I do play indies but even those... Last good indie I played that was really spectacular was Serpent in the Staglands http://store.steampowered.com/app/335120/ but even indies tbh lately feel cheap and also lacking depth to anything except for them trying to be "alternative"
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For me, the only good game/story in the last years was "the last of us"
Edit: I play alot of csgo, cuz every game is different. But, online competitive games are annoying when you don't have a team who cooperate. All you find is bad rank systems and alot of trolls.
Single player games are boring and most games are easy to complete which makes me annoyed aswell...Like I said, the last of us as a game, it's not great, but I loved the story, that's all
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Yeah to me it didn't look interesting enough to keep playing (my girl has a ps3 so I played it at her house sometimes but never bothered to finish it), same with uncharted and Until Dawn. Tbh in uncharted I just wanted to skip the gameplay and watch the cutscenes, which is a sad thing to say. Same with The Last of Us
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Armored Warfare? Tank games, PvP and PvE. Just play an hour or two a day grinding out tanks. No story neccesary ;)
It also could be that you've seen it all before. If you watch multiple Tv series a year eventually nothing will surprise you any more and all you see are the tropes, mechanics etc.
Maybe take a lengthy break from the type of games you usually play.
And yeah, I remember ZX81, Spectrum, Vic20 et al.
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I dunno man it could be like you say but... My heart aches for something more in gaming. Fallout 4 was also a waste of my money, for example. I enjoyed the depth of stardew valley, strangely enough. And enjoyed collecting stuff in Lego Worlds. Another game I am also waiting on the next chapter is the new King's quest but it's like 3 games and that's it.
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This is sadly the way the gaming industry is moving, developers spend most of their budgets on eye-catching graphics, dumbing down the gameplay,
because this is what the newest generations of players wants.
Meanwhile, gaming veterans who grew with old classics, find themselves bored by the newest AAA titles, exactly because of that.
So, it's not just you, it's your generation as a whole, or rather, your gaming habits, that are incompatible with the new industry standards.
You might also want to know that posting here could have some consequences, but I won't further elaborate on that.
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I am about your age but I was basically born into a family of first gamers. My dad owned a lot of consoles and up till the ps2, I pretty much had every console ever made by main, along with arcades and renting games being a thing when I was a kid + not having anyone around to keep track of me. End result is me playing games and going out with friends taking a console under my arm and someone would rent or bring a game and we'd play it days on end. Particualr fond memories of Street fighter alpha turbo 2, sunset riders and command and conquer/command and conquer Red alert. Other fond game memory is Anvil of Dawn, but the list of games I've played throughout my life would drive most people insane ahahah.
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You're getting old. Know how I know? I am as well. My first gaming experience was on a Commodore 64. After that an Amiga 500, and finally to PC.
Gaming is changing, but if anything it's getting more diverse. Maybe you're not looking in the right place. As mentioned above, try some indie games. Defocus from the Steam front page and take a look around.
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I try, man. But I open up any website, any gaming news, anything. It's all youtuber games, hype AAA games, or someone talking about greenlight trash that came to steam. Nobody talks about underworld ascendant, nobody talks about copper dreams, nobody reviewed Serpent in the Staglands. SPAZ 2 barely appeared anywhere, and nobody talks about games like Intrude.
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I've been playing since PacMan (oldest game I can remember playing), but I did take a hiatus for a few years. After playing a while, I tend to get bored. Generally, it means rotating genres, but every so often you just need a break. Switch to a different form of entertainment for a few months, clear your head. You'll be back.
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I have been feeling the same lately, but I partly blame the game industry.. With so many expensive DLC's and such, it feels more like work to play a game then just fun. I also think my attention span with games has been wearing thin. I used to be able to just pick a game at random and starting playing. Now I have to pick the right game and it has to be just right. Then it doesn't hold my attention for long. I'll never stop playing games, It's just not like it used to be for me.
Maybe it's a mix of the gaming industry + us getting older.
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It could be you. I know personally thats what happened to me. I used to love playing games, but ever since depression hit me, I can only play games with groups. I cant play any game, be single or multiplayer, simply because I don't have the will to do what I used to love doing. Its sad how much can change in your life because of one experience.
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aye, there are unique games out there, just have to find something that grabs you. here lately, i've not really been able to be absorbed into a game; besides Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (wholeheartedly recommended, if you can appreciate the commitment necessary), Dex is the first game in a while i'm somewhat actually invested in. otherwise, i play (("))casual((")) games focused more on unique (invariably (more) simple, though) gameplay/mechanics. some examples are Laserlife, Euclidean, Immortal Defense, Road Redemption and especially Before the Echo (There Came An Echo being it's sequel; BtE (previously "Sequence") is a rhythm game that allows you to use two sets of controls simultaneously across three screens, it gets hectic, thus engaging xD)
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you are a brain controlling a planet with what remains of earth's population (i think). fly through the universe, scanning planets, gathering resources, making contact with aliens, fighting some of them, oohing and aaahing at the sights, crafting stuff, reading and watching pulp scifi. very chill
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I did strangely enjoy Dragon's Dogma, I wasn't expecting it because of it supposedly being the inspiration to Dark Souls, but my lil bros got it and after seeing them play it I immediately grabbed it and loved it till the end. I never heard of Dex but after looking into it, it doesn't look like something I would enjoy.
