4 years ago

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What else am I going to do with all the dupes I get from bundles ๐Ÿ˜‹ Leveling up is a nice bonus.

4 years ago

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A little of everything. Community is cool, some groups are really fun (shoutout to Touhou), leveling up is nice addition. And it would be a shame if actual game keys went to waste.

4 years ago

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is it to level up? when I first started doing giveaways, maybe a little. definitely not the reason now.
is it to have a better ratio of giveaways made to wins? lol
is it to say thank you to your whitelist friends? no
is it to participate in a group? gave up on groups when the obligations/guilt made it less than ideal (yes, I won more, but felt worse).
is it just to giveaway a game that you already own which you got from a bundle? Primary reason, yep. Sometimes I'll do a special giveaway though.

4 years ago

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To get people to solve my puzzles

4 years ago

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I did benefit from giveaways in hard times, it feels right to return the favor in good times.
Occasionally I also learned interesting stuff from the community and giveaways are what keeps everything running.
And I probably don't need the 5th copy of Torchlight. :-p

4 years ago

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why do you make giveaways?

  1. For mischief (also called Puzzle)
  2. To inform (enlightenment of knowledge and insight that human beings lack)
  3. Because things that you don't need are valuable to others
  4. If you pile up useless choices, you will lose the time to live in the time of choice (let's reduce the burden by reducing the choices)
  5. Unconscious deeds

Which is the truth?
Unfortunately I don't have the answer.โ”(ยดฮ˜`)โ”ŒooO(There is no problem if you live well without thinking)

4 years ago

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I don't make many giveaways. When I do it's mostly leftovers. But I still do it because I like keeping my Steam Library clean (only games that I like/play) and because I crave those small "Thank you" comments. They make me feel so much better, such a better person than what I am

4 years ago

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People tend to like getting gifts, and I like to make people happy.

I've cut back because I went a little overboard with it in terms of money spent, but that's really only ever been the reason.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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Leaving unused keys from bundles seems like such a waste. Much easier than finding someone to take them all.

4 years ago

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A crippling shopping addiction.

4 years ago

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Leftovers aren't going to play themselves. Giving back to community is pretty satysfying as well.

4 years ago

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Spare copies of games go to someone who hopefully wants to play them. Games should be played, not left to rot!
Share a game I really liked and spread the love.
Bumping up my level is nice as a bonus.
If I win something good, I might give something away to balance it out.

4 years ago

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feels good man. i'm unemployed and barely have any income or else i'd be making many more giveaways. i do what i can though.

4 years ago

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fun, happiness. leftovers also is a thing but i tend to buy bundles just for giveaways too. like to make puzzles. or some untraditional ways to give something away (like my 150+ cart train that is running since April).

4 years ago*

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mostly to give away to someone who would enjoy it. Secondary is to improve my ratio, as I have won a lot of cool games and want to give back. Leveling up is a nice bonus, but I do not really care about the max level, I think level 3 would have been enough for me, as most giveaways are made for level ~3

4 years ago

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To giveaway a game that you already own which you got from a bundle or a game that I got from bundle but I don't have and don't want because it is not my type of game.

But most important - I can give a game to someone and maybe someday he will play it and it will make him smile or have fun and it will make his life a little better.

4 years ago

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That warm and fuzzy feeling :)

4 years ago

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Heya, thanks for asking! This made me pause for a moment to think on it as I hadn't really paid attention to how my dealings with SG reached the present state.

  • To find a new home for duplicate games or games that aren't my cup of tea.
  • Thank the people whom I won something from, I try to find a WL game of theirs to give back when possible.
  • Thank the community, ever since I started to be more active, I had the pleasure to befriend or get acquainted with quite a few "usual suspects" in the threads.

That said, I rarely do public GAs unless it's the occasional one or to give back, my personal experience with them have been less than stellar and discouraged me from making more. I know it's not mandatory to say thank you but it would still be nice for the winner to do so, specially if it's a nice game...the lack of communication is also sad - as a gifter, I find myself feeling somewhat thankful to even get a "marked received" and it just makes the entire process not enjoyable for me.

