Hey und Hallo, this thread is primarily for german user of Steam.
I search a list of games with the mark "Not availabe in Germany!"

Alekhine's Gun (??????)
Anime Nazi Biohazard
Aliens vs. Predator (2010) (???????)
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (????????)
Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood (????????)
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway (????????)
Call of Duty: United Offensive (Add-on/Expansion Call of Duty) (????????)
Cold Fear (activatable without VPN)
The Club (??????)
Clive Barker's Jericho (activatable without VPN Key+Gift)
Condemned: Criminal Origins (activatable without VPN)
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines (activatable without VPN)
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty (activatable without VPN)
Commandos 3: Destination Berlin (activatable without VPN)
Dark Sector (activatable without VPN)
Dead Island (activatable without VPN)
Dead Island Ritide (activatable without VPN)
Dead Rising 2 (??????)
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record (??????)
Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition (??????)
Dead Space 2 (activatable without VPN)
Drug Wars (??????)
Doom II: Hell on Earth (activatable without VPN)
Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition + normal (activatable without VPN - Gift & Key was okay)
Enemy Front (??????)
F.E.A.R. (activatable without VPN)
Fidget Spinner (not activatable - Lock in germany, keys not working. Not Working with VPN)
Football Manager Series (activatable without VPN)
Gun ("light" Red Dead game, but great) (activatable without VPN)
Hatred (activatable without VPN)
Inversion (activatable without VPN)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (activatable without VPN)
Lucius (activatable without VPN)
Manhunt (activatable without VPN)
Max Payne (1) (activatable without VPN)
Mortal Kombat (9) Komplete Edition (activatable without VPN)
Quake III Arena (activatable without VPN)
Quake III: Team Arena (activatable without VPN)
Quake 4 (activatable without VPN)
Rogue Warrior (??????)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (activatable without VPN)
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (activatable with VPN & play - after few months without VPN playable)
The Sum of All Fears (Der Anschlag) (??????)
Shadow Dancer (??????)
Silent Hill: Homecoming (??????)
SiN (indirekt, da nicht Teil von SiN Episodes: Emergence im deutschen Store / indirectly, as not part of SiN Episodes: Emergence in the German Store) (??????)
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army (Sniper Elite: Zombie Army verfügbar/available) (??????)
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 (Sniper Elite: Zombie Army 2 verfügbar/available) (??????)
The Typing of the Dead: Overkill (??????)
Unreal Gold (activatable without VPN)
Unreal II: The Awakening (activatable without VPN)
Unreal Tournament 2004 (activatable without VPN)
Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition (activatable without VPN)
Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Edition (activatable without VPN)


Aliens versus Predator Classic
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
Blood: One Unit Whole Blood
Blood II: The Chosen + Expansion
Carmageddon Max Pack
Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now
Kingpin - Life of Crime
Painkiller Hell & Damnation
Painkiller Overdose
Postal 2
Postal 3
Rise of the Triad
Rune Classic
Star Wars Dark Forces
The Chaos Engine
UberSoldier II

(I think i forgot some games, that i owned)
Can you tell me more to complete the list? Because i want to buy some.
Deutsche Kommentare sind auch sehr gern gewünscht. :)

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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we can play, just not directly buy

8 years ago

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i can, i buy these via bundles or swiss friends :D
But you're right, that's a huge list of cool games..

8 years ago

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Commandos (alle Teile)

8 years ago

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Stimmt, waren die schon immer nicht da oder wurden die erst entfernt? (Ich besitze ja alle)

8 years ago

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bin mir nicht sicher, aber wurden oft genug gebundled

8 years ago

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Ich konnte sie mir über Gamersgate holen

8 years ago

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Maybe you could split between not availabe and not activatable.
For example: you can activate Dying Light but not Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

8 years ago

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Definitive Edition is not available to purchase in germany only the first version as cut...i talk about the steam store.
And you can activated Definitive Edition via VPN and after some month you can play without VPN. I don't know why.^^

8 years ago

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Yeah but it's different from game to game so I thought a list that gives infos about games i can't even activate (without vpn) would be good :)

Also Dead Island is missing in the list

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Dead Space 2 and Dead Island and Unreal (Any of em) has nothing to do with Germany or Nazis and it's still unavaliable and you want to blame Adolf for that ?XD

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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better blame Merkel, she's done a lot of crap already, she deserves this honor aswell

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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schaft einfach die usk ab.
sinnloser verein.

