We all know about CV. There have been quite a few discussions about the entire system, sometimes going to such lengths as suggesting to remove the entire system as it is. Which I still support, but since it is not likely to ever happen, it maybe could be expanded a bit.

Currently, the profile page of anyone tracks their raw value of wins and sent games, but as we all know, the real contributor value the site's level system is based on uses a different formula. This is semi-directly represented as the current level value on the profile page as well.
But what about the real value of the wins?

Let's be honest: an unnerving amount of people have a sometimes unhealthy obsession of users generally referred to as leechers; sometimes as a degradatory term, sometimes simply as someone who has a sent:won ratio under 1.0. And this is the problem: we don't really know that ratio. The wins stat only counts the number of won games and their raw CV, we need to use an external site, SGTools to find out the "real CV" of someone's won games.

This is why I propose a "prize level" (or something similar). It would be pure statistics, like the current won numbers (so you cannot just use it for giveaway limitations), but just like CV for sent games, it would represent the site's internal calculations for the won games. Who knows, maybe some random guy with 100 wins and 5 sent actually has a higher contributor value than won value. (Or the opposite: someone with an impressive 1000:20 stat actually sent a ton of cheap bundle games and has managed to snag over a dozen 60-dollar titles.)
Some groups already use SGTools' real won value to calculate win/sent ratios when they list their requirements, since there are quite a few users who know that the displayed raw numbers can often hide interesting secrets. We could just bring it out front.
And those who also want to make sure they keep their nice 1:1 ratio would also have a somewhat easier time of checking it by a simple glance.

Let's see how fast will it reach 80% "no" votes…

7 years ago

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Supporting the idea?

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I don't see it working well here, sorry mate.

7 years ago

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I don't see what it would change, except getting people on more whitelists/blacklists.

I would be ok with this feature, but if I were cg, I'd see it as very very low priority.

EDIT: BTW, how would you compute won CV ?
I disagree for example with how SGTools does (it doesn't count wins with fewer than 5 entries, which should count for won CV IMHO)

7 years ago

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Simple: on bundle list, 15% of game value, not on list, full value. You don't really need to play the 5+ copies or less-than-5-entries game on it.

7 years ago

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Actually you have to play copies/entries game otherwise values become incomparable (and that's the main point of introducing it, isn't it?).

7 years ago

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No, that part only concerns the winner. Does it matter if you won a game from someone who already sent it out 500 times or from someone who sent it out once? I am not talking about a statistic that shows some kind of "CV exchange" between winner and gifter. Just another gauge of how lucky one was.

7 years ago

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For luck is expected value stat (be it in gift numbers or $ value). Ignoring part of CV calculation for wins would falsely present "Win Level" as comparable to "Contribution Level". I'm against it. Ends don't justify means.

7 years ago

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I have to agree, at the very least with adding the stat. I have wondered the same thing, and again, the "given" and "won" stats are highly inaccurate. We don't need the actual value listed, just the level. It's maybe 10 lines of duplicated code to add it.

7 years ago

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As a lurking leecher I should vote no.

I don't really see how it would help with the problem you addressed (if anything I think it might worsen it). On the other hand if it allowed to make gibs for prize levels, then it would be nice feature. but it can already be done with sgtools, right?

7 years ago

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SGTools can do it and many other restrictions, yes. I even use the "max won" one from time to time.

7 years ago

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I honestly don't care one way or another if the Prize Level gets added. However I wouldn't want the CV system removed simply because I'd rather setup giveaways for people who actually contribute. Ofc, I'm just some low level fool who mostly gives "bundle trash"...

7 years ago

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Don't underestimate bundle trash. I climbed the entire ladder with it.

7 years ago

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I personally enter for more bundle trash then anything, I've just been lucky in winning a lot of unbundled games myself, so I'm roughly at a 1:1 ratio. However, I don't care much for ratio unless it's someone who's given 3 garbage games and won like 100, but by garbage I mean a game not worth playing, which could include unbundled games. Also, I consider the fact that people (like me), sometimes do random keydrops, even for games they could have gotten CV for, or gift stuff directly to other members. It's also nice to know people will play the games and not just idle for cards. For all these reasons, I think there is more to consider then just won/gift values, but I still like the level system and groups just so I can decide who I think is more deserving of specific giveaways.

7 years ago

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9 hours later.....

well there are a lot more yea votes then i expected really. ^^

7 years ago

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Yep. Expected the "no" to have a much larger lead.

7 years ago

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too bad there isn't a "you must be level 1 or greater to vote on this poll" option when creating a poll.. i wonder how much closer it would be then. xD

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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with the addendum that people with 0 entries can vote too. ;)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Currently, the profile page of anyone tracks their raw value of wins and sent games, but as we all know, the real contributor value the site's level system is based on uses a different formula. This is semi-directly represented as the current level value on the profile page as well.
But what about the real value of the wins?

Not on profile pls. It can be put in the "My stats" page fine, but if it's on the profile page then users will get really confused what it means. cg used to have an "estimated wins" stat on the profile page, people got so confused. Look at all of these topics and I am sure support got slammed too with questions over and over.

7 years ago

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Statistics is hard!

7 years ago

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Contributor level is also hard as it is, apparently

7 years ago

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I revisit my earlier statement. Math is hard!

7 years ago

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Heh - I started to make higher lvl ga to reduce number of rerolls... And now most of my shitty games go to people who farm their cv in many ways :/ Best solution would be to remove CV system :3 But if it's here to stay - I think that more info shouldn't hurt anybody.

7 years ago

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