Fair question or not?
I feel when a few people report 1 person will get alot quicker effect then 1 person reporting someone.
And well it's easy to find out who it is, 10 is just taking the piss, especially when they are within 1 month too.
Think your poll might lead to a bit confusion as to which part one's side is, but that could be me.
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How about Mafia justice? Yakuza justice? Triad justice?
No worries, we're open-minded here on SG. :3
Yubitsume is a Japanese ritual to atone for offenses to another, a way to be punished, or to show sincere apology to another, by means of amputating portions of one's own little finger. It is almost exclusively performed by the Yakuza, the prominent Japanese criminal organization.
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Bah, clicked the wrong option on the poll. Mentally transfer one Yes into a No. (Assuming I understand correctly - You're asking if him asking for the key is a fair question?)
Anyway, he'd be an asshole just for rushing to get the key.
Also, I'm hoping I win that reroll :P
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Just tell them to GTFO and you should be good to wait on support. Perma-suspension incoming for them.
Edit: and in this case you might have luck with not having to fill your blacklist again, since it would be a waste of space to put someone perma-suspended in there.
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In situations like the winner having rule-braking and asking where the game is while you are waiting on support, I figured it might be a good idea to simply ignore them--not answering their questions, either at giveaway or your Steam profile, ignoring their friend request (by "ignoring" I mean you can put it pending until the matter is resolved).
I have had dramas when a winner having a non-activated win (over 1 year old) asking why they still didn't receive the game, I pointed out that they had a non-activated win, then the user got re-rolled and suspended but managed to get un-suspended early and insulted me in my giveaway and blacklisted me.
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They will be going on holiday soon. Probably permanently.
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Users that are noticed by more people tend to disappear sooner ;)
EDIT: But yeah, the reroll might take longer.
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i never care about who won what tbh, since i always limit my giveaways to begin with, i doubt someone level 7 or 6, or someone inside my groups will have unactivated wins on purpose or break rules like double wins or regifting. you should try doing that.
that or SGtools.
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The fun doesn't stop at any level. It just happens a lot less.
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i doubt someone level 7 or 6, or someone inside my groups will have unactivated wins on purpose or break rules like double wins or regifting
It's fairly uncommon at those levels, but it has been known to happen. Even just down a step at level 5, where I usually place my giveaways, I still get a fairly noticable amount of rulebreakers. Moreover, you do still get the occasional "mega-leech" at high levels, not just at lower levels. I've seen several high level users with a 2:1 won:sent ratio... but with 2,000realCV sent (ie, and 4,000 realCV won).
Meaning that all those cute little ratio filters that filter out someone that won $10 CV more than they sent are pretty hypocritical without also checking for absolute value differences, given how some users exploit the emphasis on ratio-restrictions and level-restrictions to portray themselves as generous, when they're in fact some of the most leechy users on the site.
(And on many of the ones I checked, they'd never even touched a single win off SG.. -.-;;;)
Likewise, even the best maintained groups get the occasional bad apple that slips in. And you may be impressed by how many users in even the most respectable groups use auto-joining scripts.
Basically, don't ever think any basic filter is going to catch all the rulebreakers and exploiters. If nothing else, there's always the risk of bumping into multi-accounters, who field a single decent-looking high level account, but then run several low-level accounts that send all their wins to the primary account. I've encountered a few of those in my time here. :X
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Given that it's strictly against site guidelines to ask for a win from a GA creator before 7 days have passed, even if the answer to your question wasn't already blatantly obvious to anyone with any basic respectability, your question ends up being rather inconsequential in light of that, anyway.
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clearly i didnt had enough space on my HDD
Does...anybody remember that one?
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That's one way. But not the Bearded way. Reported the same user and watched it happen live. Ronix closed the ticket.
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Yup, Ronix FTW!
He re-rolled one of my giveaways yesterday and perma-suspended the winner (who then switched their profile to friends-only).
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Yeah, I did a bunch of low-level public giveaways for the first time in a while recently and got a bunch of that and worse - end result some lengthy suspensions and two perma-bans (once Ronix finally lept into action).
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Next step would be to ban all those people i reported who have like 10 copies of free minion masters given away as premium editions..just saying.
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I already made topics that punishments must be harder. But then they say "hey, everyone can make a mistake. or two. or ten..."
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I don't usually rant about regifters or whatever (just reporting them and move on), but this one...
Got a winner on one of my GAs, who has about 12 non-activated wins (according to sgtools), where 3 are less than a week old, 3 more within last month (more than 1 week old) and other older. So, I'm waiting for reroll and this person comes back into the GA and asks where his/her key is?!
I'm trying hard not to start filling my blacklist again. I'm still trying...
UPD2: The person in question seems to have corrected all his bads and looks cleaner than many of the other winners around..
##UPD: Mob justice happened, user permanently suspended.P.S. Complimentary GA for reading this
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