8 years ago

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USK indiziert oder verbietet aber keine Spiele, sondern die BPjM.^^

8 years ago

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aber die BPjM setzt doch sachen nur auf den index .
wüsste nicht dass auch nur eins der oben genanten spiele auf dem index ist.

8 years ago

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Manhunt? z.b. :P

8 years ago

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Über die Kriterien der USK kann man sicher streiten aber ein Rating wie eben auch PEGI und Co. finde ich schon recht sinnvoll.

8 years ago

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bin österreicher, pegi ist absolut ausreichend.
verwenden ja auch genug länder die den kinder und jugendschutz in ihrer verfassung haben.

8 years ago

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ja, sehe ich genauso

8 years ago

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weißt du zufällig was die usk euch im jahr kostet?
allein die uncut importe müssen eurer wirtschaft schon millionen im jahr kosten.

8 years ago

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Ich glaub nicht, dass es dazu sinnvolle Quellen gibt.
Maximal würden Steuereinnahmen fehlen, die (deutsche) Wirtschaft leidet Wahrscheinlich eher weniger darunter. Maximal der Einzelhandel aber selbst das wird eher geringere Auswirkungen haben.

Die USK finanziert sich dabei "selbst", heißt: der Spielehersteller gibt den Auftrag der Einschätzung und zahlt dafür Geld.
Spiele/Filme usw. die nicht geprüft wurden dürfen dennoch verkauft und nicht beworben (bin mir dabei nicht ganz sicher) werden (allerdings erst an volljährige Personen).

8 years ago

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das habt ihr aber geschickt eingefädelt.
dachte das der staat die usk finanziert.

8 years ago

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Hab gerade mal ein wenig gesucht (gar nicht so einfach zu finden) Die Ausgaben der BPjM im Jahr 2015: 1.338.000€.

8 years ago

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8 millionen ist nicht gerade billig
aber was sind bite die 60000 übrige einnahmen.
direkte spenden an die bpjm oder was?

8 years ago

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Seite 59-60 ist wichtig, da ist alles aufgeschlüsselt.

8 years ago

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1,3 millionen ist auch nicht ohne
und keine übrigen einnahmen für die bpjm.
hab vorher die kosten des gesamten plan17 gelesen.
und das waren 8 milliarden und nicht millionen.

8 years ago

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Ach, so viel ist das eigentlich gar nicht. Das sind vielleicht 30 Jahresgehälter.
Und alles was halt da so nebenbei anfällt.

8 years ago

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vielleicht sollte sie ihre amtsgebühren erhöhen.
die kamen nur auf 55000 im jahr und die industrie die die zu finanzieren hat macht millarden.

8 years ago

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die usk arbeitet wirtschaftlich soweit ich weiß, es kostet die publisher geld ihre Spiele einstufen zu lassen.

8 years ago

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Hier noch fix der Jahresabschluss der USK 2014

Daran sieht man zumindest in welchen Beträgen die so unterwegs sind. Überraschend niedrige Zahlen wenn man die mit einem mittelständischen Unternehmen vergleicht.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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das sind sie im prinzip ja eigentlich auch.
eine gemeinnützige gmbh in besitz von industieverbänden .

8 years ago

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Germany Logic. You can buy GTA V where you literrally torture, kill, fuck, sell drugs and who knows what else... But you cant buy Dead Space 2 or Dead island, cuz of zombies... RIP Logic

8 years ago

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better example:
Mortal Kombat 9 is indicated in germany, but Mortal Kombat X is uncut with USK 18 :D

8 years ago

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I'm sure you're enjoing what Merkel does to Germany, better if you keep her there... Even your gamming is going to hell xD

8 years ago

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i think she is a little child or sister of hitler xD

8 years ago

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Auch wenn das lustig sein soll aber... Naja...

