thanks but there does not specify too much, I would like to know some website where I introduced the key we could know if you have regional blockade, because who draw the game is in brazil and maybe the draw because it has regional block and is only for Russia or elsewhere in the world -. -
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No se pueden dar juegos bloqueados regionalmente, es en contra de las normas, tienes que marcar el giveaway como no recibido en 7 dias si el creador no te da una version no bloqueada. Y si el creador decide darte el juego no bloqueado, tu segun las normas debes activarlo en tu cuenta, no puedes intercambiarlo.
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Gracias, en gameminer no se si estara prohibido o no sortear juegos bloqueados, lo cierto es que ese usuario gano el sorteo de el mismo juego y a las horas sorteo el mismo juego, quiere decir que gano un juego bloqueado regionalmente y cojio y lo volvio a sortear y lo gane yo y me he puesto en contacto con el y cojio y me dijo esto:
Well if you think you're right ok... but the key is real, you didn't waste coal. Yes I won it I wasn't warmed of regional block either so I repassed this way the key may be useful to some1... in my head it seems a good thing, but you won and you're having the same problem I had... well I did not reported the guy because it's a REAL WORKING KEY, but nevermind... you want to report it's ok I can understand, but I do not agree with you. I wans't trying to make you mad, just wanted the key to be used to some1 it would be a waste if I kept it. Sorry if made you mad, but as I said before, you didn't even waste coal, so please try to understand my side too.
Lo he reportado al administrador de gameminer porque si sorteas algo con bloqueo regional al menos en descripcion del sorteo deberia de dar algun tipo de especificacion y no la da y lo que no se puede es sortear algo y no decir nada
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the only solution I can think of would be to use some program to change the IP of my country and use such as a Russian and try to activate it on my account, that way there would be risk of ban by steam or there would be no problem? not want to risk using a key that may cause problems to my account
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yeah, steam might ban you for vpn. But also, as I see on, this game has onlyallowrunincountries restriction, meaning it is playable only in CIS-countries (i.e. to run it you'll have to use vpn as well). Is it worth the risk? I don't think so, but of course it's up to you to decide.
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Hello, wanted to ask a question, win a lottery in another website that is not steamgifts (Sniper Elite V2 in gameminer), and apparently the key has regional block and I would like to know if anyone knows any way I can find out what their regional blockade but since I can not share the key with anyone or I can do anything with it because when you try to activate I get the following message:
Not available.
The Following items are not available for purchase in your country. Purchase Has Been Canceled.
I would like to know if anyone knows this game has regional blocks as I would like to take the key and use it or trade with anyone who is interested in this game because in Spain you can not use it, thanks in advance
Hola, queria preguntar una duda, gane un sorteo en otra web que no es steamgifts (Sniper Elite V2 en gameminer), y al parecer la key tiene bloqueo regional y me gustaria saber si alguien sabe alguna manera de poder averiguar cual es su bloqueo regional ya que sino no puedo ni intercambiar la key con nadie ni puedo hacer nada con ella ya que al intentar activarla me sale el siguiente mensaje:
No disponible.
Los siguientes artículos no están disponibles para su compra en su país. La compra ha sido cancelado.
Me gustaria saber si alguien sabe que bloqueos regionales posee este juego ya que me gustaria poder aprovechar la key y usarla o intercambiar con alguien que este interesado en este juego ya que en España no es posible usarla, gracias de antemano
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