I found a site that suggest me, what game from my library I should play: steam-buddy. But I don't want to play game suggested by that site right now, and there is no "Skip" / "Next" button. Do you know other sites that have similar functionality? Maybe there are sites, which will allow me to filter my library by genre/metascore/etc? I can't find this kind of filtering on steam (I'm blind or something?).

EDIT: Changed title from "What game should i play now?" to avoid misunderstanding.

Solution by jackolantern (http://www.steamroulette.net/) was exactly what i was looking for.

http://randomsteamgame.com by Sisyphus17 and This Steam Calculator now gives you random suggestions by DeltaBladeX also looks nice:)

Thank you for your help!

10 years ago*

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Syberia 2 , Solar 2, Smooth Operators, Civ 4, Civ 3, Restaurant Empire II, Hero of the Kingdom, Galaxy on Fire 2™ Full HD, 7 Days to Die, Reus, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition, Crusader Kings II ( you have CK2 and you have played it for just 2 hours? Heresy!), The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (In just 12 hours you can't even explore half of the cities), Just Cause 2 (you need at least 30 hours to complete and enjoy this game).

Now tell the truth. You simply wanted to some attention ... ?

10 years ago

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I think he wanted to be nice, actually.

10 years ago

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Both him and you

10 years ago

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Well no... I was asking about site, that will pick a game for me to play from my library...
I think i really should edit discusion title.

10 years ago

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wasn't necessary to change the title. i just wanted to throw my potato there

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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Payday 2

Why is that even a question?

10 years ago

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I use "Fortune Cookie" on The Backloggery, plus Howlongtobeat to have an idea of the game lenght

10 years ago

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I will check it:) Thanks!

10 years ago

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Same, though setting it up might take them a while.

10 years ago

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Do you guys even know how to read?
Getting really tired of seeing users just dropping pre-made lists of games/music/anime whatever, without even reading the post

10 years ago

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I got what i deserved for setting inaccurate title:)

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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My mama always said im too yaang to make my own choices.

View attached image.
10 years ago*

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I have too many games and it's hard to choose:) I'm in mood for RPG right now, so i was wondering, if there is any site that can filter my steam library by genre/metascore/etc. I didn't found that option on steam itself (maybe I just missed it). And I don't want to check every game in my library right now:)

10 years ago

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The Witcher 1 & 2 are good choices, if you haven't played 'em. They are based on the books of Andrzej Sapkowski, polish, just like you xP I see you already own those games, you should give 'em a chance. The Witcher 1 has a strange combat system, but it has a solid story. The Witcher 2 is even better, with awesome graphics, a hack n slash style, and it can be VERY difficult if you like challenges.

10 years ago

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Thanks for sugestions. My right arm is broken right now, so i can't use mouse/gamepad. That's why i wanted a site that will help me with making decision:)

10 years ago

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You can use a skin like pixelvisionsv2 in steam to create categorie for your games, Though you will have to manually sort them all :D

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Why isn't there a "What game should I play next thread"? The user comments to the previous user which game to play next and so on.

10 years ago

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just start one...

10 years ago

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I've already got a game to play :)

10 years ago

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Never knew that was there, and I use this site often. Thanks, Delta!

10 years ago

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It was a recent change, only a few weeks at most. Even I didn't know about the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button until today.

10 years ago

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I didn't noticed it. Thanks!

10 years ago

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504 Gateway Time-out
do i have too many games for your site to handle? :D

10 years ago

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It worked very slow for me and i have ~450 games right now. You are to awsome for that site!

10 years ago

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i'm not familiar with digital ocean hosting, but can't you extend timeout?
i usually use clouds for hosting... can do everything with settings i choose :)

10 years ago

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When I wrote that i found it, I meant that i was searching for something and this popped out. I didn't mean "founding". It's not my site:) My English is far from perfect, so if it was misleading, please accept my apologies:)

10 years ago

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I get the same thing too. This thread has provided the site with too much popularity at once lol

10 years ago

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I was in the same situation as you; wanted a site that would recommend games based on some sort of criteria and not just randomly.

So, I made myself a web site which functions as a catalog for my games and movies and a recommendation system, taking mainly into account how I rate previously watched movies or completed games. I can also filter by genre, year, and so on. The only problem; I got tired of updating my catalog there. =P

My second -simpler and also less fulfilling- approach was a bash script which will parse an achievements site and recommend games from my Steam library. These sites usually give you points for every achievement you get; the more rare the achievement, the more points. So, the logic behind this script is that if a game gives you few points for its achievements it's because it's very easy to finish or very popular. Either way, that game is a good candidate to be played.

I run my script against your profile, and this is the result:

  1. Nightmares from the Deep: Davy Jones
  2. Machines At War 3
  3. Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek
  4. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  5. Dark Arcana: The Carnival
  6. Portal 2
  8. Fortix
  9. 4 Elements
10 years ago

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you could try steam roulette


it gives you the option to select different criteria like genre or achievements etc

10 years ago*

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This one never worked for me.

10 years ago

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It did for me for a while, hasn't since my game collection grew, not sure if it's that or some other issue.

10 years ago

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Exactly what i was looking for! Thank you:)
It gave me couple errors but after that it worked! Maybe because I disabled adblock.

10 years ago

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Cool, glad you got it working.

10 years ago

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You've put 21 hours into Wizard Wars but barely touched the original Magicka? That's just shocking and should be rectified immediately.

10 years ago

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21? Oh... I probably forgot to turn it off;)

10 years ago

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randomsteamgame.com is one I found the other day. Like you (and many other people) my backlog is immense and choosing the next game can be a bit overwhelming. How Long To Beat is nice and also has this feature, but you have to manually add all of your Steam games to the backlog pile, which is absurd. Still, I have a lot of games on console and I'd like a randomizer to include those options as well.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by emgieer86.