Just about all those games were given away for free at one point or another. So the trade value is pretty non existent. So if he wants to give the away and just ask for a +rep I don't see anything unethical about it.
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guidelines: Trade feedback should only be used to describe your personal trading experience with a user.
the question is now: is he gifting or trading. sure, he wants a rep in return but the rep is just for a trade that happened before and as there was no trade but just a gift, it might be against the rules if you take it seriously.
on the other hand: he could also ask for a free game of your choice in return to gain a huge amount of rep... wouldnt change much but in this case almost anybody can grab the free trash they missed
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I don't use steamtrades but it seems stupid for it to not be against the rules. Giving something in exchange for something regardless if it's a +1 rep doesn't make it free anymore, same as those giveaways that make you share on facebook, twitter and invite your gradma to their party. I mean I think there's a decent reason why I think it's against the rules here to ask people to sub to youtube channels or do some other services in exchange for a key or a "free" background/emote/trading card.
Reason why this practice should not be allowed in general anywhere is cause you can make a script steal 10 000 keys from a steelseries or whoever giveaway(since bots always take them in minutes anyways) and then ask people to give you +1 for a key, and then once you have like 1k pos rep, you can just scam people left and right with no chance of anyone taking action against you because would what would 50 negative(scammed keys of people) look like compared to 1000 positive(stolen keys). It just gives people the impression that 50 people are upset you couldn't trade. Easy profit?
I don't trade in general so I'm sure there's other complications but I don't see why any of what I said wouldn't work. Only concern is just how valuable one can make it. However most of us have seen trade banned accounts by now for good reasons.
Same thing with the cs go keys, you can still buy a bunch of +rep with a cs go key to make your account look legit. It wont make most people fall for it, but one idiot will, and so the new keys sold are not tradeable anymore. Took valve 8 years tho and there's easily more than a few thousands of keys out there still tradeable so it's not stopping anytime soon. There's also entire groups dedicated to "+rep me and I +rep back", and all kinds of other methods.
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It's not a trade unless the other party has to give up something of value so this is just bribing people to manufacture false trade rep. The difference between this and paying someone to give you fraudulent trade rep is merely splitting hairs. This destroys the integrity of the trade reputation system.
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That would also be against the rules. Giving feedback without having traded with the guy is not allowed.
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When the rules are not enforced there are no rules.
Reminds me of a situation the other day when a promotion for some language game that didn't conform to the rules was left open until over 90% of the 10k keys had been distributed before it got shut down. And while I obviously understand that Support have private lives as well and those should always come first I find it hard to believe that not a single support member was online that day to see that discussion constantly being on top of the forum for more than 16 hours.
When people see others breaking the rules and getting away with it scot-free that will only encourage them to break the rules when it suits them.
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It's dishonest use of the rep system, but we all know ST isn't moderated or regulated. It's up to the user to check reps look fine, I imagine most users would say any bought reps = total 0 reps + extra caution, but I would also never do super expensive trades without prior trading.
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this is against the rules. I am pretty sure this has been discussed yeears ago (when there wes still moderation on ST). Feedback is meant to be for successful trades. It cannot be part of the trade. Gifting a worthless game and wanting +rep for it is against the rules and in my opinion obviously unethical. If there was no trade to begin with, the feedback system should not be used.
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Wow i guess he understand that he is doing non legit stuff on ST, because i see he closed his thread xd https://prnt.sc/prvsir
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It's been answered and you could have asked this without calling out someone so I'll close this thread
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Is this legal on www.stramtrades.com that you can buy +reps ? Check what this guy is doing: https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/tFFn7/pick-a-game-for-free-steam-only-first-come-first-serve/search?page=7
He is actually offering games for his feedback upvotes, well that is strange to be honest...
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