scammy page reported to FPi and itenet autolityyyyy!!!!
BTW i think SG nothing can do for fix , also if they put filter or check ads manual one by one is impossible to fix all , google ads nets quantity is unlimited quantity , the only one that can fix it with advanced Ai in future is google , but for right now is impossible for they too.
Anyway if you not want see ads u can install anti-ads software or just settings in browser for not load image\media\java etc. from sg only see text,and then donate money to sg patreon for support them in different way.
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I don't know how familiar you are with Adsense, but there's quite a lot you can filter.
As for "not load image/media/java"... I was on mobile - and if the ad automatically forwards to that page from the screenshot than there's not much I can do about it.
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you try if this can help you maybe , on mobile you download this , then push 3 point up right to mobile, then go settings then go site settings , then on that you can disable javascript,ads,pop-ups,images,videos,medias etc. without need to use any software,sometime is useful also to enable "desktop view" after disable medias ads etc..
BTW it is important to report scam ads when you see it because if no one report always they continue to make scam.
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Again, I'm on mobile! But yeah, these filters are activated - still, they do not work though.
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You can use Firefox with Ublock Origin without rooting.
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Firefox on Andriod? I might have to look into that... thanks for the tip.
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Yup, works really well (at least for me and I have a really old phone). Also the majority of the addons for the normal FF work with mobile too.
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Umm no.
for chrome
addblocker for samsung internet
other browsers
overall guide.
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As I've already said, the adblocker within chrome does not work for me.
As for the other links, I might have a look. Thanks.
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Yes my message is about Mobile
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I'm not using gestures (well, I used three finger pinch to take the screenshot - so a gesture for "back" might still work - I don't know).
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I've had similar experiences both on my desktop and iPad. It's not every day (especially since I stopped leaving my browser open on pages with ads here) but seems to happen once a week or so, and only SteamGifts pages and only those with ads.
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What's that? I't not showing up in the play store.
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Here is the link Not sure if it will block all of them. Good advice from TheXsoul though
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Actually "Brave" aims to be even something bigger than just a browser with adblock. They are trying to make browser where you put some money each month for your browsing (or not its up to you). Then at the end of month they will divide that money to sites you have visited the most and spend there most of the time.
It is definitely an interesting concept. I am not sure if it couldwork nor if I am fan of that.
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Get it, too, although I can just go back and that fixes it. I dislike the ads that expand over the sidebar, with such a small button to minimize it that you can't help but click the damn ad.
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You know, that's the reason why it's so small in the first place...
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"cancerous" ads on steamgifts
Considering Google is cancer, yup... but those Ad Sense things are pretty much everywhere :/
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I use uBlock Origin on my desktop and I never see a single ad on SG. Good stuff.
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Confirm, I have similar on my iphone too. On desktop without adblock — everything fine. It's very annoying last days and yes, you can't use SG on phone AT ALL, it's redirects in less than a minute, and i'm not able to hit "back" button. Kinda solution for me: it's only on wifi, on cellular — nothing, everything is normal. I thought it's smth wrong just with me, but checked SG on my friend's phone when he was at my home — the same "ad" (he never even opened SG before).
Yes, I know that I can hide it with adblock, but it's not the point
Edit: was wrong about a cellular — same on it now
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When visiting the site on mobile, within seconds I was forwarded to this nice scammy phishing page that conveniently blocked the back button.
Is this the ads we have to get used to from now on? Come on, how can you allow something harmful to your users like that on the website? Please adjust your adsense filter settings. Thanks.
EDIT: For those unable to understand what the ad says... it's one of these "Congratulations Google user, today you are our winner!"... going on about their 50 randomly picket visitors who can win an iPhone X, 1000 Euros or a Galaxy S7 - after answering 3 questions. With the notice to act fast as there's already 39 users who got the invitation for 5 prizes only (wait, but I thought today I was the lucky winner?)... and the classical count down timer to answer the questions before the chance to win is over to lure people into acting.
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