Should the values of these giveaways be reduced/zeroed?
Well, cheating the system should trigger a perma-ban in my opinion. Kinda depends on the situation, but support should investigate for sure.
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For sure, for sure. These giveaways have already been zeroed, but more information is generally useful.
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Yes they should but they won't because it would be hard to tell where to draw the line.
But if they keep giving away (just) their own DLC they won't get CV after a certain point due to decreasing CV after 5 copies.
Edit: Also worth noting that this person apparently does not enter GAs so far.
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Yeah, but if the allegation is correct and it's the dev, they can just create more spammy DLC. And just because they're not entering lower level GAs doesn't mean much, especially if they're just trying to game the system to get to higher levels without being noticed...
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Well for all I care as long as they don't enter GAs (1 entry so far) they can cheat themselves all the CV they want.
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Agreed, telling where to draw the line is difficult. It's be difficult to make criteria regarding this. Guess it'd be up to the community to police and report it. Most would fly under the radar since the CV isn't very high - usually $1/2 for most achievement spam/card games. These DLCs were $20/$70 for a color change which made them stand out to me.
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May get messy to police this, though. Maybe there are some hueristics you could use to detect this type of situation?
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Now there is radioactive edition, a dlc that cost 108€ (not bunded for now)
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I was just looking into those things. The account that is giving them is not the developer account. Also, the giver account entered one giveaway in total during its time here.
What IS suspicious as fuck is that the 70-dollar DLC is hidden in the store, you can only see it in a bundle, which in turn has such a ridiculous bundle discount that you won't know first that it has an inflated item in it.
I smell more of a money laundering with this combination than gaming the SG system. (Especially with the "not entering giveaways" part.)
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30% is about as much as most any money laundering fee through most legal means. And Steam is now registered as a US company and is known to accept payment in most any forms, so the money would go through the US bank system, making it look as legit as possible. It should be especially lucrative for laundering ever since they accept bitcoin as well.
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dev sells keys here for SG leveling? (not sure, don't know russian)
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Yeeep. Google translate suggests that the Radioactive DLC is 70 rubles for one key, basically meaning for a little over 1 USD you get 200 CV. :/
So the guy pays 20 dollars to flood users with keys for this game, so they'll be able to enter giveaways for its overly expensive DLC that he paid a few bucks for. Classy.
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Hopefully mods will set Radioactive Edition to 0 CV like they did with the other 2 DLC.
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I'm confident they will! I kinda feel bad for them though, this must be an obnoxious af headache for them to deal with. :/
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People like that guy are the reason why I have refrained from applying for this position for now. Every now and then I feel tempted and my understanding of the rules would certainly be up for it but then I ask myself Do I really wanna deal with all that? :D
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You should apply, we need at least one more mod atm. I'm too lazy/evil to do it.
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Dev and promoter accounts should be monitored more closely, it's just not correct how many people get dozens of keys "for promotion", use them for promotion on the site then enter high level giveaways and pose as oh-so generous. There are multiple level 10 of similar people as well, while giving fraction of that from their own pocket.
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Somebody should make a group called "On my own dime" for all the people who actually paid for the games they give away here. Maybe just for Lvl 6+ / 7+ users because otherwise it would be very hard to monitor.
Sadly I don't have the time and energy to run and monitor such a group so I'll just stick to Lvl 7 GAs and blacklisting aferwards if one of my winners has a considerable amount of developer sponsored GAs but if anybody likes the idea feel free to act upon it ;)
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madjoki found this:
Dev is selling these games solely so people can level on SteamGifts.
This product needs to go straight to the no-CV category. This is not just some simple GoGoBundle level exploit, this is directly gaming the system.
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Really? Damn didnt see that as I scrolled through. Honestly support should just radioactively put all CV for this game, DLC, and developer to zero, including for giveaways that already finished.
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Oh. Damm Just checked it and Clickteam Fusion had exactly 100$ anyways.
Thought that one was capped already.
Well, indeed time to bring a 10k game out.
As long as I do not sell it anywhere for less than 500$ I can bring up as many account to lvl 10 as I want. Right?
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In the past, someone hit L10 with a single giveaway because of a price error setting the US price to a nice half million. :P
But they paid the standard store price ($30) and did it for laughs knowing the price would be fixed. Wasn't an attempt to cheat the system.
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He is now up on much more worth, CV too ($42,01) !
i want attach it... please tell me how :o)
My Report is "solved", without any message, he is not banned, not suspended and his lvl raise up to 2.
So i make a new report .... with the new stats, and a few questions to that, too.
At least i want a short explanation ! (all "ok", we investiged it or anything else).
Normaly a BAN HAMMER should hit him and finish.
Its clear exploiting and need heavy punishment.
