I decided I want a GTX 960 in my planned PC build. However, I am debating between the 2GB and 4GB. Which of those cards, or any card in the $180-$250 price range should I purchase?

Here is a little giveaway for your troubles.

9 years ago

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It really depends on what games you going to play.. You will get a small performance increase in some cases
take a look at this video youtube

9 years ago

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4GB on a GTX960 don't really justify the increase in price, since almost every time more than 2GB are in use, the card will be too slow to picture full details flawlessly. Also, for $250 there's the faster R9 290 available, so there's also that to consider.

9 years ago

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I would recommend GTX 970 but if you decided on GTX 960, get 4GB one. Why? Many developers these days decide to implement 4k textures in their games and for lower settings they just lower the quality of some textures. They should implement 2k textures for lower settings but they don't want to. The point is, in near future you won't be able to set textures to high (not enough VRAM) and then on medium you'll see some bad quality textures.

On a personal note
Developers should change texture setting from ultra/high/medium/low/consoles (^^) to 4k/2k/1k, ultra = 4k, medium = 2k (everything would look good while nowadays medium = 4k/1k so some textures looks awful), low = 1k so everyone can at least play.

9 years ago

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There are rumours about Nvidia reducing prices to better compete with new Radeons in power/price category.

9 years ago

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I'd wait and see what NVIDIA does with the new Radeons coming out.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Are you going to play on a 4K monitor > yes > then you need a better GPU anyway ...
but regardless the card GTX960 can't handle 4GB with that meager Memory Bus of 128Bit.

^ check this out as well ... to get a glimpse of GPU's in the range of it

9 years ago

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never be obsessed with memory as long it has low memory bus width like 128bit.
always better having card with bigger memory bus width (especially if you are into gaming) like 256bit and more!
this is really pretty bad card, maybe for some office work or something :)
If you looking for gaming cards move on and avoid 128bit cards!

9 years ago

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If you have the money the 4GB, you wont see much of a performance increase, but it will help with games that have large textures or if you are using hi-res texture mods.

9 years ago

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Depends on where you live (Israel?) and prices, market trending there, how often do you plan to upgrade... Sadly, some discounts never get outside of USA/EU and sometimes the market rules are totally different of what someone from the west could expect.

If you are planning to use the card for the next 5 years and can not afford to get a better one, then 4 GB of VRAM should be safer investment in a long run, as there were times when 1 GB was "too much for that card with that bandwidth" but then later all of those who got 512 MB had to upgrade while those with 1 GB had more time to decide on what to do even if playing in medium details, and the same happened when 1 GB was enough and nowadays it is not, even if medium-class cards from 2 years ago can play games like GTA V and Witcher 3 they would certainly be better off if they had at least 1 GB RAM more than they have.

9 years ago

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I've had it with this uninformed silly meme "128bit isn't enough to use 4GB VRAM". I have a GTX 960 and it uses the whole 4 GB VRAM without any issues and slowdowns. Also the 128bit is only on paper, it's near 148-bit in real performance due to color compression technology. The GTX 960 runs every new game with 50-60 fps on ultra settings.

9 years ago*

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2Gb is the minimum you should get now, the sweet spot will be 3Gb, so I say 2Gb best option for a 960, if it was a 970 or 980 then 4Gb

9 years ago

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Frankly… don't get a 960. Get a 970 somehow, if you must go for nVidia. The 960 is slow, the memory size of 2 GB will be a laughingstock in new games within a year. The 970 is probably their only competitive card on the market with a reasonable price for good performance.
Otherwise… 2GB. As someone already said, the memory bus on the 960 is just plain crap for its intended purpose.

9 years ago

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Sorry for the off topic, but is the 960 4GB SSC any good? I got that as a prize from G2A but couldn't test it yet, need some parts before I can build a new pc

9 years ago

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if you're buying a 960, then you're playing @ 1080p. You won't hit 2gb in that resolution.

Heaven's benchmark @ 1080p @ ultra preset and x8 AA will only use 1.2GB VRAM.
The highest I've seen is mordor @ ultra preset (except textures which is medium) and it used 1.7GB

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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if you're playing GTA V get the 4gb then. That game gobbles VRAM. The VRAM scaling on resolution is very bad


9 years ago

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check your motherboard and cpu compatibility with new card. maybe crucial thing for your gameplay experience.

9 years ago

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lol, no.

9 years ago

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oooppss... that was a fail... no epic tho :D

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by DirtyAtom.