Does life scare you? Well, maybe you shouldn’t have left the womb, the tiny house where it’d never be hot or cold. That tiny house is where it all begins. In need to find somewhere else to hide, you may find a cave, a chalet, a conch, a cottage, you can even build yourself a castle. But will those stone walls keep you safe? In acceptance of faith, you may as well see the entire world as home. Entire. But by the time the hand of the watch makes half the way towards its goal, by the time the light starts to fade, you’ll inevitably start your way towards your final shelter. Home you’ll call every single point of space where the uncountable particles which once were linked to give you life. Home, the boundless cosmos...



After Hint 01


After Hint 02


9 gibs inside (2 of them being Latam only).
13 gibs inside (2 of them being Latam only).


More gibs might suddenly appear, more riddles as well. Leave a message once you solve it and I'll let you know if I add something new.

Actually everything could change anytime, that's how life works...

The last riddle for reference

Hints #01, #02 and #03

Hint #04

A 320 pieces puzzle for the LATAM only games since no one from Latin America was able to get to Nowhere

Answer: hcE6H

8 years ago*

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I don't have a clue about this riddle and can't read the paper with hints on it properly, so I'm just here to say, that I loved Child of Light : )
I played it in co-op and although I 'only' played Igniculus, I had a lot of fun. But it seemed to loose some of it's athmosphere due to the translation. In German there is a phrase which means literally "Rhyme, or I'll guzzle you!" and sadly enough we could use this a few times ;/
But I was thinking about playing it again in English : )

8 years ago

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So guess I'm not the only vagalume in here! (it means firefly in Portuguese) :)

Child of Light is the very game which brought me to Steam. The reason I wanted to play it is I found out Béatrice Martin (aka Cœur de Pirate) was making the soundtrack for a game. And what a game, looked absolutely gorgeous, I had to play it! And I wasn't disappointed ;)

I played it in Portuguese and in my humble opinion it was very well translated, but from the very beginning I wanted to try in the other languages. Buuut... well, I used to play it on my old laptop, which I don't have anymore. The computer didn't have the requirements for the game, so it ran slow. Like, really slow, around 7x times slower than normal, fights took an eternity to end and moves weren't in sync with sounds, took me more than 40 hours to finish. So I decided to play it in Italian sometime ago... but I couldn't play it for long, the game which used to be pleasantly slow, now isn't in sync with the music. It's too damn fast, even the text is too fast for me to enjoy the beauty of the words... it was so calm and relaxing...

I gave up really quick, guess I'll have to learn how to make games run slower before I try it again...

Can you tell me what's the problem with the German translation? I'm really curious about languages :)

8 years ago

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Nope, I was a Glühwürmchen, too (same word in German ; ))
I didn't even know that it is in Steam, now. We played it through uPlay. And for me it was the art, that catched my eye first : )
I'm really happy, that it ran smoothly for me, just sometimes Aurora's hair was cut during a fight ;D
When I remember it correctly, the whole story was rhymed, but without measure. I know this typically from children, when they think a poem needs rhymes to be a poem. Or people who write a poem for an anniversary, a golden wedding or something like this.
I tried to find a good example on Youtube, but I only came up with this:
You can see that line 1, 2 and 3 are all ending on "-ort". First "fort", than "sofort" and the last one only "Ort". Sometimes it just doesn't feel sooo well written and I only imagined that the english version would be better.

8 years ago

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So you mean to say the problems you perceived are they made every verse rhyme when it's not necessary and the rhymes lack metrics? Now I remember it happens a lot in the Brazilian version too, may weird rhyming words that don't really rhyme because of the lack of metrics. Well, I actually studied translation at college and all I could think of was all the struggle they might have had trying to find words that "fit". So after all I found they made a splendid job, I almost emailed the translators to congratulate them! But maybe I'm just too kind in some situations...

Anyway, I wonder if the game was originally written in English... since it was made in Québec it could have been written in French... gotta check them both someday :)

8 years ago

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I think they didn't rhyme every verse, but this made it just stranger, because out of four verses three were rhymed forcefully and therefore not really good, but the fourth just didn't fit.
Oh, and Finn had an awful Berlin accent. This wasn't fitting him or his role at all ;D

I imagine it is an enormous work to do this translation and you have to take care of the text fitting the original meaning, rhymes, the right metrics and that it is poetic at all. But on the other hand you have professional translators therefore. Books full of poems are translated. Sometimes they are great in their translation, sometimes they aren't.
I think with more time and perhaps better or more translators this kind of art could have been even better, but of course I can't know it : )

And you are right with the original language. It is probably French : )
Btw. I think it is amazing how many languages you can speak/understand ;D

8 years ago

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Finn having a Berlin accent is really interesting. As usual for such characters as Finn, in the Brazilian version he has an "uneducated" accent, which happens to be the very way I speak, my region's accent. Since Berlin is the capital, I'd assume people speak the "standard" German accent. And I agree with you, a team of professional translators should be able to make a good translation. I just wonder if they were given time and money enough to make a good work...

There was a time, long long ago, in which I could study or play whatever I wanted all day long. My beloved languages, my beloved games... how much I miss those times, haha, makes me want to go live with mom again :P

8 years ago

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Bump for solved
Valeu ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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"Лебединое Озеро"?

8 years ago

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Хм.... а о чём ты говоришь, гражданин??

8 years ago

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Как-то неожиданно было его там встретить.

8 years ago

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АААА, ты его видел в Hint #01! Странно, я не знаю, почему я это написал в моём тетраде...

8 years ago

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No idea. I'm not sure how to read the first part...
I was guessing 0HE68

8 years ago

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You were not so far! It was hcE6H!
I'm curious about the 0 and the 8...

8 years ago

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I tried 0 and o since those are shaped like a womb. H for the castle, and 8 is the symbol for infinity sideways.
E and 6 were easy, the rest were too obvious for me to expect. Too much overthinking on my part.
thanks nonetheless

8 years ago*

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I've finished this puzzle.....
Horrible puzzle

8 years ago

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I'm glad you liked it bro!

8 years ago

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Can you tell for stupid me, how to solve your puzzle? Even with answer I don't understand.

8 years ago

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Посмотрите в твоё GA Герой Королевства. Я не хочу, чтобы все знали))

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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