New Scammer now send Fake Gifts link for upcoming games for steal steam account information :

One of them are this dude :
Send fake gifts of Monster Hunter Wilds Playtest ->

Never click on them !!!

9 hours ago

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Tried to scam me 1 hour ago, don't know about this type of scam, don't clicked on them, but want to alert others ones from that.

9 hours ago

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I mean the link isn't close to what it should be, but I guess people don't check. Not exactly trying to say their fault but I guess it's a good thing banks or other important accounts don't have social chat like this or people would be clicking on bank.stealingyourinfo like it's the most legit thing they ever saw in their life.

Takeaway if you don't know the person, don't trust the person, and you gotta login with your credentials it's probably always good to triple check and try really hard and fire up that 1 neuron left to have it decide whether it's a good idea or not.

7 hours ago

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