Auch wenn ich kein Merkelwähler bin verbietet sie keine Spiele.
Und das Beispiel MKX aber auch Doom zeigt doch, dass sich das ganze gerade ein Stück weit ändert.
Das Problem ist nicht (nur) die Politik sondern vor allem die Menschen, die bei der BPjM und auch der FSK sitzen und entscheiden.
Das am Ende Spiele wie "KZ-Manager" (das offensichtlich gegen jegliche Werte unserer Gesellschaft verstößt und sicher nicht satirisch oder ähnlich zu verstehen ist und auch nicht als Kunst- oder Kulturgut anzusehen ist) auf einer Indexliste laden ist ja auch erst einmal nicht verkehrt. Hier fehlt den Menschen in diesen Behörden jedoch einfach die Weitsicht und das Feingefühl. Eine Indizierung sollte die absolute Ausnahme sein und keine Normalität.

Interessant ist dabei auch, dass die Leute die entscheiden ob ein Spiel erscheinen darf oder nicht, diese häufig nicht einmal testen/anspielen. Bekanntestes Beispiel ist da ja C&C Generals https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundespr%C3%BCfstelle_f%C3%BCr_jugendgef%C3%A4hrdende_Medien#Bestellen_von_Sichtern_f.C3.BCr_Computerspiele

8 years ago

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die usk gibts ja auch schon länger alls frau merkel als kanzlerin.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Schön gesagt, Kate.

8 years ago

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Don't offend Hitler, there's no way in this world, he can spawn such a disgusting thing... You can say what ever you want but Hitler was first intelligent and secondly he loved his country and would of never left it to fall in this condition, girls to be scared to go out in the streets, cuz some random reffugie might repeat what happened at new year... >.>

8 years ago

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That's preeeeetty racist mate.

8 years ago

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How is that racist? Watch the news next time near new year time and we'll see, you're discriminating me for knowing something you didnt watch 5 months ago...

8 years ago

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Wow, you racist idiot

8 years ago

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Who is racist this depend to point of view example::

8 years ago

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basically both groups in this video are dumb as fuck.

8 years ago

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And your point is?

8 years ago

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Racist? Idiot? You're discriminating me for watching the news, maybe you should watch em next time before you jump on me like a wild animal... It was a big boom near new year with all the reffugies abusing the females at germany, but Ok... Im racist for saying what actually DID happen...

8 years ago

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You're saying refugees were the perpretators when it's still unclear who exactly was involved.
You celebrate Hitler even though he was responsible for the murder of millions of people?
How stupid are you?
You're the kind of person who will point fingers at anybody while the witchhunt goes on until one day you end up being the scapegoat for everything.
You make me sick.

8 years ago

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Excuse me? Hitler wasnt smart? He didnt make Germany great, after the weakest and most pathethic condition it ever waS? I never said I celebrate him, I say what he really was A stupid person can't control a whole country, he cant take over nearly whole Europe, do you understand that? Or you think is that easy? Why dont you try to take control over whole Europe, or Germany? Or only your city, pelase I wanna see how you do it, if you think it's that easy. And you literally got verbally abusing me, just because i said someone is smart... Hell I dislike Stalin aswell, but he was hell of a smart leader aswell.
And you want to tell me that Hitlers gestapo killing 6m jews, makes him a person who didnt love and want a united Germany? Did I miss something? I didnt know he's a savage with 2 machetes walkijng around randomly killing, sorry if I missed htat history lesson.
Do I make you sick for knowing history and the person behind that history instead of just repeating the same 2 words, which I heard few years ago in school? And yet again I already said, Ottaman empire, kill twice more than the Nazi army. They enslaved the whole balcans for over 500 years and yet, nobody hates them the way they hate that 1 person who didnt even mostl likely kill ANYONE WITH HIS OWN HANDS... OH Sorry.. Okay, you're right... I know nothing, im just a random idiot... Thanks for been a "better human" and trying to understand mea nd to talk with me instead of instantly attacking me, like im a rabbit dog, which needs to be taken down.

8 years ago

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Carry on digging your own grave.

8 years ago

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Was that a threat? You realize that's illegal, right?

8 years ago

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I need a facepalm pic now ....

8 years ago

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I expected you to be crazy after your previous comment. For this you'll get blacklisted and reported.

8 years ago*

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i don't think you can report someone for being a racist idiot.
except they do nothing else but shitpostings like this.

8 years ago

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Of course I can report him. If the mod team will do something about him, is up to them to decide. :)

8 years ago

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das hab ich ja damit gemeint.

