That must be some kind of "joke" /smh
He plays several source games:
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So, without a GPU, are you viewing the game's output on a printer, or?
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My PC at work is an i3 (forget ghz) with intel hd4400 gfx and 2GB RAM on Win 7. It always surprises me by how much it can actually play (even if gfx are set to low). My last intel gfx chipset was a GMA 950 though, and those are pretty crappy.
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Yes, Intel HD graphics are really OK, I read everywhere about GTA V running on it (probably really good last gen i7 and i5, though).
But the GMA chipsets are horrible mostly on pre-windows 7. I had a hard time keeping 20 fps on minimum for TF2 on Windows XP, but 40+ on max details on Windows 7. Not to mention my 2 core Pentium B960 + HD graphics have no problem keeping a stable 60.
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The t100 can support upto a 128gb microSD card, and the load times aren't that bad off of them. I personally have ~8 games installed on mine, and much room to spare. Granted, using steam on touch sucks heavily.
Picking up a 32gb is fairly cheap, I've seen class 10's on sale for $10 before, and 64gb as cheap as $25, which is what I picked up.
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i have a 64gb in right now, the issue is most of the space is used with FSX-SE (about 27gb) along with two CS games and that only leaves me with about an extra gig to spare if i downloaded TF2, and i dont like being low on space. With buying a 128gb i rather save to get a gaming tower (which is what im doing now)
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did you not read the other comments?
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I'm not sure what you are trying to say. But I mean that it is sad that valve don't make something new instead of copying what is in csgo imo tf2 and csgo should stay as different games but I have to say that the update is good for the people playing tf2
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By silhouettes I mean this: . '
As you can see, you don't need colors to recognize who is who - unless they start wearing weird costumes that make them fatter, thinner, taller or smaller..
Anything that will change CSGO models general shape will greatly affect competitive scene - with possibility of killing it.
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You can maintain a silhouette while still giving cosmetic tweaks. We already wear our weapons when not in-use, for example. The silhouettes are primarily determined by either having a thick and dark-coloured profile, or a slender and light profile. The models already have a variety of headgear and cosmetic flavours picked at random. Provided they don't go the direction of zany, bright, distracting designs like the weapons have, it shouldn't be an issue... though that would also lower their appeal.
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I don't think those masks made the heads any larger. They were in the front of the head, not around it.
At least not in any meaningful way.
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On the other hand -
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Wow, TF2 really is going down that road. At least it was tolerable before because the guns were all unique and different and the hats/accessories were just... there. Now there's going to be just plain ole' gun skins that add even more nothing-ness to the game. Crates were already bad enough, too.
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And how many of these players have even bought something from the store? How many of them will actually buy the operation. And the skins are..... well a bit terrible (at least compared to cs:go ones). And how many of you are going to use them, since all the skins i saw were for the default weapons. Last time i check, configuring loadout was one of the key elements of TF2 (different weapons with different mechanics)
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I agree. The game isn't dying itself; but the market for it definetely is.
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It would make some change to the monotony of staring at the same weapon textures all the time. I do quite like the strange count embedded in the weapons but I don't think copying the CS:GO style fit with TF2 style. Hope they can find away to make it more 'cartoonish' to make it fit with the art style. I feel otherwise it stands out too much and not in the good way, but maybe that's just me.
But I hope this isn't an indication of valve trying to create money from every little thing. We all know what happens when companies only care about cashing out of their franchise all to well.
Seeing how cheap many CS:GO weapon skins are, over time everyone can get skins of their own, it will probably add more longevity to the game, not that it needs it since Valve games are still constantly the most played games. But hey people will have something more than hats to customize their TF2 experience.
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"But I hope this isn't an indication of valve trying to create money from every little thing. We all know what happens when companies only care about cashing out of their franchise all to well." - wait, they weren't trying to create money from every little thing?
Anyway, this won't get to cheapness of CSGO skins - that's because most CSGO skins skins drop in thousand of copies every week ( CSGO has 6 million players every month, and every one of them got like 1 weapon skin at least - that's 6 million new skins every month...), while this ones will only drop to people who will pay for access (which already is high barrier of entrance for many TF2 players) and will only drop for every player like 25 skins, after that campaign will end and nobody will get any more of those skins.
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This is merely the first campaign. I have no doubt once it starts and people receives it well, there will be more cases, more skins etc.. I thought you don't need to buy campaign coin to be able to buy skins. So if more skins drop, they will get cheaper and cheaper will they not? At least the common ones. They are clearly trying to make the exact same system as CS:GO here.
