I vaguely remember creating a ticket for the issue back when it happened with disappointing results, which is odd because every other ticket I've ever had to create was taken care of super fast and never disappoint. But for some reason I remember trying with this issue and being told that unfortunately nothing could be done.
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If the key is no longer there to activate, buy the game, so it is in your account.
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I see you've already solved it, so at this point it doesn't matter, but yes that would have worked, as far as I know. My understanding is when you win a giveaway, it only checks whether you have that item in your steam account, not whether you redeemed THAT key for it. In fact, I'm not even certain there would be any meaningful way to distinguish it. So, in this case, the automated system basically goes "He won Total Extreme Wrestling in the past. Does he have that on his account?" No = did not activate, yes = all's good. So, getting the key somewhere else and activating it, including directly from Steam itself, should work as far as the "Does he have that on his account?" check is concerned.
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You can check the list of unactivated wins here: https://www.sgtools.info/nonactivated/ProtagorasEmber
Then go to your list of won games and search: https://www.steamgifts.com/user/ProtagorasEmber/giveaways/won/search?q=total%20extreme
You can look for the key for that game here and try to activate it again: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/won/search?q=total%20extreme
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Wow I was way off. I thought the game this happened with was FootLOL (https://store.steampowered.com/app/263740/FootLOL_Epic_Fail_League/) and actually it ended up being otal Extreme Wrestling 2010 (https://store.steampowered.com/app/344810/Total_Extreme_Wrestling_2010/)
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Thank you so much. I had no idea where to find that out. Turns out I was wrong and the game showing not activated wasn't wgat I thought and I had even thanked the sender for the game. Somehow I just never finished activating it and thanks to your help, I just located the key and it still worked.
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When you are done, use this link https://www.sgtools.info/sync to resync sgtools (which can also be accessed under Home > Sync)
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I did have to do that, thank you, and now I am not getting barred from SGTool checks for activated wins. It didn't work at first and syncing on steamgifts.com itself didn't fix it, but SG Tools did send me a link to the same refresh page after I initially did not meet requirements of a GA I was trying to go to. Thank you for listing it though because I think I had to do it a few times to get the link, and it would be nice if this post helped someone else with the same problem in the future so giving the full fix is the best. Thanks a ton.
PS - I've whitelisted you and everyone else who commented to help me with this. Thank you all.
PPS - Now I just need to get my sagging CV value up which I've let drop for too long.
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A few years back my life was even more chaotic than usual, which says a lot, and although I greedily made time to occasionally stop by SteamGifts and enter GA's, I was not the best at both following up on the GA's I entered just on the rare chance that I might actually win, and I was going through one of my periodic phases where I didn't do much gaming so I wasn't even signing into Steam regularly. Anyhow, I won a game, I believe the game was a cartoonish soccer/football game, but the person who made the GA rightfully did what they had to do when after over a week I did not activate the game or mark the game as received. Now not getting the game was no big deal but after that point, IIRC honestly, I believe that I got marked as not having activated one of my wins. Now I haven't always been perfect in my behavior when it comes to GA's, I once had a GA group that I made that was solely focused on turn-based strategy games, and when the same member had won his 3rd or 4th GA in a row I became 100% convinced that something wasn't on the level and refused to send the game, and even disbanded the group in frustration. It wasn't my finest hour and I would never claim to be perfect or always conduct myself as best I should, here or in any arena in life.
I have no problem with those unsent games being counted against me because I was 100% guilty of that. But what still kind of bugs me is when I get penalized for things that I did not do, and with this game that I didn't come back in time to claim, I didn't take the key and do something else with it, or mark it as received and then traded it or sold it, I didn't do any of the shady things that people who don't activate their wins do. And still do this day, whenever a GA shows a link to SG Tools, I can almost guarantee that I won't be able to enter it. Activated games are the most common qualifiers on SG Tools from what I've seen, and although I've won plenty of games, and although I will never stop coming here and trying to both win games and give games away, it has always been in the back of my mind that I wish I could do something about the blemish on my account that I feel I don't actually deserve.
So if anyone knows anything about this type of issue, is there anything I can do here? How would I best find out exactly what game that was and the date of the GA? I haven't seen it listed in my list of won GA's when I searched before.
Or should I just suck it up and move on and accept that I should not have been entering giveaways if I couldn't handle the responsibility of following up, not just because it's the right thing to do but out of respect for the person who took the time to make the giveaway in the first place?
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