Is it worth Gaming Laptop For 1000$ ?

9 years ago

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A gaming laptop costs a bunch and is terrible compared to a desktop you could build for $1000. The only reason to get a laptop is if you are traveling a bunch

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Or if you're a lazy bastard like me who likes to compute in bed.

9 years ago

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You can do it with wireless mouse and wireless keyboard aswell :D

9 years ago

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Using a mouse on a mattress is a tricky thing, I assure you. When I want to play games which require precision I have to go and sit at my pathetically tiny desk, which is a bummer.

9 years ago

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Hehehehe, I'm the king of sofa-computing while laying down ^^. I have been training hard for several years now. I use a tray and a laptop-cooler. For the mouse I use two mousepads, a little pillow and a footstool. =D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Solution: Logitech k400
It have a touch pad like a laptop

9 years ago

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I am using a wooden plank that rests on my knees xdddd

9 years ago

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Good post.

9 years ago

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you can get gaming laptops for a lot less. I paid for mine 650 euros.

It is just how powerfull do you want it to be?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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If you need to move often yes.

9 years ago

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If you travel a lot yes theres a new dell "gaming" laptop for 800 with a gtx 960m, but i dont remember the model
Edit: here's the review

9 years ago

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If you absolutely HAVE to be on the move while gaming, I would assume so, just make sure it is a really good one.

But really, desktops are much better than laptops performance per dollar wise

9 years ago

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I bought an Alienware Laptop for 1280€ 4 years ago.. i am still using it but i cant play new AAA Games on it :/

9 years ago

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What is mean AAA ?

9 years ago

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High Quality Games for example i bought ARK and cant start it :/

1 GB Graphic Card isnt good enough

9 years ago

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Don't think ARK even counts as AAA.

9 years ago

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Well it has really high specs :s

9 years ago

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It doesn't have a large studio, budget or team behind it (I think) so it's not a AAA game.

9 years ago

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"In the video game industry, AAA (pronounced "triple A") or Triple-A is a classification term used for games with the highest development budgets and levels of promotion or the highest ratings by a consensus of professional reviewers."

examples: gta 5 , far cry 4, tomb rider , and soo on

9 years ago

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Alienware is mostly like iPhone etc. You pay for the brand, not the product.

9 years ago

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Partly true ;) Still was a very stable product like iphones ;)

9 years ago

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They usually work for a long time. But overpriced alot. One can get almost the same product for less ^^

9 years ago

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why do you need a laptop and not an desktop ?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Big NO

Laptop's suck for gaming, You are much better with desktop PC.

9 years ago

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My laptop has played everything I've thrown at it thus far without a problem.

9 years ago

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How many dollars is your laptop ? (bonesof87)

9 years ago

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About 1300 (bought it in GBP). An Asus ROG. But it's an oversized beast, I wouldn't recommend trying to travel with it.

9 years ago

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Does look like they do a smaller version for $1000 though:
I'm sure there are some good alternatives though. MSI are a reputable brand, and I know they have at least 1 sub $1k model.

9 years ago

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I bet that one in EU can't be purchased for less than 1200€ (including a lot of search and a keyboard not for my language which here woukd be 1350 just because our market is even more limited).

9 years ago*

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I've had to use laptops for the past few years (I move around a lot) and it's been good so far.

If you're not on the go constantly though, just buy a desktop though.

9 years ago

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I moving a lot so thats a reason i want to buy a laptop

9 years ago

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It's worth it, then.

9 years ago

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Also Toshiba had really poor driver support (and without drivers you can't even get FN keys to work), at least 2 or 3 years ago it was definitely so.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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are you moving a lot? then no. you can get cheaper and much better
otherwise build a PC.

9 years ago

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yep i moving a lot :)

9 years ago

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You should try considering the pros and cons of each for you personally.
I bought a $1000 gaming laptop in December and for me it is worth it. One day I plan to buy a nice desktop but at this time a laptop was a much better choice for me. It's hard to tell you if it's worth it though without any details. A desktop will be more power for less money, so most people will say always go desktop.

9 years ago

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Yea now but i moving a lot

9 years ago

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Just curious - why was it a better choice?

9 years ago

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Uh I'll just start listing stuff. Sorry if I ramble!

  1. I currently live with my family and the house is fairly crowded. A desktop would not fit in my room, so it would need to be in the living room where there is no privacy. I appreciate privacy.
  2. Of course the biggest reason is the mobility. I'm a student so a laptop is very useful. I also love that I can bring my laptop with me to friends places. I like the social thing of gaming in the same room with someone haha.
  3. I had a really strict budget, and I spent a long time working out the prices of building a desktop compared to buying a laptop in that budget. In the end the desktop was barely better than the laptop for the same price because I was starting from scratch with the desktop. (parts + Monitor, case, keyboard, OS, and whatever I need to get wireless to work. That's not including a desk and chair I would need to buy.) I realize that in the end it would be a better purchase because I can re-use those in the future, but I decided to wait.
  4. I've been using a laptop for over 5 years to game so it might have something to do with my comfort zone as well. Plus the laptop was a really good deal for the specs and build quality. I found it on Costco.
9 years ago

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That's pretty interesting and completely understandable!

9 years ago

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i have msi

9 years ago

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If you can desktop will always be better then a laptop for the same price.
If you move a lot and really need cant transport a desktop go for a gaming Laptop (for me 1000$ might be too low for a stable 60FPS at 1080p).

9 years ago

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I'm build computers and I will recommend you your best choice for a portable gaming laptop for ur budget. Take note of this dude.