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So, nullifying any benefit for the money he spent is not a suitable punishment?
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Hi Khalaq,
thanks that you (all from the support team) react so fast by this problem :o)
"So, nullifying any benefit for the money he spent is not a suitable punishment?"
I am very straight. NO
In my opinion it is not enough to set the GA's to zero CV BECAUSE he made the account only for exploiting, know for sure that this is against the rules (anyone with 2 braincells must know this) and it give more than only this one case (look as example at ). And this is only the known part of the iceberg (there are always more then you caught).
See my next report (EDIT: next day, i have fever) to one that use 3 accounts on sg (normal thinking people would not do such stuff and i had found him only because he exploit/scam on Indiegala "too" and he was really du.. -wrote 1 name in all 3 game descriptions^^-). I mean when such behavior is "normal" for a part of the sg community (i would call them bot user and leecher when i am friendly) then it is time to swing the BAN HAMMER everywhere this weaklings comes up (yes i mixed this 2 things a bit).
Back to the first topic.
You hitting this ONE player hard (real CV now $0.15). But for what we need such scu. in sg ?
Did you think this guy will change his complete behavior (exploiting, cheating, sneaking, use shady shops and all this...) ? and then make at least "normal" GA's that brings the community/the site anything ? I want think this happens but i have 25 years internet experience and they say that would not be happen (or only by such a small % that the effort for this is much too high).
For my taste should first the Developer be banned (when he have here a acc.), after that all games from this developer banned from sg (no money earning from cards or anything else for the dev) and then such a heavy user of such a exploit should be banned.
That will bring many advantages....
It scare imitators and the people tell around "don't do big shit on/in sg or you can go...".
That would prevent much stuff in the future, reduce the work for the support staff and reduce for all not needed stress :o)
As a extra, it feeds the bloodthirsty users ... Gladiator Fight of the internet age. He try, he loose, he got killed :-D (or he try, he was to dumb, he got caught and hard punished)
Look how happy the people are that konrad is not more here... he have a big "fanbase" -i don't know a other word for that in bad meaning lol- (as far as i can overlook it with my few weeks since i am in sg).
I hope you are not angry for my clear (and surely very straight) words.
friendly regards and have a nice week
Ps.: Give me 1 week the moderator level and the BAN HAMMER hit at least 75% of the lvl 0 and 1. All disgusting infested by bot users, leechers -3 years+ here but given nothing out (yeah i know that it is allowed but what bring such people ? only work and traffic)-, bad script users (autojoiner and such stuff that all go automatic without a user needed).
I have tested with all my lvl 0 and lvl 1 "open for all" GA's whats the result. That the people not say thanks was the smallest thing -one from all my lvl 0 and 1 know this word and a lot react first after 7 days and, later! (and a lot of writing from my and the support side). Each time much work for me AND the support by reroll tickets -and a frustraded user when he must give the Game out to such ones...-). What brings a community of ~60% greedy, mute, partly exploiting people?. Kick them out and have 90% nice people here and a superb community. In the forum the community is still great but new people must fight them in the forum, use sgtools as protection and such things... that can't be the goal... or ? :o)
I can swear you that the, at the moment active, system, on lvl 0 and 1, is no fun for new player's that wan't only be friendly and good.
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Give me 1 week the moderator level and the BAN HAMMER hit at least 75% of the lvl 0 and 1.
This is precisely why you should not be given such authority. While your enthusiasm for justice is laudable, handing out punishment simply because you dislike the perceived intentions or methods of others would be a mistake. While the Creator knows the hearts of men and will judge them accordingly, we can only guess. Judgement which is given by mankind should therefore be limited in scope to the actions of individuals and handed down with as much calm as possible lest we fall into excess.
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Sorry i don't believe in a Creator (God).
Sure we can only guess the intentions of people. Combined with experience. That's the best we can do.
But at the bot owner fraction i not need god to know that this people are bad and should not be supported.
I am sure we think not the same to them^^ but that's ok for me. No one must share my opinion. I like people that use there brain :) (if they share or not share my opinion).
You think that i am not calm because my harsh words but this is not the truth.
I am mostly very calm, in such situations too (i know that it often looks a other way).
I will always HATE exploiting behavior. Greedy people that know no thanks and such things (i can't get outa my skin).
For sure comes a part from my parenting. For sure comes a part from a frustrating of the nature of a part of the people.
As example vampkitty69 give out free Tf2 Crates and CSGO stuff (very kindly). A part of the people take 6 crates/items (and more) and not only 1 or 2 ( I will never understand why this is necessary). She limited each time more with all her free gives. At the 3rd round she was by 1 item per user. I took one and because i was very friendly she say took a second one. So with a friendly behavior you can reach much more then with a greedy one. And it feels better for all involved :o)
And before i forget it again. You are whitelisted since the first post :o).
