Actually yes. Think about it for a second. There's tons upon tons of people on here who enter anything they can. It would create a truly significant new number of tickets for support, and lots of re-roll requests.
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The main problem is figuring out who really owns the game or not. OP's library does not show that he has the game. Imagine a reroll request claiming that the winner does not own the game. We check his library, and yeah, it really isn't there. Reroll approved. A moment later, the (old) winner complains about the reroll, saying that he owns the game, along with a screenshot of his client library. Surprise, surprise, the game is there too. What would you do?
Sure, you can tell the gifter to contact the winner and ask him to show his profile, but since most winners here (at least the ones that the tickets show) don't accept friend requests from their gifters, they will say that they've contacted him and will request the reroll again. You may tell him to send the game by e-mail, but why would you send a DLC to someone who (apparently) doesn't have the base game?
Unfortunately, until Steam fixes it, there's not much to be done in this case.
I assume it's like what P4INKILL3R said down below and that you have to play the game a bit for it to register to the game library on your profile.
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That's exactly the point that I am trying to say. The user profiles on Steam do not provide an accurate representation of your game library. Obviously from this thread I know that you own the game, but if we take your user profile as a reference (which we do), you don't own the game. The Steam API takes your user profile and gives that as a reference to SteamGifts. Since your user profile does not show that you own the game, you are not considered to own the game. We can't make changes on your stored game list here, so there's nothing that we can do.
I suggest installing and running the game to see if it'll have any change.
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This isn't a common thing so I wouldn't think there would be a huge increase in tickets.
I don't see anything wrong with finding those people who don't follow the rules as they do state that you cannot enter giveaways for DLC that you do not own. Then they're suspended or banned and life goes on!
No matter how hard you try or how correct you think you are, your opinion is no more valid than my own. If you'd like to continue to try and force yours onto me, I'll gladly continue to defend mine though!
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You're just being dumb, then. Read Crossbourne's replies right above here (they were even posted before your replies so you could have saved yourself the trouble of typing this inane comment) to understand what's going on. Sgifts CAN'T see who does and doesn't own a game in some cases. No way, no how. So, "I don't see anything wrong with finding those people who don't follow the rules as they do state that you cannot enter giveaways for DLC that you do not own. Then they're suspended or banned and life goes on!" wouldn't work one bit.
A number of people not being able to enter for cheap DLC vs. a shit tonne of people winning DLC they won't activate or use, with no way of confirming whether or not they have the base game (thus not being able to enforce Sgifts rules, aside from the moral issue) and lots of giveaway makers sending in tickets for re-rolls due to winners who appear to not own a game, forcing support to go out of their way to ask winners to provide screenshots of their library before denying or approving re-rolls, a clusterfuck of effort?
Yeah, easy answer.
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Seems like an oversight since the sync doesn't pick up Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter. Posted by me as the second reply in the thread so please continue to explain how things work since I'm clearly unaware. Perhaps you should have read a bit more since SteamGifts can in fact pick the game up after there has been playtime like Rinarin stated. (Posted before your reply so you should have known! RAWR RAWR RAWR)
No way of confirming? I guess you can't take a screenshot of your Steam client which would show your username as well as the game. Quite frankly, I'm not going to bother finish reading your reply as none of it is even close to being correct.
If I were you, I'd probably delete that post in embarrassment.
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As has been posted on this thread by Crossbourne, and other threads by others before also, this doesn't always fix the issue.
"No way of confirming? I guess you can't take a screenshot of your Steam client which would show your username as well as the game. Quite frankly, I'm not going to bother finish reading your reply as none of it is even close to being correct."
Pity you're so super right that you didn't bother reading the rest of what I said. Otherwise you'd see what I said about that - "..and lots of giveaway makers sending in tickets for re-rolls due to winners who appear to not own a game, forcing support to go out of their way to ask winners to provide screenshots of their library before denying or approving re-rolls, a clusterfuck of effort?" And let me add to that by saying that it'd also slow the whole support process down as a result of the multiple communications back and forth needed.
