One account per Steam account does not matter the IP address - and would you be logging into his Steam account?
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That's a dangerous and inaccurate answer. It matters a lot because that's how you get flagged for (potential) multiaccounting, and risking permaban.
People got banned because they used multiple accounts claiming "their family" using them.
It'a one PERSON one account.
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Well, I can log in another browser to activate the key or accept the gift, yeah. Mostly because he may not be always online and can't communicate in English yet.
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Open a ticket preferably before the situation arises, and tell the mods the situation, and the affected accounts (SG or Steam) here the limit is 16 years old. I don't know nor want to know your nephew's age, but you're for sure an adult in the situation. Guidance, reliability matters a lot, but maybe the site is not for for example a 9 year old really... young and young aren't the same, and on the internet nobody knows if you're a dog or if you lie about your age. But be a responsible adult and do as you know it will help your nephew the best, as you know him.
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I doubt that he can find something more "harmful" or "inappropriate" on SG than he can find at school:) It's more because he doesn't know English well enough to understand giveaway descriptions yet) And his parents, most likely, won't allow him to use PC for more than 3-4 hours per day, while I am usually always online and can enter giveaways for him
P.S. Thank you for the answer!
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while I am usually always online and can enter giveaways for him
I think that is the prime example of what mods consider multiaccounting. Because it's not actually your nephew using the site and entering giveaways, it's going to be you, with another account.
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I've thought that the main reason is not to let one person win games from multiple accounts for himself, isn't it? He will play the games he won from his own Steam account and I will play the games I won from my Steam account. We also had a bit different taste for games so far, so, we will, probably, enter different giveaways, not to mention age restrictions. Anyway, I do not intend to enter giveaways for him for the rest of my life) As soon as he learns a bit of English — he will be on his own.
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+1 to what eeev has said.
"I do not intend to enter giveaways for him for the rest of my life) As soon as he learns a bit of English — he will be on his own."
I would suggest instead that he should join the SG once he does learn his bit of English.
And the part: "his parents, most likely, won't allow him to use PC for more than 3-4 hours per day, while I am usually always online and can enter giveaways for him" I find as totally unacceptable, tbh.
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Well, it's up to the mods to decide. But, considering the percentage of bots and people who are using auto-joiner apps and scripts on SG... I don't see anything criminal if I will check the site a few times per day to enter a few giveaways for his wishlisted games. He is not some random stranger, he is my close relative and, after all, the amount of time I will spend on it equals the amount of time I will lack to monitor games I'm interested in for myself.
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Users are limited to one account per person, and accounts cannot be shared.
Why not simply respect the perfectly unambiguous rules instead of trying to make exceptions for yourself?
Mods have no way of distinguishing who's using the account at any given moment or who's playing the games. Hence why the rule above is in place.
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I am not trying to make exceptions, I'm just discussing the rules. If it is prohibited for uncles, parents and other relatives to enter giveaways for their nephews/children— that's fine. My main question was about multiple accounts from one IP address, as the rules are pretty vague.
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Your previous comment sounded like you arguing that an exception should be made for close relatives. The rule itself is crystal clear and I don't think there's any room for discussion: no account sharing, period.
As for multiple accounts sharing the same IP, yes, the rules are pretty vague and it's okay to have a discussion about it. I think the vagueness is intentional; they don't want to disclose all the info and give potential cheaters a clear blueprint on how to circumvent the rules.
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Nope, I just discussed the rules. I didn't ask for any exceptions, nor did I propose to change them. And it's not like I was going to register my nephew right away. I haven't even told him about this site yet. I'm just curious if a few family members can use SG from the same location, because this info may be useful in future. And if it were possible I could've grabbed him a few game keys to giveaway on this site when I stumble on some good offer.
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Yes it takes but a few minutes to enter giveaways doesn't it?
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A few minutes here, a few minutes there — when you have a lot of other stuff to do — that's more than enough. But I'm a pretty slow person overall. And I usually read all the descriptions and check Steam pages for the games I don't know, so, it may take a lot of time for me)
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off-top: By the way, I see you've decided to stop excluding every single Russian from your giveaways afterall?
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Ah, I see. And this is when I was considering removing you from my blacklist. Well, do as you want then.
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"harmful" or "inappropriate" on SG
current public giveaways with nsfw content
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But there is an option to hide all of them in settings, isn't it? Anyway, I've set parental control on his account, so he won't be able to install the games that aren't fit for his age.
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Yeah, you can now hide NSFW games on SG in a new update as of 3 days ago. See the above post from CG, the site administrator.