Have a nice week.
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What should i explain more than that he made his account with the will to exploit the system ? All his behaviour is directed to this core.
Should i like people for such things ? o_O
I not understand your 1 all-time entry number sentence.
Did you think he pushed his level only to have it ? He used it for sure to take, later, more games -and better ones-.
And when he took lesser his behavior of exploiting is more ok ? o_O
I know and see that he not won much but i not thnk that he want stay there in the future too.
Maybe we think different in this point.
I am mostly a very friendly, nice guy.... the post reads only a bit harsh :)
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There are level 1 giveaways for AAA games, why would anyone skip giveaways to have better chances later, while one can have the current and the future ones as well? o.O It makes no sense, let's face it. Where is the exploiting in giving games if they don't enter for anything? By that logic CG himself is exploiting the system, as he used excess money from advertisements to make giveaways and get level 10.
exploit: "make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource)." The guy entered one giveaway in a month., how is that exploitation? Levels mean absolutely nothing without entering giveaways. If he starts to mass-enter high level giveaways, please comment here and I'll say that you are right (at that time), otherwise stop the witchhunt that has no current basis, just guesses about the future.
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You think to him a other way then i. We would not come to the same result and when we talk 100 years (that's ok for me).
But stop acting with cg exploit and stuff.... thats only stupid and you know it.
I never had written what you see there (or better create). You deform/modify my words with full purpose that it fits to the bad logic example. That waste your and my time.
You know what i think and want say and when you have a other opinion thats ok for me.
Have a good night
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I have reported him + a other one and pleased for a BAN.
Let's see what the support answer and make...
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Using archive will give you better search result:
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Anyone else here got blacklisted by the guy abusing it the most? (Even if he's not entering GAs at the moment.)
Either for this thread or a remark in one of his GAs ^^ I just asked who enters for this crap DLC.
Or did he found this thread and bl everyone? ;->
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Not yet so it was probably about the comment (or I was left out because I was sort of defending him last time).
But I just went ahead and blacklisted him myself. Better safe then sorry.
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I am not getting this.......
No, no,no: please DON'T explain!
It is more like: I totally understand this but it is all so absurd that I can't warp my mind around it!
My mind just refuses to takes this nonsense in.
Auto censor must have been activated.
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He is now up on much more worth (from 1k to 3k), CV up too ($42,01) !
My Report is "solved", without any message, he is not banned, not suspended and his lvl raise up to 2.
So i make a new report .... with the new stats, and a few questions to that, too.
Normaly a BAN HAMMER should hit him and finish.
Its clear exploiting and need heavy punishment.
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thanks, now i can attach it.
How can i embedding it direct, without a text and "must click the link", ?
Did you can explain me why he raised the worth, his CV and his level when nothing new finished ?
I can not explain me this and that's the reason why i question the support...
and i not call it spam by one to him yesterday and one today with changed stats and stuff
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Did you can explain me why he raised the worth
sure, dev encreased price for base game yesterday. Base game is not free 😎
From $0.99 to $2.99
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Doesn't matter. All versions of the game are currently zeroed.
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My Report is "solved", without any message
That's because
Due to the high number of user reports, comments are disabled. Reports will be closed by a staff member once they're reviewed, and action taken if deemed necessary.
Also his CV isn't $42, I'm guessing you checked with SGTools I think the base game wasn't marked as no value yesterday, but if you check directly on his SG profile, you can see that it's $0.15
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that sentence did i see at the second report (with the new infos over the worth/ca and lvl raising).
His CV WAS at $42,01. I had checked it not only 1x because i can't trust it (my report shows my feeling for that "reward" to him - bad joke).
Later it was fixed and we know now that the Developer raised the price of the normal Edition. That was the reason for his raise at morning.
So all solved to him
(i prefer the Ban Hammer anyway for him...)
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Haha, this is gold (and platinum, and radioactive)
I think zeroing it would be harsh, but obviously amounts this high make percentage reductions a joke. I'm kinda in favour of setting the CV for these to a fixed (not percentage based) tiny value like a few cents, in addition to the penalties for multiple copies.
I'm not sure a ban is appropriate at this stage, but might be necessary in the future if there's no good ideas for how to counteract this kind of thing.
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Looks like these two DLCs were made strictly for gaming the system here or at other sites. $20 / $70 achievements that do nothing besides change the color of the graphics in a game that seems to be an achievement spam game. Should these types of giveaways be zeroed out or reduced? It looks like the person giving away the game is the developer but not tagged as such. and their profile is almost level 4 from simply giving away these DLCs.
What is your opinion on these type of giveaways?
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