I just reached 1000 Giveaways Entered by entering a Saints Row: The Third giveaway.

I've decided since I reached 1000 entries, I will giveaway a game!


Star Wolves 3: Civil War

Large-scale battles have become a vestige of the past, depleting resources of conflicting parties. Settled space, where welfare and order had reigned, has become a cemetery for dead ships which is flooded with pirates and adventurists. Complete impunity, black market flourishing where gun and tech trade is on the move, arbitrariness and anarchy – the Galaxy has become a real dangerous place. Events in the Universe and its habitant’s destiny are completely up to player’s choice and tactical decisions.
Star Wolves 3: Civil War is a sequel to the popular real time strategy with RPG elements. Original large-scale scenario, closely tied with the first part of intergalactic epic helps the player influence the ongoing events and foreordain one of many endings. Free roam, free mission selection, free team forming – the world of Star Wolves waits for its heroes.

How to Win:

Write the best joke you can think of and also +1 up jokes you like that other people have posted. The person with the most +1's will be the winner!

You have one week, so get writing and liking ! :D

Goodluck everyone!

Giveaway Ends September 27th 2014

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by EpiKxPanda.