8 years ago

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Die feinen Unterschiede zwischen dem was man gemeint hatte und dem was man stattdessen gesagt hat. ;)

8 years ago

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The question is, does SG want people who defend Hitler and his crimes to somehow make a point about refugees?

8 years ago

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Dont even open the topic of who defends who, I dont see you speaking of the Ottaman empire the same as you speak of the Nazi forces, even if the Ottaman kill way more jews than the Nazi and literally ensalved the whole Balcans for over 500 years... Learn some history before you go offending others. I deserve to have a point about the reffugies, because atm they are literally at my boarders, giving the fact I am living in a balcanic country which is boardered with Turkey.

8 years ago

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You should get reported and "blacklisted" for offending and attacking me for saying a truth that actually did happen, or we're hidding the truth now for some reason? I didnt kill anyone and I didnt jump over no race. Even if they were white people, I'd say the same, because they did it. Woman in Germany did get abused, which should be offencive, not a reason to call ppl "crazy" or "idiots" for reminding it...

8 years ago

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Yeah, you and saying a "truth".

Let's take that part of your comment: "You can say what ever you want but Hitler was first intelligent and secondly he loved his country and would of never left it to fall in this condition, girls to be scared to go out in the streets"

So, have you ever heard about Anne Frank?
Oh wait, you probably meant that it was okay if the state and your sweetheart Hitler himself, were responsible for the terror, that did not only scare little girls as her to go out on the streets, but also killed them. Yeah, Hitler was as much a hero as you are capable to tell (or know) the truth.

And rest assured, as I am German and live in Germany, I'd know about any dangers far more likely than you do. No "lessons" needed from your kind.

8 years ago

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I never said Hitler was a hero and there is no historic record in which, Germany people were scared of him, they actually praised him. Jews on the other hand were dead scared, because he wanted to make a clean and pure Europe... And someon e who most likely stays whole day in home and doesnt know abut the problems outside, or living in the country side ,away of all problmes... hush hush...
Oh and one thing, how did Hitler control half of Europe without the love of his people and without been inteligent? Hm? Please explain it to me, guess I'll be able ot rule half of Europe, I mean... I am stupid and stuff and you say it's easy and stuff... Teach me sensai

8 years ago

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"there is no historic record in which, Germany people were scared of him"

Gosh, I wish SG had an ignore option. Well at least all your "contributions" will make it a lot easier for the SG staff to make a decision.

8 years ago

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You realize I live in a country which has 200 euro averg. salary, right? Some of us dont sleep whole day in home like you ,thinking how to blame someone else for your mistakes and hate on others and having it easy with out 2000-3000 salaries for nearly no work... And hell if I get perma banned for saying that Hitler aint to blame for your game restrictions, then be it... I wont actually wanna be in a community where I get discriminated for having an opinion and not hating a person, who didnt to anything wrong, for you not been able to play a zombie game... Becuase if you didnt notice every single game u got restricted has zombies in it, only 1-2 of them have NAzis... Cheers on keep blamming that 1 person who died almost a hundred years ago for your current condition... and not the perosn who's currently in power and enforcing this you live in ^^

8 years ago

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Google "Sophie Scholl"
But you don't want to hear the truth anyway

8 years ago

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"treason"... yeah, im sure people who break the law of a current goverment in power is going freely on the streets never punished, especially under a war condition... I mean I know you're part of a goverment and you know very well how the military laws work aswell and stuff... But why do I keep talking, nobody reads wot i say anyway... should of learned that ages ago... People dont listen or read, they just attack :D

8 years ago

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Seriously, go seek medical help. I don't know if you're suffering from depression or anything but the last posts from you indicate you're in need of medical help.
And no, that is not an attack or anything.

8 years ago

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I'm sick, because I got a different view of things.
Actually they said the same to Da Vinci aswell... well he's crazy too so bad comparison.
Hey at least you live in the illusion that you're a good and honest person. \o/

8 years ago

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Nicht lustig...

8 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Just to clarify some things.
It has nothing to do with german logic, but more with the incompetence of most of the publishers who are thinking that it is not allowed to sell the uncut versions of the games if they did not got a rating etc.

They are not even be forced to put a region lock/activation lock on the games, as everyone who is at least 18 years old is allowed to buy that stuff.

