Oh please, relax. Considering the growing hysteria joking about these things might actually help some people to cope with it. This is outside of our control anyway and joking about it definitely wont do any harm. To imply that he is joking about people dying is a stretch and somewhat cruel.
You'll be fine, calm down.
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WHO is a joke. They are corrupt.
But: the flu kills a LOT of people EVERY year and people don't panic because of that, like they do with Wuhan virus...
People need to stop this hysteria.
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I don't mind the joke in the OP. Sometimes humour is good, but we do also have a right to be on high alert.
I read the story about the 53-year-old woman who was otherwise fit and healthy who was coughing up blood and passing blood in her urine after contracting the virus. Her son was looking after her and also caught the virus, so he couldn't report more on her progress. So, I don't know if she survived or not since he was then hospitalised himself. I have caught the flu only once in my life, when I was a teen, it was so fucking horrible, so I do know what it's like. (Many people who get a bad cold are like "oh I had an awful dose of the flu, so I stayed home." lol. They didn't actually have flu.) Given how the son described his mum's symptoms, I'd argue that it's worse than flu and not something we should dismiss either.
If you're young, fit and healthy, you'll probably make a full recovery. But... if you've got some other issues, or are over 65 (or live with someone in those categories), you should worry about it and take precautions where necessary. There is still not enough known about how this disease spreads, so hysteria is good. It is keeping us vigilant.
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Actually, yeah, it's not that dangerous in itself right now BUT it can mutate and if it spreads it can very easily get out of control. Countries are closing borders, some streets in China are almost empty, it's very much alike any beginner Plague scenario.
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I get where you are coming from, but I still think that it's okay for humans to get tragedies out of their system with humor, even dark humor.
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Absolutely. It's literally the only way to deal with stuff like this. We are entirely powerless when it comes to stuff this big. No one is laughing at the people dying from this, but if we can't laugh about the situation, the only other option is to go cry in a dark corner. That's not good for anyone.
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It is not a joke, but the panic around it is. Yes, sadly it will kill many humans, we all can just hope that none of us will fall into that 2-2,5%. Not much we can do against it as all of us needs to go to work/school/to buy foods etc and living in fear is not a life. Flu killing yearly up to 650k, which is sometimes underestimated by WHO as 2 years ago just in US was 61k. And there is a yearly vaccine against that one.
However, now I start to think that the economic crisis which will come after coronavirus will destroy the life of much more human, than the virus itself. It is clear that tourism will suffer greatly from this, it will have a world-wide effect, just like regular, local entertainment and local stores too.
Who will profit from this? The already rich megacorps. More people will order through webshops, amazon as an example. More people will stay at home and will look for entertainment that could be done at home. Amazon again, Netflix and co, etc. The gaming industry could be another winner of the virus (i was in a store yesterday and PS wallet cards spot was empty, they sold it all, it was always full) and the regular TVs could have their own, probably last golden age. One more thing is sure, in locked down cities, areas, there will be also a baby boom in 9months.
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since i saw game going 50% off already i expect this discount at steam release.
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Borderlands 2 was a lot of fun and I might get Borderlands 3 at one point, but I'm not really going to grab it right away.
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Coronavirus has already been spotted in Helsinki, Finland ;_;
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Peenuts, don't panic mate... I don't understand that media-fever about this coronavirus. Why nobody will try to compare it to common influenza - some stats from WHO webpage: Worldwide, these annual epidemics are estimated to result in about 3 to 5 million cases of severe illness, and about 290 000 to 650 000 respiratory deaths.
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Yeah, I'm good. I'm not following or up-to-date with this whole corona frenzy. I don't really care. If I got somehow infected (the chances are close to zero), guess I'll die “¯_(ツ)_/¯“
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Because you're looking at a bad comparison. On average, out of every 1000 people who get the flu, one will die.
The last two coronavirus outbreaks were SARS and MERS. Out of every 1000 people who contracted SARS, 96 died; out of every 1000 people who contracted MERS, 350 died.
This coronavirus is not as lethal, but current estimates show that are that for every 1000 people who get infected, between 20 and 40 will die. That's a lot more than the flu.
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Its not just media fever. I am a nurse and I can tell you it definitely is an issue. You might say that its only a 2.5% mortality rate, but the problem is how easily it spreads and how hard it can be to detect due to its long incubation period. Once it spreads and the hospital systems get hammered, which they will... that 2.5% mortality rate goes up because people cannot get the care they need. When people are concerned about the spread of this virus, its for a very good reason.
We got a few cases in our hospital and its definitely something the hospital and government are concerned about.
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Taking that epic exclusive and then bragging about it on Twitter will make me eternally boycott anything with Randy Pitchford attached to it...among many other stupid things he's done.
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Platinum-ed it on my PS4. I have to say it's the best game of the series (not storywise though..) the movement feels fast and fluid, the addition of sliding, more lenient fast travel makes all the infamous fetch quest more bearable. Give it a go guys, you wont regeret it
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Waiting for GOTY with all dlcs and a discount. It seems to be exactly the same game as 2 with just more stuff in it.
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Hell yeah, been waiting for this :)
Depending on the price I might pick this up when it comes out, a lot of games have been getting really good regional pricing where I am, if they follow that trend then I will instant buy it, but if it wants me to pay US prices then hey no, then I will wait until its on sale with all the DLCs.
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If they give a discount like what 4A did for Metro Exodus, I might consider purchasing it. I'm not paying full price for it though, especially cause I heard the stories about bad optimization and a plethora of bugs.
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its already 50% off at sales, i really hope they will release with this discount.
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I was planning on buying it upon release last year, but since Epic exclusivity already watered down my hype I'll wait for a 50% off.
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it sold already 50% off at epic, so we should expect this disocunt already.
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It's up to 2K, maybe they'll think "Yeah, people might already have bought this game everywhere else, maybe we should stick to a normal price and have it at least at 50% off on release" or maybe they'll think "Hey but it's a brand new game.... on Steam! If you want it at a discounted price you can buy a copy on Epic Game Store!"
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The way they released the game I'll never buy anything from them again.
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I was hyped when the first trailer came out but, I don't know, I lost interest quickly after and it's not even about the exclusivity or Pitchford being an insufferable dick. I just simply lost interest. Probably get this on sale eventually.
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Nice, at least it's with the same discount.
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