Can i run lowest settings 60 fps with GTX 770 2GB VRAM I5-4690K 3.5GHZ 8GB RAM?
You should be able to run that at med-high settings at 1080p
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I played it with a 760, I don't remember the settings but it wasn't definitely on low, probably mid-high
You can also try the high res texture pack (in theory it requires 6gb of vram but that's not really true)
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I am replaying the game to unhype myself from the trailer of the second and... I have to say, dont trust the ingame benchmark tool, it lies.
On almost everything high, 80% of the time on it is 60 fps stable, only on the heaviest scene it reaches 43. Yet most of the actual game is lower than that, 10 orc battles can to go 49fps, when there are 20+ orcs on the screen it can go to 36 or so.
BUT my CPU and GPU are weaker than yours, so you may get better results:
AMD Phenom II X4 945 3.0 GHz
Sapphire Radeon HD 7950 3GB Memory
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Thing is, its scripted as fuck. Everything was well placed and ordered for it to happen. The dragon being just in the right range, the guy destroying the door then the oil coming down and the machine burning him, the captain reapearing then getting shot by your ally.
Usually I would just say bullshit and keep going with my live but... for some reason it still impressed me. So i am replaying to get it out of my system so I wont pay over 9000 dollars for it, and just wait for a good sale.
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Well, then you should replay right before the release of the sequel :). About the trailer, they said, more stuff was scripted for the presentation, in the final game will be different. I agree with you otherwise and I'm sure for the story part things will be scripted, but still I like what I'm seeing there. Just hope the open world will really be filled this time with plenty of creatures.
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"About the trailer, they said, more stuff was scripted for the presentation, in the final game will be different."
Where they admited it was scripted? The trailer mentions each playthrough being unique, but i really dont believe they will be well executed like the video, but hopefully I am wrong.
I doubt it will be as good as the trailer, but honestly it dont have to be. Like I wrote on my review of mordor, I was fighting random orcs and got a captain, was about to defeat him and he got enraged for fear of losing, just to run away immediatly after because another captain appeared and he got FEAR OF RIVAL.
So this kind of impredictability is enough for me, if they keep as it is (or improve) I am already satisfied. Also if they make the captains more unique (which sure sounds like they are doing), with more interesting fears\weaknesses to exploit I will already want to play it. The original is cool, so they dont really need to re-invent the wheel to attract me.
I just dont want to get lured into buying at full price, specially since here it can be quite expensive, and who knows, maybe buggy (quite common these days). I rather forget about it until the price is reasonable so I can finally enjoy it.
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Didn't exactly used the word scripted, but something like "tweaked" or "cheated" for an easier walkthrough. You can see that in this game play discussion. Exactly the things described by you with the fear of rival made me enjoy the original that much.
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Yeah cheating in presentation videos is very common. For instance he instakil all "normal" orcs. He is high level, but even so I hope you just cant one shot everything so its probably just a cheat to get the game going faster.
One hour video? Gaaah I can only watch 15 minutes ones. I will try to skip to see if I can find, thanks for the link.
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Make sure to check out the free HD Texture DLC if your gfx cards memory exceeds 2 GB ... I saved 20 bucks on the wrong end in that particular department :-/
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I think 4gb vram is the minimum required nowadays if you want to play new games on high\ultra texture settings, 6 if you want to be safe for the future. Mine is 3gb video ram, but currently I only have 4gb memory (had 6, but one stick went bad). And its too expensive to buy this old brand, so I just plan to upgrade eventually.
But to be honest, all ULTRA textures comparisons I see in games, like fallout 4, skyrim, evil within and the like, the difference is very negligible, you have to pay attention to a still image for some seconds to actually realize the differences. When playing I wouldnt notice so I am happy with just high, which stands out more compared to medium.
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Positive on the 4 GB requirement. I´m kinda stoneaging in terms of display size so it does´nt matter as much, but Hitman, GTA5 & TW:Warhammer have clearly highlighted the puny 960´s boundaries. Smeary textures are an immersion killer.
As for FO4 HD Textures, i´m sure they look badass on the huge screens you can get nowaydays :D
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i dont care if i set it to low tbh... i just want steady 60 fps with no drops,pls guys tell me.
GTX 770 2GB VRAM I5-4690K 3.5GHZ 8GB RAM?
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