4 years ago

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i come here not for make giveaways but for win games (lol), because my family is died and i live in extreme poverty,i dont ave a car,motorcicle,money,workmonthly or who help me ismany yeRs little money i have i mustmKe myself not lucky etc as other people im very unluckyin my life, but because in my life if someone help me (and sg help me a lot) so i try to help back by create giveaways of good gaMes as witcer3,syberia3,mk11,shenmue,diluvion etc(and in my experience sg helpme me much becuse gift to me a lot of games) when/if i can i create giveaways for try to give back what i take.

precedently i try also trades or bundles but they stress me and my experience was very negative,so i not like,i prefer to use sg,
so sg for me is 2 things 1 a deal and 2 a tool,because in sg you not need to chat so much for exchange. key the zite do it byself,so is less annoyng than trdes websites or bubdles.
So for me sg is a sort of friend that borrow games/money to me lol , because. sg allow me to get games i wish to buy but i cant buy "now" and then later when i do some repair or assistance work i try to give back what i take because is my habit to be good and honest so i try do my best also if my resources is very limited as. poor,i haVe 1080p monitor not support 60hz hdr nothing...very olx,my cpu is 2011 9years old,i play with broken xbox360 controllers etc but this said im happy,i love games and like steamgifts, microsoft rewRds and epicgmes nd youtube help memuch too, sorry mybad english or digit error i have problem keyboardtoo.

the only problem i have with sg is at start,becuse my taste in videogames is very restricted limited (i not like sport,jrpg,horror,zombie,flight,anime,,simulators, etc) but at start have a lot of this so experience was littlee bad at start but then i fix with ignore button now much better bpecuse i see only games my taste,this said my passion for gMes is very big,but i not care about achievements,online competition,esports etc,iliketo play games for see things inside it or what can do on it (exploration,stealth my favorites)

4 years ago*

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Because I wanna share the games that I really liked (or am absolutely sure I would like in DOOOOOOOOM's case) with people (and occasionally other "games that look fun/people seem to like a lot" if I'm out of keys for the ones that I can vouch for personally). So... yeah... that's why I've always restricted my giveaways a lot (through puzzles and then groups when the inspiration dried up)- it really hurts when the game just gets farmed for cards and forgotten, so the paranoia is in full swing. :/

4 years ago

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If it makes you better, I had actually beaten Darkest Dungeon. On easiest settings, 'cause I suck at this game, but still

4 years ago

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That's miles beyond all the folks who quit Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 before even finishing the First Chapter (aka, the Tutorial).
So, um, yeah, thank you. ^_^

4 years ago

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For profit of course

But to be honest - little bit of everything you mentioned

4 years ago

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For me, there is a "primary" reason, and then there are "other reasons," as well.

My primary reason for giving is because I have an inner compulsion to give. If I have something, I want to share it. If another person is missing something, I want to fill that need. If you ask me why I am like this, I suppose it comes from an intrinsic desire for everyone to be happy, wanting for others what I want for myself. Secondarily, I have a revulsion toward Greed, and have developed a reflex of giving so as to squelch any attachment to possessions or comfort. You do not get "tied down" to something when you are willing to give it away at the drop of a hat.

As for "other reasons," you have listed many of them. All of that is "gravy," however, if I am able to accomplish my main objective, giving.

4 years ago

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All of the questions you asked apply to me in some shape or form during the years i have been here. Predominately for me, as the name of the site alludes to, for giving games away to people who hopefully will benefit and enjoy them.

4 years ago

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I first joined SG because I had a spare key for a game that I really enjoyed but all of my real life friends either already owned it or weren't interested. So I started to look for somewhere I could give it away and found SG. I keep doing it both to get rid of extra keys (I don't buy bundles often but when I do there is usually at least one key I won't use for whatever reason) and because I genuinely like to think I'm making someone's day a little brighter.

I've always loved spontaneous gifting; from when I was a kid and my mother would occasionally have a new book waiting for me when I got home from school, to a year or two ago when my brother just spontaneously gifted me a steam game because he knew I was a tight on cash and he thought I would enjoy playing it. Those types of "I was just thinking of you and thought this would make you happy" gifts are always the most enjoyable because you know there was no obligation behind them, just genuine feeling.

Purchasing and giving away games here is a similar type of gifting. While I don't have the resources to do it as often as I'd like, I do like to specifically buy community-wishlisted games to giveaway because you know that you are going to make someone really happy. It's always exciting to see space cat, but when it is for a wishlisted game it is even better. I just really like the feeling of knowing that I've made some genuinely happy with a surprise present.

Although I have only been a member of SG for a little under a year, I can't imagine people lasting long on this site (as gifters) if the joy of giving isn't a primary motivating factor. The other benefits (leveling up and so forth) just don't give a substantial enough benefit on their own.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by Deleted-7189824.