8 years ago

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luckily i have most of those games on my german account. ^^

8 years ago

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me too :D

8 years ago

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I cried a little
es ist so fucking dämlich.

8 years ago

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yepp, manche Spiele sind nichtmal verboten oder so. Max Payne z.b. darf wieder frei verkauft werden, aber wird nicht in Steam eingetragen....

8 years ago*

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Oh i forgot the best example for stupid german logic

MAX PAYNE 1, is since long time free for all and no longe indicated, but not in the german store.....buy it in a complete bundle or by your friends from a other country...(german patch on schote)

8 years ago

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Not german logic but rockstars.

8 years ago

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right, Rockstar hates PC Gamer. (Late GTA releases, no Red Dead -.- etc...)

8 years ago

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Lucius I
Dead Rising 1-3

8 years ago

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right, Dead Rising 1 gibts aber nicht für PC. Nur Wii und Xbox360

8 years ago

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halte aber auch das wiederbetätigungsgesetz oder wie bei euch das verbotsgesetz für schwachsinn.

8 years ago

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So werden Spiele meist interessant, bzw bekommen Ansehen/Aufmerksamkeit.
Es gibt immer Mittel und Wege ranzukommen, daher ist es teilweise schon ein wenig dumm.
Man sollte eben nur mehr Kontrollen beim Verkauf veranlassen + Ist es auch meist Eltern Entscheidung. (Da schreibe ich aber niemanden was vor.)
Spiele mit viel dummen Rassismus oder Hass bzw sinnlose Gewalt ohne gute Erzählung oder gameplay, kann man da ja raussortieren. Siehe Hatred dieser Bullshit.

8 years ago

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Mir gehts bei dem Gesetz eher darum das es veraltet und unsinnig ist.
Die sind zur Entnazifizierung gemacht worden und sind nun selbst Relikte des Faschismus.
Dann wüsste man wenichstens woran man ist wen die NPD sich NSDAP nennt.

8 years ago

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Der Thread ist eine sehr gute Idee, aber ein bisschen mehr Infos waeren klasse, a la ob ein Spiel ueberhaupt per Key aktivierbar ist oder nicht.

8 years ago

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Vielen dank, ja kann ich gern dazu schreiben.

8 years ago

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Fast alle haben jetzt eine Info bekommen, manche haben noch "(??????)"
Da ich nicht weiß ob diese ohne Probleme aktivierbar sind oder nicht.

8 years ago

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Sauber! Das ist jetzt wirklich hilfreich!

8 years ago

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Eine Steamgruppe dafür wäre bissel überflüssig oder? Wie es "ForUncut" schon ein wenig getan hat, da fehlen aber manche oder stimmen nicht mehr.

8 years ago

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Kenn ich mich jetzt nicht so aus, aber mir reicht die Info hier, ich habe mir schon einen Link gesetzt, fuers naechste mal...

8 years ago

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Das ist schön, wenn es hilft. Weil z.b. The Sum of All Fears (Der Anschlag) ist auf Steam und ich wusste es nicht mal...Ist kein überragendes Spiel, aber dennoch eins meiner späten Kindheit. Im nächsten Sale würd ich es gerne mitnehmen.

8 years ago

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Why this games are not allowed in your country anyway? IOvoI

8 years ago

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Reasons. For a minority it is about the symbolics and thematics (everything related to the NS regime). For the majority it is the degree of violence (ripped of arms/legs, etc....). And for the rest? Mainly reasons.

Although the majority can be activated and played in Germany if you get your key/gift from somewhere else (for example Typing of the Dead or Dead Island). But a few of them can't even be activated in Germany (looking at you Dead Rising 2: Off the records >.<).

8 years ago

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Unfortunately, all the games of the Football Manager series are also not available in Germany:

I'm pretty sure they can be activated, though.

8 years ago

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Yes, can be activated, but they are not allowed to sell it here, because EA has the licence rights (although they don´t use them anymore...)

8 years ago

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thanks. :)
I don't know why these are not available in GER...

8 years ago

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If you want to see if a game was banned or whatever, check here:

8 years ago

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that's a list of many PC games, but not all games listed on Steam.

