
Currently I have about $405 in Steam Funds due to me selling an CS:GO skin that I unboxed from the new case.
I want these funds transfered to PayPal or OPskins while losing and little as possible of the total, currently the only ways ive found (buying a expensive knife and then selling it on OPskins) means i'll lose around 33% of the $405, which as you can understand, sucks.

Any ideas?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Yes, really.

7 years ago

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Safe method where nothing can go wrong involves buying cs:go keys off the market, then trading them on OP. You should've sold your skin on opskins to begin with if you wanted to cashout easily.

Unsafe method involves trading with users where you can minimize costs by spending your money on games or other Steam items, but it's far more troublesome and inefficient compared to above, especially considering that you can cut the cost maybe in half at best. Of course you could also find users that'd pay you exactly as much as you spent on Steam, directly to your PP, but good luck with that.

7 years ago

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Guess the key option is the best, unless I can somehow convince all my friends to buy some games.

I would have sold it on OPskins hadn't it been for the damn trade cooldown on new CS:GO items, was the 2nd person to unbox these types of gloves, so I wanted to sell them quick before the price dropped!

7 years ago

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First method .. OK

Second method ... prepare for found a lot of scammers and lyiers if you try to sell your expensive skin for real money/paypal ...

I know what Im saying, I was selling and now all days add me around 10 guys trying to scam me all time.

7 years ago

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Or offer to buy games on Steam for people in your region at a discount (say 10%). They pay you via PayPal F&F, saving 10%-fees, you give them the games as gifts, and it only costs you 10%.

Of course, you have to find people who want to do that and will trust you. Or you have to trust them. :)

7 years ago

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Good idea, need more friends tho.

Any idea where I could potentially find people interested in this kind of deal? Already posted in steamtrades.

7 years ago

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No, sorry. Steamtrades was my first thought, too -- I've seen other posts with similar sorts of arrangements, though typically for G2A-bought games rather than Steam gifts -- but I'm not familiar enough with the trading scene to suggest anywhere else.

7 years ago

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Who pays 400$ for a skin?

7 years ago

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Not bots, obviously.

7 years ago

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Writing a bot who buys these seems like an easy task

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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triggered u say

7 years ago

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It’s your money, so do what you what with it
It‘s just 400$, you know what you could buy otherwise for that much money
It just disturbs me to pay real money for virtual stuff, where the price isn’t high because the thing is hard to make or seldom, but just because someone chooses it to be that way

7 years ago

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Have some friends
Ask if they want to buy some games on Steam
Tell them to send you money and you will send them gift

Might want to wait for some sales tho...

7 years ago

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