good job, imo.
3: People should not do GAs just to farm CV. That's supposed to incentivate creating GAs, of course, but I don't think that should be the main reason for it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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1- It would anyway overload the site and the devs. I guess TheShobo is have a hard enough time handling bundle entries and I don't think that to make him verify bundle lists for each region is a good idea. The only solution would be to hire a Bundler for each region, but that makes it too "professional" and may create confusion over the bundle lists.
2- I agree that it's not fair to have RU (and soon India) prices counting in the ROW bundle list (that by the way now starts on 90% base price, no longer 95%), but that brings us back to point 1. One day or another, I think, those games would most likely have been bundled anyway.
3- I also agree on the CV drops. They shouldn't be there and the CV should be fixed. Once you give away a non-bundle game and it gets received, if the GA started before the Bundle date, it shouldn't drop to 15% CV, as the game was given before it was bundled.
I am one of those people whose income is low and I never had the chance to give a non-bundled game away, but I understand people getting pissed for their CV. Still, I'd give away for the sake of it (also, it's going to be time to do it >:D) like it's meant to be.

Basically I almost 100% agree with you, but I guess we can't do very much to fix it. I find the devs did their best at making the CV system as fair as they could with what they have.

9 years ago

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Ad 3 - It already works that way. You get full value IF giveaway started before bundling date (not the date it is added to the list) Catch is: only day is checked and server time is used.

9 years ago

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Mmmmh... I guess it doesn't work that way, I'm almost sure people is complaining about level drops about giveaways they did long before them being bundled. There was also a guy that was surprised he grew up 2 levels when the Deponia series was glitching for 100P. He gave away some of those titles really long before he posted it.

I think the CV system is supposed to be dynamic so that people can exploit it less. I don't think it should be that way. :S

9 years ago

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It works as I wrote. What you are reffering to is sometimes game is added to the bundle list long time after it should be - mostly because it was 95%+ off somewhere. It's one man job, he can't track all games prices in all stores, so sometimes it happens.

9 years ago

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I think what Soul try to say is (i'm not sure is it possible), you can use same bundle list but you need to add "if, then, else".
So it should look like this: "if" not region lock; "then" (use same formula) value*bundle or non bundle= CV "else" (if its region) use same value and same bundle and non bundle list, but output is RCV (region contributor value). Add RCV below CV on user profile and edit entry formula, add more conditional (for RCV lvl 2 - RCV= or >2 then can enter else no entry) something like that.

I'm noob at this but it would be nice if someone who knows can explain us is this possible without creating new bundle-non bundle list (something like i write above) and if not, is it hard to write (implement) that.
Thanks in advance.

9 years ago

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Well, I get it, don't worry!

What I'm worried about is that it would make it really full of exceptions and thus a little bit confusing, probably.
I think the site is supposed to be a user-friendly site with easy to understand rules regarding CVs.
Right now not everyone can even understand why his Real CV is lower than the CV displayed in his profile. It's easy to explain it to the few people that open a thread to ask that, but I think creating more complex rules would make the site more turned in CV farming than it should be.
CV system should be simple and easy to understand. By now it's right in the middle between simple and complex and adding complexity is not what it needs.

As always, that's an opinion, I'm an experienced enough user and I'd have no problems with new rules. I just think we should care more about the friendly generous community SteamGifts represents rather than the "Farm CV to get more games." site it seems to a newcomer!

9 years ago

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Leave it like it is and quit worrying about your CV so much.

I swear, some people become obsessed with it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I wasn't referring specifically to you.

It seems people in general are far more concerned about levelling up and CV lately than they are about actually giving away some games. These threads pop up every other day, and they all basically say the same thing (though in not so many words) -- "Oh no, it's not fair" or "I want to win more games, so I want more CV."

You implied as much yourself when you said "incentive to create new giveaways (aka I want more CV)" and "this is both fair to ... etc, etc, etc (aka it's not fair)".

The only thing wrong with the current system is people always want more, more, more.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I don't have an opinion either way. It's easy enough to check the bundle list, Enhanced Steam, or isthereanydeal before buying games to give away if someone is that concerned with the CV they're going to receive.

Like I said, people are more concerned about the CV they're getting than just giving away some games. Besides, if you give it away before it gets bundled, you get full CV anyway. What next? People will want full CV when there are price drops on Steam?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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So this entire post is in fact a complaint that you feel that you and others aren't getting their fair share of CV. Everything you've posted supports that.

Well ... you're barking up the wrong tree with me. I'm not a CV-hunter. I give away games that I've bought that I either already own or won't ever play -- and I give them away because I want someone to get some use out of them. CV is just a bonus to me. I like giving away games.

EDIT: If I remember correctly, when this site started, there was no CV system at all, and everyone was equal. Just something to think about. ;)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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So much this.

