yeah, just didn't see it posted here so just sharing. I think everyone knew it was coming.
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I'm in if it supports the 360 controller and it runs well. Although I suspect my Phenom II X2 might not be equal to the task. That'll suck, and I need a new motherboard to upgrade.
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50000000'th thread about gta V confirmed for pc.Have a cookie mister
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I don't quite read it as "confirmed for PC" news piece. I'd never doubt PC version was coming, but it's always bit scary to think it's going to suffer consolitis in one form or the other, be it poor optimisation, wonky GUI, bad control scheme etc. Good to hear that PC version is actually "base" if what they say is true.
But there's also the bigger issue at hand, because it probably means they purposefully released on consoles first as double tap/piracy dodge move and that's something that won't necessarily put PC gamers in a happy place.
On the other hand they have good excuse because making stuff for PC is more complicated due to plethora of hardware (and software) configurations.
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"it would mean that the assets that aren't being used by the Xbox 360 or PS3 were designed and intended for a higher-end platform. In other words, it seems to point to the PC version being the lead platform.."
While this "could" be theoretically true, it is a non sequitur since assuming the lead platform is the pc is well.. just an assumption.
It could be those assets were made for the new ps4 and xbox one since those are higher-end platforms as well.
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If PC was the "base version" than wouldn't it of been finished before the console versions? Also they could be just saying that to juice us up to buy, we all know how GTA4 went.
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There are various reasons to release first for consoles, even if PC was base.
On one hand you have complications stemming from big variety on the PC market. You can start with PCs in mind, not to shoot yourself in the foot later with porting to that platform, but then it's still easier to diverge first into one known configuration and optimize/test for it, to have something faster out of the gates.
On the other hand, publishers may be considering it a good business strategy yielding more money. Anxious console owners gonna buy it ASAP so you have their money without releasing the floodgates of pirating early, and then perhaps they gonna buy second copy anyway just to have it on PC as well. More monies then if you release on consoles first.
Well those two hands actually go hand to hand hehe xD
EDIT: oh also like someone mentioned after my post, another reason can be timed exclusivity deals pushed not so much by game publishers but the console manufacturer.
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Its totally the console manufacturers. They have publishing deals in place with the developer that say explicitly that a game will be only available for a console for a specific amount of time. GTA is easily the biggest game series in the world right now and its extremely lucrative that they sell consoles just b/c its only available on that particular console at that time.
It will be out for PC within the next 6-9 months. Personally, I just want them to tell us when.
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Go tell that to all the Jesus lovers, besides it wasn't on SG
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A lot of things you've said are not entirely correct.While I didn't develop for any big console, I did tough for the psp some time back(wrote a part of the engine), and I can make some points:
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enough with the "old" posts please, even though it was only 2 months ago....
the human race is old, is it obsolete? language is old, is it obsolete? the universe is old.... etc etc etc
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Posted 19th September 2013. You're almost 3 months late!
Regardless, it's good to see that it'll be coming to PC.
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GTA 5 Leaked Code shows PC Version is the base version and is finished. PC was lead platform?
Apparently the PC was the lead platform so the console version are ports, which is good news for us if true.
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