DELL 7559 it's 799 USD
8gb ram
1tb HDD
above avarage batery life
ips display
u can tune it with a ssd 250gb 850 EVO and add another 8gb ram and be under USD 1000

9 years ago

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If you buy a gaming laptop, it will be obsolete in a year or two and you either buy a new one or be stuck playing old games. You can build a much better gaming desktop for $1000. I built my current system 5 years ago. The only thing I carried over from my old system was the DVD drive, keyboard, mouse and display and one of the hard drives. I spent less than $1000 and with a few upgrades over the years and some overclocking, I don't see myself needing a new system any time soon. The most demanding game I have now is GTA V, and I'm playing it at 1080p 60fps with most settings maxed out. I think the only things I turned down were the grass and some of the advanced options which had no noticeable difference in visual quality.

I notice your replies to others saying you're moving a lot, but what does that mean? I used to attend large LAN partied until a few years ago and it was not a big deal toting my system around.

9 years ago

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Don't buy gaming laptops. I learned it the hard way.
Bought one for $1000 and stuck with it for 3 years, it kept overheating and was outdated in less than a year (couldn't keep up with newer games). Later bought one for $2000 and stuck with it for 5 years, after 2 years it was outdated and the last 3 years I needed to get it frequently repaired and maintained just to keep it running decently (and it still constantly kept overheating).
Now I got a gaming desktop after 8 years of laptops, and I run everything at max settings with absolutely silent cooling. It's awesome.

9 years ago

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It's awesome if you don't travel.

9 years ago

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Even if you do travel, gaming laptops are really clumsy, usually big in size, heavy and with horrible battery life making them portable at most. The batteries only last properly the first year or two anyway in my experience. The only advantage is that they're easier to carry than desktops, but with the rise of even mini desktops being way more powerful and reliable for the price and being fairly portable (minus the monitor), I'd suggest those any day over a laptop.
But it's true I rarely travel and when I do a normal non-gaming laptop can be perfectly fine for short-term entertainment.

9 years ago

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Well the fact that they're portable is what makes them useful for gamers who are on the road most of their week. The first year-or-two is enough to save for the next laptop, which will probably be better in both performance, battery life, and mobility. So that's pretty great.

I've had a gaming laptop for several years now and I've never been disappointed. Sure, I may not be an avid gamer, and I don't need 3 screens and 12000 fps on hyper-ultra-HD settings to actually enjoy the games I play, but my laptop is still pretty capable for my liking.

A good 2000 euro laptop will do pretty much the same thing as a 2000 euro PC. Especially now that GeForce 980GTX (desktop version) is available for laptops. Again, sure, you won't get 12000 fps on the highest max settings, but you get the mobility that the desktop doesn't have. And paying for that is worth it for me.

9 years ago

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I see and agree with most your points :) but in my experience there's no way a laptop can compare to a similar priced PC. As an example my old 2000 euro laptop was struggling with newer games at medium graphics within a year after purchase and with fans increasingly overheating at the least use of 3D (at 3+ years even older games on lowest settings would stress the fans), while my current new PC at the same price is running every AAA game at max with not a care in the world and is ten times faster even when just opening apps on desktop, tabbing in and out and having a dozen processes running at the same time. Obviously 5 years have passed since my last laptop purchase so maybe they've suddenly caught up - in that case, just my luck :)
Also, while I had my less-than-optimal laptop(s), almost all my friends had similarly priced desktop PCs which performed several times better during the same period of time and at the same cost.

9 years ago*

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Well, of course desktops will always perform better. At least in the next following years (who knows how laptop technology will evolve). Now we have fanless laptops/water cooled, etc. The fact that NVidia GTX is made available for laptops as well is yet again a major step forward for gaming laptops.

But as I was saying, while I can't play the latest AAA games on high settings (mostly because my laptop is actually too old), I can play a good number of them on medium-high. Which for me is perfect. It may not suit everyone's gaming needs, obviously, but I'm not very pretentious. Most of my favorite games are actually old-school strategy and RPG games, so yeah. That may say a few things.

It all comes down to whether you move a lot from place to place and you want your games with you. And whether you can play on medium-high settings without twitching. ^^

9 years ago

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Pfff Gaming Laptop.........?

Just buy a MacBookPro, they have higher resolution sometimes at that price, they sometimes not include GPU even for that price, but it's not a big deal because you get plenty of hipster hype instead.

Just think about it, a new shinny aluminium MacBookPro with Intel graphics i5 dual core 1.4GHz, 128Gb of Flash Storage, no GPU, 8Gb of RAM, Yosemite OS X, ALL YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS GONNA BE JEALOUS!!!

9 years ago*

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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But MacBookPro is your tool of choice to use Facebook, you know the typical $1200 MacBookPro user who bought it to chat in Facebook and share photos.

9 years ago

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A huge chunk of people who buy Windows and Mac OS X machines should just buy a Chromebook. If you're just gonna Facetweet and Youmail, Chromebook is sufficient.

9 years ago

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and aaaaaaall the games you can play on it!

9 years ago

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i play games on a laptop. it's not technically a gaming laptop, an asus N76V, but ¯_(ツ)_/¯. I can't play high performance games on it that came out since 2015 (fallout 4, rise of the tomb raider, mgs v,...) so that's kinda sad. But i only bought mine for 450€ second hand but it had over a year warranty (and still has) and was in perfect shape. The new price was 1100€.
So it depends on what games you wanna play. And make sure to take a look at second hand laptops because sometimes you can find them for very cheap

9 years ago

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Definitely. I use one myself.

9 years ago

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a 3 watts sub included, we must order it right now

9 years ago

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You pay more for mobility than the hardware. Keep that in mind.

9 years ago

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Gaming laptops and gaming consoles are the worst long term investments ever.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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you need to know that generally, a laptop worth twice as much a a 500 $ tower (a 2:1 ratio in price) so if you are planning to move alots with it it can be ok but if you plan to play always at the same place, better to get a tower instead

9 years ago

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