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I didn't bother finishing your last reply, so why would I read this one? lol
I'm still at a loss as to how you guys think this would cause a huge problem? You know how many times this was given away? A whopping 67 times out of the 393,824 gifts that have gone through this site which is a massive .017%!
Please continue about how this would cause so many tickets?
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"I didn't bother finishing your last reply, so why would I read this one? lol"
You know it's only little kids that play this "la-la-la I can't hear you" game - grow up and stop trying to diss me by suggesting you're not even reading what I say. Stop acting like a brat.
If they would decide to do what you suggest and allow it, it would be a site-wide rule change that would affect all games and their DLC. It's a total shift in policy. It's not just about this game. Wow, I thought you got that idea already yourself.
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And only an idiot would keep talking when they know no one is listening.
After a quick skim of your post, I can see you didn't comment on the stats I brought up in my last reply. I guess the "You know it's only little kids that play this 'la-la-la I can't hear you' game - grow up" statement you've made could be said about you as well! In reality, that wasn't quite my intentions, it was more of a "I don't care to waste anymore time reading your senseless dribble", but take it as you please.
I'm really glad that you were able to form your own opinion and that you feel so strongly about it. Unfortunately not everyone is going to agree and you should eventually learn how to deal with that.
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You goddamn annoying tool, READ MY POST instead of posting nonsense replies because you want to try and make this an exercise of "how to pretend I'm superior" rather than "how to prove my point". "I don't care to waste anymore time reading your senseless dribble" - first of all, I think you mean "drivel", but anyway, that kind of childish behaviour (trying to attack the credibility of something without reading it) is the last refuge of a fool who is wrong and can't properly argue his way out of it.
I don't reference your stats because THEY ARE ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT TO MY COUNTERPOINT. Try reading my post again, if you have the attention span. Also, we're not arguing opinions here, we're arguing hypothetical facts. Get your head straight.
I'd love to see an actual VALID COUNTER ARGUMENT, but expect far less from you by now - and don't expect there is one as what I say is based on LOGIC and PROVEN BEHAVIOUR OF PEOPLE ON THE SITE. You've proven to be nothing more than an obnoxious, immature pest.
Edit: know what? You're probably going to reply to this again with more shit to try and piss me off, annoy me, or pretend you're right without any kind of reasoning or argumentation, so let me end this here - this is my last post here. My points (not opinions, again) are entirely valid - far more so than yours. You're arguing for what you'd like, not what would be best for the site. And you're dismissing any kind of logic that points out the problems (for the site and support) with what you want. Suggestion: grow the f* up, don't pretend arguments are about opinions so you can keep flapping your jaw like an idiot and dismissing the other.
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Ok really really last comment here just to make this final point.
I repeat what I said before - you've failed at arguing your point intelligently and your non-points have been refuted, so you step over on to pretending to have been trolling all along, like so many other morons on the internet before you. You can keep acting cool, but everyone reading this - as well as you yourself - know what an absolutely pathetic, asinine child you really are.
Have a great day, kid. Enjoy the fake ego while it lasts (that is, before you get older and it collapses around you).
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Just a small thing - "pissed" = "drunk". You're meaning "pissed off" dude.. ;)
And there's a difference between being annoyed by pests / brats, and truly angry. You've probably not read the whole chain (nor is anyone asking you to), but if you do, you might understand why I'm annoyed by this miscreant.
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I remember I could enter it even if I didnt have the base game
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So, you haven't read the post at all before commenting right? OP said he has the base game, but SG is not picking up on it.
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Ok, looks like I'm te one who didn't read correctly. I tought you were telling him he could buy the base game. Now I look silly. :P
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you have to play it and then sync again than it will work.
its because there is some mess in the databases in steam from the time it was freetoplay.
SG cant see the game!
But like i said if you play it SG can see it.
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Topic + pic. Have the base game and done syncing, still nothing.
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