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If this will increase the value of the dropped items, they made the right thing to regain players from CSGO.
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I was between choosing the "Lord GabeN" option or the "All mighty potato"... it was hard </3
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"Now, say you're the sort of person who's thinking, "You know what's more exciting to me than the Gun Mettle Campaign? Having six dollars." Don't worry, frugal guy, we've got you covered too! A new Valve map! Three new community maps! Taunts! A new way to equip new weapons in-game for free! Loads of class and weapon changes! Check out the details here. You guys, this is a big update. And it lands tomorrow, so check back"
New map.
Some new classes would be sweet. Throw in a female class.
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The greatest last-ditch effort to cash out of TF2 before everyone moves on to CS:GO and Dota and LoL.
To be honest, Valve's business strategy is pure genius. Just get the community to make you free maps and skins, then make them official and charge people 6 dollars for it. And it works!
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I stopped playing a while a go, so I don't care since it the campaign runs for three months. Valve sure know how to make money with the key based economy, not only you have to buy the campaign but also the keys. Just to get skins.
I'm surprised no other F2P game went with that, many of them go with premium time and premium currency and eventually manage to end up P2W.
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Why do you even care? If you don't like it - don't use it! Skins are purely cosmetic. Pass costs $5.99. For this price, you get 2 contracts each week, which is pretty fun thing to do, actually. Each contract is 1 skin. 2 skins per week. And... you can sell em on market, if you want to, or you don't like what you got, or for profit
People that "quit" from TF2 because of skins? Are you serious? That's even sounds stupid. I didn't played for a at least few month, because there's nothing to do...
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I think they are okay, Suijin is a very small map with 1 capture point in the middle but enemies can really come from all sides.
Borneo and Snowplow is a push the cart thing and they are kinda huge which also makes enemies come from all sides, i only played those 2 for 1 round, and i kinda liked snowplow though heard others say they found it the worst of the three.
Not sure why you get votekicked, luckily i haven't suffered from that anymore lately, nor ever had 600+ ping, but i don't know if you have a good connection, maybe that's why you get kicked.
i see stockholm srcds148 #1 has 58 ping here and currently has 18/24, cp_snowplow.
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Oh, sorry, I totally forgot, that CS:GO was first game with trading, drop system, cases and keys to unlock them, weapons with kills counter, etc.
I don't remember people was complaining about Dota 2\CS:GO, that was taking "mechanics and ideas" from TF2. Why TF2 can't do the same? Valve can do whatever they want, because all 3 games was made by them! Why they need to do something new, if old ideas still works?
No one complaining about 1000 changes to weapons and gameplay, that was also included in this huge update, everyone complaining about skins, that doesn't effect gameplay at all! Skins, which you not gonna use or maps, that you will not gonna play, will totally ruin your game experience, I can't disagree with it...
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This update is awesome to play, and also is a opportunity for those that only use game to win money (in this momment people is selling / buying crates for 6€ +/-, for those that is asking is worth buy it or not..... of course price will decrease, as always...). People that dont like this update then dont like TF2, maybe they should play other game. Valve is trying same method than CSGO because weapon skins in CSGO works ¿whats the problem? people can play this TF2 mode without buy nothing. This is a big difference with CSGO, in TF2 people can play free.
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Heh, check out all the people clawing for excuses to be offended or annoyed. I mean, it's not like there was more (free) content in there or anything. Can't have a company trying to stimulate purchases in their free game now can we?
Seriously. :P
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I like the weapon skins but I don't like playing TF2 because there isn't a competitive match making system in it. I hate playing with rando's, especially when there's like 11+ of them on my team meme spouting until they quit/change teams because we lost a round.
If (hopefully when) they ever put a competitive mode in TF2, I would love it if they gave the players access to weapon, at least for the competitive portion. It would just make the matches feel more balanced because every player has the opportunity to use any gun they wanted for the class they've chosen. If you don't get what I'm talking about a great example of what I mean is Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and its League Play. You get access to every piece of equipment (guns, perks, grenades, etc.) from the start, along with 5 loadouts that were separate from the regular multiplayer's.
It was really cool of way to experiment with all the stuff without having to play for hours and hours and hours leveling up to unlock, and it helped make the game feel more varied and made me rage a hell of a lot less than in regular mp, and I think TF2 would really benefit from it.
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