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You could have come across those sad stories in public discussions within Steam group named S.Gifts. I’m personally just obediently waiting until another client of my highly populated ISP decides to start using the site. It’s not really known and probably not supposed to be if there are other metrics than just IP involved, though.
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They may check MAC addresses too, which may also be a problem if I intend to enter giveaways for him until he gets a little older.
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The internet works on TCP/IP layer which uses IP addresses to route traffic, MAC address is on a lower layer and is not transmitted beyond the local network to other directly connected devices, on each hop the routers will replace the mac address inside the packet with their own.
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I intend to enter giveaways for him until he gets a little older.
That is the definition of using multiple account as far as I understand the rules.
If your nephew is that young, do not register an account for him until he is old enough to understand the rules of Steamgifts, enter giveaways and can communicate in English himself.
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Well, many users here don't know English at all, but are still using this site) I can explain the rules to him. It's more to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Like some people don't set correct region restrictions, but write them in the description. Some set strict rules for participants, like enter only if you are ready to accept the gift within a few hours, enter only if you are ready to complete the game within a month, etc. But if it is against the rules — he can try to enter giveaways by himself.
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All those "strict rules" are null and void. Custom rules are not allowed. Even in groups with specific rules, worst that can happen is you are kicked and blacklisted by some group members.
As long as you and your brother/nephew usually use the same IP, talk to support first, as it is a big red flag concerning multiple accounts.
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Well, those rules aren't obligatory, indeed. But if people are giving away normal functional games — I appreciate that and don't want to annoy them with unnecessary re-rolls and missed sale discounts. And I don't think that my nephew will act otherwise. Thank you for the answers — I will create a ticket before registering if we decide to register him on SG.
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But that would contradict another rule about being old enough. We will probably wait for his 16th birthday then. Or my brother (his father) who doesn't have his own SG or Steam accounts can enter GAs for him if that's ok.
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Honestly just best to buy nephew bundles or sub to gamepass/twitch prime
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I agree that it's probally the better idea to just gift him bundle games yourself. Chances of winning are so low anyway I would't suggest to any young person to waste their time on this site, much better if a family member can gift them games directly every now and then.
Oh wasn't meant to be a reply, just a comment - sorry Inkyyy :)
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Yeah, that would've been a good alternative, But, sadly, it's not possible to buy any bundles or subscribe to Humble/Amazon if you only have a Russian card. Yeah, there are some middleman services, but the prices are usually a few times higher and there are no guarantees that the keys will work at all.
Anyway, if he really wants some specific game — we can buy it for him. But SG is a good way to try some games you otherwise wouldn't pay for.
Game Pass, well, it's not that great. It's expensive especially if you play a few days per week for 2-3 hours each. Most of the games there are only for a limited time and when they get excluded — you a forced to buy them in MS Store, while the prices in MS Store are higher than on Steam or Epic and you can't buy anything without a middleman. MS game client sucks too. You can't even open the guides/forums and download unofficial translations, fixes or ask other players any questions.
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Ah right, forgot the part of not knowing much of english.
I think Gamepass has some nice games but im not from russia so I cant say is there differences on catalogue.. MS games are "always" there and most games are for at least year. Some games have semi-easy way to move save-files to steam/epic versions. Currently playing "Core Keeper" thro there to test it out.
If EGS giveaways work out over there, thats one great way to "build library" and have some fun. You'd be also surprised how many F2P games can hold younger peoples attention for long time.. specially stuff like roblox :s
Hope you find solution!
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Well, most giveaways on Epic are locked for Russian users too. You can register an account for another country and grab the games via VPN, but you won't be able to buy DLCs for them unless you have a credit card from that country or a PayPal account (which stopped working here too). MS games are fine, but my nephew already tried the ones he was interested in on Xbox. For now, he is mostly interested in games like GTA, FaceOff / Counter-Strike. I'm trying to broaden his interests, but without much success 😅 I've thought he would like Grounded since he played Minecraft for years before, but he played it for an hour and dropped it. Well, thank you for your answers anyway!)
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Wouldn't it make more sense for you to share your Steam library through family share? If you'll be frequently logging through the same IP it should work just fine and be a lot less bothersome than attempting to teach a kid to cope with the randomness of giveaways.
I don't have children so I don't have any experience but if I had a kid I'd probably like being able to pick which games they can play, like if a 14 year old asks me to play GTA that's fine, but an 8 year old would be an insta-nope.
