Is there a minimum price range for day 1 giveaways?
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also, everyone who applies for the group needs to already have a 4chan gold account with at least 6 months of membership
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That only applies to raids chucklenuts.
and rule #1 is for newfags.
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Whoa, is that your girlfriend on a picture? She looks hot!
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They don't want leechers in their group. It's not that complicated to figure out.
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Pack in with a lot of nVidia graphics cards, it and Just Cause 2 usually came packed in with most upper mid range or better cards for quite awhile.
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Steam Rating should be above 3
Lame. I wanna join but I been playing DARK SOULS like crazy...
I will raise it I guess.
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How active in the chat one must be? Do we have to participate in the chat every day?
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We haven't decided on especial value, because we evaluate each person individually on everything except that. There is a minimum, but we haven't decided on a specific number. Also, for the active in chat part; we want a regularly activity throughout the week. Not necessarily each day, but as often as possible. As stated in the rules, if you fail to follow the minimum requirements, you'll be warned and later kicked if no action are taken.
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You will never know the feeling of being in a raffle with less than 40 entries.
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Between myself personally and my TechJawa account/group we've given away a ton of games.
Could possibly be interested in getting in on this as well :)
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Why do you have to have a Steam rating of 3? What if I don't like to play games? (I have a steam rating of 10 but still!)
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Is it possible to be invited and just not enter the giveaways? I'd like some friends to play games with but I don't know how much it would cost for me to regularly give away games to stay in the group. I can afford to give away a game every now and then but I dunno what constitutes as a worthy gift and how often it has to be.
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So it always has to be above a 3? Because sometimes I hit lower then that when busy with school, life, etc...
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Only been here like a week or two, seriously...?(Even though my profile says 3 months for some odd reason :-/)
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Did I miss something, or did I not write that I respected it?
Deal with it is a just a saying, telling you to "Do something about".
Private raffle groups were made to be able to win something instead of entering hundreds of raffles without winning anything.
It also keeps out leechers and general bad scum.
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That's not what deal with it means. Deal with it is basically stfu and accept it.
So having more private giveaways will make it easier for people who don't buy into group win?
Who are leechers? People who actively don't contribute even when they have over 200 games in their steam inventory that aren't from bundles or cheap indie title or just people who don't have as much disposable income as you do? That sounds like elitism to me.
I have nothing against a couple private giveaway or small groups but I can easily see this turning into something that absorbs most of the users into the groups leaving the rest of steamgifts stagnant.
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implying "deal with it" cant mean more than one thing based on context
"So having more private giveaways will make it easier for people who don't buy into group win?"
2.Assuming you aren't a complete idiot, you realize that by being in a private group allows you to be in private giveaways which generally have smaller numbers that allow you to have a better chance at winning, so yes "private giveaways will make it easier for people"
"Who are leechers?"
Those who habitually extorts profit from or sponges on others. In a community all about giving it is imperative to keep such people away, you assume its some form of elitism and not us just trying to protect our delicious community? That sounds like ignorance to me.
"I have nothing against a couple private giveaway or small groups but I can easily see this turning into something that absorbs most of the users into the groups leaving the rest of steamgifts stagnant."
You assume we are trying to invite every member on the site except you, which is foolish, among other things.
tl;dr? blow me.
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implying that I am implying when I actually know it as a fact.
implying that you are fixated on getting your nonexistent member sucked on?
On a serious note are you a 14 year old child? It would explain your complete lack of control due to your underdeveloped prefrontal cortex.
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You're just butthurt because you can't be a part of the fun.
Part of the fun
Your group
I would sooner slit my own throat and gut myself from my facial orifice to buttocks then be in any group that has dragline in it.
Also you can plainly see I never even bothered asking. That must imply that I don't want to join either.
Response to the below response since we reach max replys, lol.
Ok, I'm glad you understood and didn't tell me to blow you. Give dragfag my best wishes.
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Care to share more about your previous encounters with Dragline? I'm curious now.
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"But when you suddenly come out calling others opinions and likes for shit, how can you expect a constructive reply?" He never did that.
">implying "deal with it" cant mean more than one thing based on context" the point was that it meant "stfu and accept it" in that context.
">"So having more private giveaways will make it easier for people who don't buy into group win?"
Looks like you need to take English comprehension. >will make it easier for people who don't buy into [the] group win.
""private giveaways will make it easier for people"" for people within that group who have a commitment, and that wasn't the point of steamgifts.
"In a community all about giving it is imperative to keep such people away, you assume its some form of elitism and not us just trying to protect our delicious community? That sounds like ignorance to me." Yes but the point is that not all can contribute so some people can help them out and do an act of random kindness by giving them a game.
">implying im the rude one
implying anything i said was trolling and not completely true
implying you actually read a single word i wrote aside from "blow me""
implying you need to grow up
you are the rude one
nothing you said was true so you must be either trolling or stupid
not really a point in reading anymore as no valid points were being presented on your part.
"You're just butthurt because you can't be a part of the fun."
assumed everything Darkroot has said up to this point is an implication when in fact it is quite the opposite
tl:dr we don't need tumblr trash here.
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Nope, just defending logic. You realize that you have lost your shitty argument and then proceed to insult to opposing parties because that's all you have left. Well done. You are the cancer of steamgifts.
Come at me.
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Read the Joining Rules FULLY before adding any of the Admins as a friend on Steam and requesting an invite.
Delicious /v/afflers is just a little community of gamers from all around the world who gift games and play vidya.
• Bert
• Dragline
• Orrie
General Rules:
— Members not active in chat will be kicked.
— Leechers will be kicked.
— Begging, scamming and/or being an asshole gets you an immediate kick.
Joining Rules:
— Contact an admin and link him your SteamGifts Profile.
— Also link your private giveaways, if you have any. (So we can make sure your value is legit)
— Steam Rating should be above 3.
— Every new member must contribute day-1 with a giveaway (So prepare one before you join, not after.)
— People that join giveaways after they've been kicked or left the group will have the win nullified and rerolled. No exceptions!
— VAC Banned? Too bad, your fault.
New rule: potential members must have a MINIMUM $100 IN STEAMGIFTS VALUE
— These games do not apply as a valid game to your SteamGifts Value and Steam Account value:
• Dark Messiah
• DiRT3
• Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack
• Dungeon Siege 3
• Frozenbyte Collection
• HalfLife Deathmatch
• Humble Indie Bundles and included games
• Mafia 2
• Portal
• Sanctum + DLCs
Some of these are from different graphic card promos and other free giveouts.
— If you fail to meet our standards you will be warned and given appropriate time to change.
— If you fail to comply within the given time, you will be kicked.
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