8 years ago

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There are nearly 37000 titles there, all kinds of formats!
If you want info to any game that's a great place to check

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Da geht es aber mehr um uncut (paar Ausnahmen sind gar nicht im deutschen Store)
Die Liste ist nur für Spiele, die es gar nicht im deutschen Store zu kaufen gibt.

8 years ago

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War auch nur als Ergänzung gedacht und als Antwort zu Phoenix19 Frage ;)
Hm, wenn was nicht im deutschen Steam-Store zu kaufen ist, ist das ja meistens eine Entscheidung des Publishers... kann sich auch wieder ändern. Evtl. kann man über steamdb.info mehr rausfinden?

8 years ago

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Ja hehe, danke. :)
Steamdb gibt auch keine Info darüber, außer man klickt auf Store Page und sieht es. :D

8 years ago

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Red Faction
Red Faction II
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
SiN (indirectly, as not part of SiN Episodes: Emergence in the German Store)
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Call of Duty: United Offensive (Expansion Call of Duty)
The Club
edit: forgot Cold Fear

Are missing. Should be complete then from what I can see.

Full list in the forUncut group (forums only visible to members though, too much stolen content. Sorry). There's also a list of censored games.


8 years ago

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Oh damn...they was faster^^
Aliens vs. Predator which game?

8 years ago

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but not complete or a little bit wrong.

8 years ago

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Ah yeah. Alienvs vs. Predator from 2010. Didn't want to copypaste the whole list and manually checking wasn't so easy :)

8 years ago

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I'm pretty sure all gtas have low-violence versions for germany

8 years ago

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not all, but that's not the reason for the thread. :)

8 years ago

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then how about http://store.steampowered.com/app/227100/ http://store.steampowered.com/app/247910/
sniper elite: nazi zombie army + second game

8 years ago

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It's cut availabe as Zombie Army 1+2
but i take it in the list.

8 years ago

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add Wolf The Old Blood (not sure about the new order)
at least it was not available half year ago.

8 years ago

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both availabe, but cut

8 years ago

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There are special german versions of Wolfenstein and The Old Blood because of the swastikas. It is a forbidden symbol. Of course Zenimax or Bethesda screwed it up by not only removing the swastikas but also any references to Nazis even though that is not forbidden and making it in german language only. So, no english language. They could have just replaced the swastikas with any other symbol and saved a lot of money.

8 years ago

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lol so you tell me that swastikas are forbidden in Germany but they get back "Mein Kampf" back for sell for everyone in there? xD
just heard about it in news some weeks ago

just question

8 years ago*

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Swastikas are allowed when it's historical documents, art like films etc. Games are not considered as art.
It's to prevent people from resurrecting the Nazi party or producing propaganda.

8 years ago

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ah that's how it works, thanks for info :)

8 years ago

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np, thanks for the answer ;)

8 years ago

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Now with info: activatable with(out) VPN or completely locked
(????) = unknown
If you know these "?????" Titles, you can help us. :)

8 years ago

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Hmm... or peoples could simply follow the Kurator of the Group "for Uncut" on Steam.
All the Infos you want to collect are allready present there.
Even better if you do so you can directly see on the Store Page what Kind of lock if any and if World wide keys are activatable or not.

But of course if you want to do the work maybe you can consider to Support them with your effort.

8 years ago

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But i don't see information on the store page only:
Ups, sorry!
Bei der Verarbeitung Ihrer Anfrage ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:
Dieses Produkt steht in Ihrem Land derzeit nicht zur Verfügung.

That's harder to find these games.

8 years ago

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I think you'd need to distinguish a bit further, between diffrent packages and Editions.
Just saying activates without VPN is too general.
I can only speak from my experience with the latest Humble Bundle:
"Dead Island GOTY (NA + Row)" does indeed activate without VPN, while
"Dead Island Riptide Complete Edition (NA + ROW)" does not. On the other hand I've been
told that "Dead Island Riptide Complete Edition (EU)" should work.

8 years ago

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Good point, but i had try some Gifts and keys. But i don't know if that ROW or not.
Example: Gun, i think HumbleStore keys worked in Germany, but i got a Swiss Gift and that worked too.
I can't say that about all these games. :/

8 years ago

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and DI Riptide Definitive Collection steamgift can be activate with no problem (bought in Poland, so should be EU or RoW)
Checked 2 days ago.