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I've already shared a part of my library. But he is mostly in multiplayer games and games that are popular among the streamers he is watching. While I mostly play single-player games and games that are as old and unpopular as I am) Not to mention my collection of horrors, gory action games, souls-likes and RPGs with love scenes that are a bit too adult for him. So, it's better if he manages his own wishlist by himself. I think he will be ok with coping. He is not THAT young and he should comprehend the concept of losing one day or another)
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I'm pretty sure if you share your library through family sharing you can restrict some game, at least you could do it before. Steam has just change their family sharing model, but I've been sharing my library with my kids for years and not that I have any "adult" game, but I did restrict some horror game or game with mature subject matter when they where younger.
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I know that. What I meant is that a significant portion of my library is not for children, and there aren't many games that can interest my nephew outside of them. I've installed a bunch of adventures for him, but he is more into co-op / multiplayer games right now.
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I have a proposition for you (that others already said in different words.)
Your library doesn't have games he'd want to play? You're the person who's going to enter giveaways for both yourself and the other alt account of yourself until he's 16 and then it becomes his account and not yours?
Instead, use the 400 points max (or 576 you get daily) on your account for both - games you like, and games he likes - and if you win the games he'll like, suddenly your library has games that, well, he'll like. Problem solved. No bending rules necessary.
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That means that I should always track his wishlist, and add all those games to mine to see all of them in the wishlisted section. And, every time his parents or friends gift him a new game — I will need to delete this game from my wishlist, otherwise I could win the game neither of us needs. It's too cumbersome to be bothered, honestly. But, as I stated above a few times, if this is against the rules — that's fine. My main question wasn't about entering the giveaways for him — I was wondering if a few family members can use SG from the same location, because this info may be useful in future.
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By the way, I played Vice City when I was 10 — nothing bad has happened) But I may be a bad example since I also played Manhunt when I was 10 (that shit was scary as hell😅)
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I don't know how old he is but make sure to activate the new "Hide Mature Games" function on his account page because I don't think it's activated by default.
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Yeah, thanks! I checked if there is such a function and that's why I created this topic. Haven't realized that it was added only 3 days ago — that's a good timing)
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The rules are clear.
"Users are limited to one account per person, and accounts cannot be shared."
Don't make accounts for other people or enter for others usingtheir account.
If they're not old enough then they shouldn't be here.
Stop trying to come up with exceptions or try to bend the rules.
They are there for a reason and have developed over time.
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Come on, can't you read the previous comments? I've literally said it three times:
"I am not trying to make exceptions, I'm just discussing the rules. If it is prohibited for uncles, parents and other relatives to enter giveaways for their nephews/children— that's fine. My main question was about multiple accounts from one IP address, as the rules are pretty vague."
"Nope, I just discussed the rules. I didn't ask for any exceptions, nor did I propose to change them. And it's not like I was going to register my nephew right away. I haven't even told him about this site yet. I'm just curious if a few family members can use SG from the same location, because this info may be useful in future. And if it were possible I could've grabbed him a few game keys to giveaway on this site when I stumble on some good offer."
"But, as I stated above a few times, if this is against the rules — that's fine. My main question wasn't about entering the giveaways for him — I was wondering if a few family members can use SG from the same location, because this info may be useful in future."
I haven't got a clear answer for my main question (the one that's in the name of the topic, yeah), but I still get accusations of trying to bend the rules, despite that I've already told numerous times that if it is prohibited — I won't do it.
Anyway, technically his father can register on SG and enter the giveaways my nephew is interested in. Because it is my brother's Steam account since he registered it for my nephew and only he has the login, password and Steam guard for it. He just lacks free time for it with his main job, the part-time job and two children. But if strictly obeying the rules is more important than common sense — ok, my nephew will register when he is 16. If he would be interested in it at all (as I said, I haven't even told him about SG yet).
I guess I will just create a support ticket with this question if and when the need for it occurs.
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By the way, Xbox 360 Live avatars were kinda cool, I wish something like that were on Steam/
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Well, thanks everyone for the tips about support tickets, family sharing, parental control, other gaming services, etc! But it's time to close the topic, I guess. Unless I want to repeat the same answers over and over again) If someone wants to add something — feel free to post in my giveaways or message me on Steam. Have a good day!
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Hi! I could swear I've read at some point that if multiple people are going to use Steamgifts from one home — they could get banned for using multiple accounts, but I can't find this info now. We are planning to gift my nephew a gaming laptop for his birthday. So, here is the question: can I register him on SG in future if our IP addresses will often interconnect? Terms of Service also state that only adults can use SG, but is it ok if I or my brother will enter the giveaways and activate games for him?
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