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glossing over every other title, i guess you're only interested in (("))hardcore((")) games: Betrayer, Outcast 1.1, Strike Suit Zero, Waste Walkers, Vermintide, etc.
shrug i wouldn't hesitate to walk away from gaming if the thought has crossed your mind. not like you couldn't come back any time you wanted, video games are (more often than not) just a distraction anyway. absence makes the heart grow fonder / familiarity breeds contempt
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Betrayer and Outcast(original one) are the only games I like from the ones you just mentioned and those games aren't really "hardcore" though. They do require you let yourself get immersed into them. Vermintide was very bad because it got repetitive VERY fast and the missions are very poorly designed (though it's visually very interesting)
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You are the broken, empty husk of a sad man.
Gaming is pretty weak lately too.
Could also be you suffer from "cynical assholism". I know i do, it gets annoying.
I'm not that far gone to say that Dark Souls isn't good though, holy shit mate.
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Didn't mean to sound rude, i just speak like that most times.
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I hardly play games but having 5 roommates at one point in college and after analyzing their gameplay, feel of the game, storyline, etc. throughout the years, gaming itself has just become too simple.
Games tell you what to do, highlight where to go, and if you don't know what/where to go, we resort to online forums/cheats/FAQs. Unless you are a masochist, games nowadays are like receiving a participation trophy, that you paid upwards of $50 for if it was new because of that sick ass trailer that misrepresents the game somewhat, and then you feel rather empty after finishing it. Then promptly going to the next game to keep you busy or distract you from something.
If you don't agree, maybe you are another kind of gamer that appreciates and is completely satisfied with just the game itself from the sensory or aesthetic aspect of the game. I enjoy these kinds of people because they edify and explain the game better than a trailer could ever do.
tldr; games are too simple nowadays.
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I did read all you said though. Talking here on the forum helped me realize that yeah maybe I've become saturated and yeah maybe I have a gaming addiction, but I do need to have better access and better information about the good stuff that is out there!
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I have grown up with gaming and have always used it as my main source of entertainment, even today. There could be several reasons why you can feel that way, I'm sure some of it boiling down to your personality and what you find interesting. I have never encountered a time where I didn't enjoy a large number of current games, though I tend to no longer get super excited before their release anymore. I have noticed the games most people tend to flip out over the most, such as Dark Souls, I haven't been a huge fan of. There's so many games with so many different levels of depth to them that I think to put it simply, you just need to figure out what it is you want out of gaming and then find what hits those marks. If you don't know what you want, you can't find what you need.
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There are a lot of good strategy games, if you like games like that i can suggest you some good.
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Personally, I haven't really been feeling that way. There certainly are more trashy and blockbuster-quality titles coming out due to the sheer increase of games that are now being published each year, but there's plenty of interesting/innovative stuff out there. For example, I just got my copy of The Ice-Bound Concordance. I finished Bravely Second last month, and I think Bravely's combat system is one of the most engaging and open I've seen to date. I also plan to buy Tearaway Unfolded soon. Maybe it's cause I'm really into quirky games, and lately there have been a lot of them coming out (http://store.steampowered.com/app/437530/) so I'm actually pretty satisfied. But I generally alternate a relatively old game/a relatively recent game in my playlist (currently playing Xenogears) and I'm not noticing that much of a difference.
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You just need to take a break. I feel the same way sometimes. I don't understand the hype about new AAA titles. Playing now Fallout 4. The game is boring for me. All quests are the same. Go there, clear the area, kill all bad guys, return back, get ur money and fuck off. But i always try to finish games so keep playing. The last AAA title i really enjoyed was Withcer 3. Just focus on other things (Work, college e.t.c) and it helps sometimes
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Have I become jaded with gaming? Giving you some background here, I been playing videogames since the days of spectrum and played just about all the way through modern games and saw the evolution of gaming through and through, but lately... It hasn't been the same. Appart from witcher 3 and Retrovirus, I haven't found a new game that made me want to even finish it. I feel modern games are just visuals but the gameplay has been dumbed down as hell and I feel it's not a matter of difficulty but of depth in mechanics/context/etc. to give you an example, I honestly think the new DOOM is awful and so is overwatch and so is the dark souls franchise. It's just my opinion. But yeah, I forced my way to finish battleborn cause the bosses were fun and the game was short, but lately I see no games that give me that hype feeling of "this is gonna be goooooooood". Is it because of my background with gaming? I feel kind of sad just thinking of stopping playing videogames because they were such a huge part of my life growing up. Is that wierd? I know it's a lot of questions but I really need some opinions from the outside. Friends and family tell me it's just cause I haven't found a game that really interests me, but I dunno, there's so many games out there now. It just makes me sad.
To my eyes I see the gaming industry becoming like hollywood, with releasing 5000000 movies every year and only 2 or 3 actually being interesting/good, or some years not even that. Is it just me?
EDIT: Also the videogame industry drama and current internet society issues aren't helping me wanting to get involved with online communities like the das of UT/SoF2/UT2K3/4/quake 3, etc...
UPDATE: Thanks for all the support and opinions guys! You're the ones that make gaming the best! I'm closing down this post because you guys helped me find some resolution and helped me find some satisfaction in what was beginning to be a very grim and saddening feeling for me the last 2 years or so! I will keep gaming but will either take a break or just play a bit every now and then until I either find something that grabs me, or until I regain my interest. It will never be clear why we see things with different eyes, sometimes. Maybe they've changed. Maybe we've changed. But we should never lose hope and we should take it easy from time to time! Thank you guys seriously! Whenever I feel down about gaming, I'll revisit this post (which I will bookmark on the web browser!). Seriously thank you all!
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