Sadly no. I was hoping he was okay, since he hadn't been online for 5 days last time I checked :(
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The last two posts are very concerning. Hopefully he is ok and someone can contact him.
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That doesn't look good.
Their name says New Computer. So hopefully it's just a computer problem.
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Maybe someone who sent him a gift before can see his email.
Not sure if that can help find some more info.
All I can see is that his name is Trey and he is from somewhere in Virginia, so it's not much to work with....
(apparently Trey is generally more a nickname than a real name and it means the third)
Considering there are a few posts leading up to it, and no online presence afterwards, he may have gone through with it.
If I knew the city I could check the obituaries. Blind search found nothing, so there might be hope yet.
Could be wholy unrelated, but I found this
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A US citizen could potentially contact authorities with a photo from the selfie thread and that info. I don't know if they would take a report like that seriously though. But it would be only done in the interest of his well-being.
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Oh god. That seems really too close to what the situation currently is......................
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Thanks for sharing the story. Lets keep an eye on it.
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maybe we can get some info trying to contact the people who did the first comments on his profile or screenshots...
*or people who lives in the same place that are in his contacts
usually we first add people on steam that we really know.
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He won Fran Bow from you, so you should be able to see his email here on SG ... if you can make anything from it (real name?) could you forward that info to ambidot? Might help
(Maybe just give that address to MagnificentOne or ambidot regardless, but better don't post it here publicly)
Edit: realized I have that email myself, found some stuff, gave to ambidot
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My post below is already lost in the responses but I've found his facebook, his father's facebook and his father's (hopefully current) phone number. I didn't want to post it publicly tho for his own privacy and to avoid flooding anyone with messages from all of us. I've sent a text message but it's very early in the morning here (and where he presumably lives) so I will wait until day to call the father and/or the police. Remember, it has been a week since those disturbing posts so it's unlikely that we're racing the clock.
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Oh yeah sorry, I missed that post. Found his facebook too and forwarded that to ambidot (because he said he was going to call the Charlotteville police). Found his twitter, too, but that just confirmed his home town. Maybe you should group up with ambidot; not much more I can do from here, so I'm kinda out of this now.
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too late, you already did. :P
any news?
edit: news found. thanks and also happy cake day! :D
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I found his facebook. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS of information there...
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I've been digging around the internet for the past hour and have finally made some progress. I found his Facebook which links some family members and one of them lists a phone number. I sent a text but it's around 3AM here in the eastern US so I'll wait until day to pursue this further.
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I remember quite recently that he posted here about a new computer and a new job, he seemed relatively happy, definitely different from what I read in those two posts... Let's hope somehow things aren't as bad as they look....
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Worth noting the July 28th announcement from his steam group too. Stay positive, folks.
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Added to a post above. Coincidence I think.
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I sent you a friend request on Steam to share the results of my Google stalking -- but ambidot and aforce273 have that info, too. There's really not much else I can contribute, so feel free to ignore that friend request and maybe rather team up with one or both of them.
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Let's hope he gets the help he needs and will soon be back on SG. Great work everyone in tracking down what happened and showing such concern.
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(I'm just replying to your comment so this can be seen near my update.)
His father is requesting links to any of TreeB's posts that may be useful in his treatment. I've already sent him the URL to the steam group announcements page. Has he made any other related posts elsewhere?
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Didn't he often state that he was scared to see his father? I mean it's great that his father cares for him, but I don't know if we should now start to dig up every single one of his posts and make available to his father, who is in a way also... troubleling him.
Uhm, what I'm tring to say is, ... that one should probably treat carefully with this.
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I agree with sappy in that you should be careful on how much information you provide even though we are trying to help.
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I was not aware of this situation when I started passing on the information. If his posts have the potential to help the doctors with his treatment, I think it's in his best interest for me to pass them on. Ideally, I could send this stuff to his mother but I would have to obtain it from his father and likely explain why.
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All good. Comment was not meant to be negative in any way.
Since the father was on the facebook friends list it should be ok as long as you feel you are in contact with the correct person.
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Call it the cynic in me, but this very well could be an attempt to gather enough evidence to have an involuntary commitment process started. Perhaps it's needed, perhaps not. But I dont know as I'd go forwarding off any and everything to the man.
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Cynicism is good but I don't think involuntary commitment is a bad thing after an attempted suicide. That said, I haven't forwarded any more posts to the father. Learning of their relationship complicated matters and now I'm unsure what to do. I want to help TreeB but I don't want to worsen his relationship with his father especially if that's the cause of his suffering.
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He sometimes made a group giveaway with a copy/paste of what he put in announcement. Some people, myself included made comments and he probably made a few replies that may be useful. Welp, I can't find any of those as group giveaways. They may be private which I can't check. He does talk about himself sometimes in his group/whitelist giveaways.
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That's great to hear. I hope he'll get the treatment he needs.
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Receiving treatment? So that means he did try to commit suicide. I hope his parents take this very seriously and do whatever it takes to get some sense into him and to prevent this from happening again.
I remember TreeB saying he's waiting to turn 18 so he can buy a gun to kill himself with. I guess we should be glad he was impatient and tried to kill himself with a method that isn't as effective as blowing your brains out with a firearm. But at the same time sad because he tried to commit suicide in the first place.
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not neccessary. "Receiving treatment" may as well describe receiving mental health care, and this does not actually mean he even had an actual suicide attempt. It may as well mean other things, like suicide threat, things like parasuicide, self-injurious behaviour like selfharming, or even something totally not suicidal-related but mental-health related like any kind of mental episode.
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I don't know much, but younger than 18 for sure.
We ocassionally talked (kinda just meet eachother) in a chat - if we rarely started talking, he genuinely felt like an intresting and nice fellow. It's not just decency talking - he can be at a very dark place, but I had a really strong feeling he's someone who would be a great loss to be lost
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Great to hear, thanks for investigating and reporting :)
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Thanks so much for this update. I'm concerned for him and he's such a great person
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That's reassuring to hear. Hope he's okay and gets better from the treatment!
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Thank you for the update. Tree is such a nice guy, nothing but kind words about him. I hope he gets the treatment he needs.
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Thank you, aforce, for the update!
Thank you, MagnificentOne, for the thread!
And thank you, SG community, for being awesome!
@TreeB, when you come back and read this -- check out how cool it is that we all care for you man! :)
(Yeah, it's kind of embarrassing too, but it's way better than the alternative!)
Really glad to hear you're still around -- got nothing but good impressions of you here. I always kind of hated Axe deodorant just because their product design department once ripped off the original Halo logo for one of their stick names... I finally gave up my vendetta against them some years later after it was clear that they weren't going anywhere and I was getting frustrated with the selection of other options. That said, I keep looking for a good alternative every damn time I'm at the store. (And for anyone confused about why I'm writing this in this topic, I perused some of Mr. B's linked blog, and that bit struck an oddly familiar chord.)
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Holy crap, the SG community is damn impressive. I'm so glad to read this update, thanks for all your efforts.
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I'm very worried. Most of you probably don't know he has a steam group where he talks about his life. Lately it had been getting harder and harder for him, and about a week ago he made a very serious announcement and hasn't been online since. Is there anyone in the SG community that is in contact with him on facebook or something that can find out what's up?
Remember, no matter how hard things get or how down you feel you don't have to do it alone.
We have an update: seems he's ok and recovering. Thanks to the community for the effort.
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