8 years ago

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ok thanks :)

8 years ago

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Why is so many games banned in Germany? For violence or something else?

8 years ago

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Some reasons. to brutal, nazi symbols incl story like Wolfenstein. updated cancellation of an indicated, like Max Payne. Or for no reason like football manager series.
It's a strange system..

8 years ago

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Indizierung = index/indexed.

8 years ago

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Well, the reason for "Football Manager" is that EA has the exclusive licence for Germany and would sue Sega if they sell their game here.

8 years ago

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There is no "ban" for games in Germany. Some are just not allowed to be advertised or sold openly. That's it.

8 years ago

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Different reasons.... but yes, for games mostly violence. But very few games are really "banned", it´s mostly a publisher decision and Steam not implementing a proper age verification system.
Sometimes there´s a "low-violence-version (i.e., green blood, no ragdoll-effects etc) if the publishers thinks it wouldn´t get a rating otherwise... and for titles with no USK-rating no advertising is allowed, and no putting in on the "shelf" where someone under 18 could see it, but you could sell them if you verify the age of the buyer (that means, really verify it, not just a "are you over 18?"-checkbox or "enter birth date"). But before digital distribution this was mostly equivalent to prohibition of sale for the publisher as most big shops won´t sell it.
Then there are some few titles that are "seized" (by court order, so this takes some time after release), selling is not allowed, but you are allowed to own them (Wolfenstein was the last one AFAIK).

But it´s getting better, I remember the times when River Raid was on the "Index"... ("leads to physical tension, anger, aggressiveness, restlessness in thinking [...] and headache.". Didn´t know what risks I was taking playing this ;) and now Mortal Kombat X gets USK 18 rating and can be sold openly and advertised... quite a change in judgement if you see it that way.

8 years ago

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Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition ist ohne VPN aktivierbar.. (Mir ist nicht bekannt, ob man das einfach Spiel ohne Addons ebenfalls so aktivieren kann.)

8 years ago

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Danke schön :)
Via Gift oder Key?

8 years ago

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Beides ist Lock-frei.

8 years ago

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Key = ohne VPN,
Gift = keine Erfahrung

8 years ago

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Danke :)

8 years ago

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Danke :)

8 years ago

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Silent Hill Homecoming konnte ich ohne VPN aktivieren. Zum Thema: besonders bescheuert ist das zensieren von Hakenkreuzen in Spielen in denen man die Nazis als Gegner hat, z.B. Wolfenstein-Serie. Aber in Filmen oder nahezu sämtlichen Sendungen auf Phoenix oder ZDF-Info wird man mit den Symbolen dauerkonfrontiert. Kenne zwar die Begründung (zeitgeschichtliches Dokument, Kunstfreiheit) aber die Logik erkenne ich nicht.
Als würde man zum Rassisten werden nur weil man mal ein Hakenkreuz im Game gesehen hat.

8 years ago

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Spiele werden bis heute leider nicht als Kunstform angesehen. Auch wenn diese es natürlich schon weitaus besser können als so manche Filme.
Danke für Silent Hill, hattest du ein Key oder Gift?

8 years ago

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Ich glaube war ein Gift aus RU, ist aber schon eine Weile her, war noch bevor Steam die Richtlinien für RU-Gifts verschärft hatte.

8 years ago

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Das sollte vielleicht mal ein Publisher vor Gericht durchklagen... aber daran haben die kein Interesse, kostet auch ggf. zu viel und dauert wahrscheinlich Jahre. Sehe da in Bezug auf Kunstfreiheit im Prinzip wenig Unterschied, ob Film oder Spiel (ok, Spiel ist "interaktiver").

8 years ago

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Saints Row: The Third - The full Package kann man nur mit VPN aktivieren
Update: Anscheinend nur Keys aus dem Ausland brauchen den VPN-Weg..

8 years ago*

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Wenn du es nicht in Deutschland gekauft hast, dann vielleicht. Aber normal im Bundle ohne.

8 years ago

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Okay, ich habe nur die Erfahrung mit einem Key aus Rumänien..

8 years ago

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Kein Wunder. :D

8 years ago

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you guys should join "for UNCUT!" on Steam its the bigest German group for question like this

8 years ago

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yepp, but the list of this thread is in "For UNCUT" a little bit wrong or incomplete.

8 years ago

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