9 years ago

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What's wrong with the current system?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Your avatar, ExoSoul, looks like an evil dragon, an eater of souls, friendship and happnies. A true enemy in an old school RPG.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Dark souls? So it will eat your happines and morality :P

9 years ago

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not that thread again, the current system isnt perfect, but its the best we can get...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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As it has been stated countless times in the countless other "CV system is broken" threads every attempt to "nerf" russian CV would only lead to people not marking GAs as region restricted but instead gifting their region restricted gifts as ROW-gifts in an exclusivly russian group. Even getting rid of region restricted GAs wouldn't solve that problem.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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But by making cheaply aquired CV from region restricted GAs not count (fully) towards joining ROW GAs it would still result in nerfing "russian CV" which I assume they wouldn't like and would find ways around it.

9 years ago

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How about we use the Russian store prices as the base?
Then there are only a few regions that could go slightly lower, but no huge differences.
Just rename it to SteamGiftski.ru

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It would be стимподарки.рф x)

9 years ago

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Thanks for Divinity =d

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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What Sundance85 is very much true. Region-based CV would simply not work because of it.

The current system has its flaws, but I've not see any suggestion that would not introduce even worse flaws or exploits to it

9 years ago

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the problem with this is that

there is no way to check if somebody isnt trying to game the systme by not marking a game as from other region and alikes (and you can bet your money on it that people would try and abuse this, the same way as people have been trying to exploit glitches by hoarding multiple copies of certain games to inflate their CV-s)

I can only repeat myself and please dont bite my neck for it: if you are doing it for CV only, you are doing it wrong. No but or if, the principe is still the same.

9 years ago

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Just an idea that popped out of my mind: could it be better if the rule change to allow gifting of region-locked games depending on the winner's region ? Mandatory ROW gifts are coming from a time when no region-locked gift was allowed at all.
I didn't took the time to think about pros and cons, it can be simply a really bad idea :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I think they proposed for it to be allowed to give region-locked gifts to the winner if the winner is from non-ROW region, even when giveaway is stated as ROW.
But there was a case about it somewhere in the discussions.

9 years ago

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It's really sad thing that I can't buy ROW games straight from Steam so sometimes I just buy region-locked things from Steam to give them away... I don't harm anyone =P

If someone wants to "nerf" my ability to give away the only games I can buy in a local Steam - it's like the adult man with the job bitches about why school students pay less for using bus/tube/cinema , they just get more money/spend more money.

Let's make "job-restrictions" then, when u register on Steam, you choose your job and your income... Stupid stuff,right?Left?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Meh, was just saying, not to you,but to someone,maybe even to myself =d
Don't mind, just continue below --->_

9 years ago

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As long as number of entries needed for CV stays at 5, each and every modification of the current system is extremly easy to circumvent. Imo, not going to happen - afterall it was lowered to 5 from 10 or 15 short while after new site was rolled out.

Firts of all, one question should be answered: what the CV value is supposed to measure and what behaviours incentivize. Second, consideration must be taken on how much resources are needed for it to work (server and, more importantly, manpower)
Only after that searching for loopholes and ironig out details has any sense.

9 years ago

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It's been suggested a dozen of times, and everytime my answer is the same: Regional CV would be exploitable, people would giveaway it in closed groups without marking as restricted, and nothing would change for them. But this is also means there would be less public giveaways, because noone would give away restricted gifts in public. So, this is really bad idea, it would only make things worse then it is now.

9 years ago

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current cv system is broken, related to bundles, only if people wait till a game is over 85% to give it away and don't check RU prices and discounts to see if that title is ~95% off.

almost any game going for 75%/80% off is safe unless there's something like a coupon that can drop even more the store discount (happened twice, talos and heavy bullets).

9 years ago

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How about removing the CV system and just give and win games like any other contest would work? So simple yet here we are once again having a conversation about something that a lot of the users of this site thinks is broken. I have been here almost three years now and I bet I have seen literally thousands of topics about the CV system since I joined. It's not working unless the intention was to cause strife among the users of this site. The "oh look another of these threads" comments should be an indication of how people feel so get rid of the cause of those comments or at least give it a try for a while and see how things go. Groups can set their own limitations. There's no need for the site to do so as well.

9 years ago*

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Some 85% games got bundled, others not, or let's hope still not, to make things fair.

I don't consider correct lots of these games getting bundled, it affects me too, but if they plan to bundle everything that is 85%(this means 95%+ on Russia), then they forgot to still bundle for example "Divinity: Dragon Commander", which cost 1.5€ and gives $40 CV, and even now ppl are trying to give this game a lot, at least I see they bundled "Deadfall Adventures Deluxe", which was more than 95% in Russia.

Anyways to make thing goods, current CV, probably is not best, but I blame allowing region locked giveaways, not really CV system. Allowing region locked giveaways was a mistake imo.

9 years ago

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Reposting my take on it from other threads:

Well SG now automatically detects your region. Why not add a CV multiplayer based on the region users are from (for non public giveaways at least)?

With RoW regions being x1, Japan being x0.85, SEA x0.7, Ru/CIS x0.5 and so on (based on the perceived avg price difference between the regions).

Of course it's far from a perfect system, but would prevent abuse from region locked copies. On the other hand it would hurt users from locked regions that give away RoW games (bought elsewhere or acquired via trading).

9 years ago

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