... Karma already bite his ass with that personal assistant that stole MILLIONS from him.
So I'll let him slide on this.
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Epic store is a developer focused platform with a lot of customer-friendly features "opt-in" like reviews or downright removed like forums, So when another aliens colonial marines or Batman: Arkham Knight hit the stores you simply can't see what hot mess of a game it is.
Your only feedback and review source will be the "professional reviews" which the devs can easily bribe to get 10/10 reviews out of them.
So don't be surprised when people like Bitchford and other devs lie and defend epic store. They got a ton of money, no customers feedback to annoy them and a ton of free exposure and public press, and if you think this will destroy their PR, Hello games (no man sky devs) provided that you can be scamy, lying bastard and still get the people to trust you again when you deliver your promises two years later (which is totally fine by me).
My prediction is that in a year or two when epic exclusives publicity stunt end you will see a bunch of devs who were on epic come to steam with a sale and some apologize and people will forgive them and move along.
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"Though his big lie is when he takes credit for features that Epic promised will come later:"
Where exactly does he take credit?
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RIP in pieces Steam, including stuff like CS:GO and Dota 2.
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To me it looks like Epic's funds for buying exclusives are running low so they had to scale back their demands.
Looks to me like Epic store is doing exactly what Steam was doing (and keeps doing) to drive people to their store. They accept that they don't earn anything from sales on 3rd party sites, because they know that those sales drives traffic to their store.
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I doubt Steam will sit back and do nothing - we already know that they have been working on a completely revised client. It can't be that far away and should push them to the next level. (The chat feature is part of the new design). Also - It would be easy for them to cut their commision, and I'm sure that would happen before they hemorrhaged too many more titles.
Tim Sweeny and Randy Pichford are, in my opinion, complete areshols - and it'd take a lot for me to freely support them, and I'm sure there are many like me that feel the same way. My only disappointment is that many people drop all their moral values when a game they can't wait for is released on EGS. Almost like turkeys voting for xmas...
In case you missed it, Randy Pitchford said this the other day:
"'Bitch and moan' if you want, but the Epic Store is best for Borderlands 3"
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I really 'love' that article. Randy drones on about how the has to improve EGS before it has "sufficient features" for Borderlands 3 and then he brushes over the real reason why it goes to the EGS: Valve's "absurd" revenue cut. Then again it's Randy Pitchford so I'm not actually surprised by how incoherent it is.
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I've had one notification about an unauthorised login attempt on Epic and that was a couple of hours after I answered a request for information about Fortnite on a Steam forum, i.e. Steam user in shared Steam group unsuccessfully tried to steal my (empty) Epic account, and probably everyone else's that tipped him off that they had an account by answering. I don't think that really says anything about either platform, other than Epic notifies you when someone tries to hack in.
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Every year another new "Steam killer" is born. It's like moon cycle.
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I think Epic store is like the 9th or 10th "Steam killer", so it's safe to say in a year or two it will be added to the garbage bin like the other "Steam killer".
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Epic is to a steam killer what Haze was to a Halo Killer
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Steam or Games for Windows Live? - Interview with Randy Pitchford
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This made my day ;) Thank you for posting the video!
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From a psychological view it's very interesting how this Mr. Pitchford is belittling Valve and also predicting it's end, which is absolutely hilarious and unrealistic, but he just tries to sell the Epic Store as a big success story.
But all this sugarcoating won't help much in the end, since only the bare sales figures will count.
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5 to 10 years is far beyond the events horizon in internet terms
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"Epic's funds running low"
Dude. Are you serious?!
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I know they made a lot of money. But the investors won't be happy with that all going to Epic trying to start a race to the bottom that leaves only one store standing.
There would only be a limited amount allocated to buying exclusives. The rest of the money goes to other things, like giving investors the return on investment they demand.
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True. They do want all the money. But the plan has a risk of failing and, if it does, any money spent on the attempt is lost. The question is: How much money are those investors willing to risk attempting to kill off the competition ?
The one thing I've noticed from AAA companies for the past few years is that they look very risk averse. Pushing everything into squeezing out money from their low risk, high reward titles instead of spreading it over a larger number of riskier titles.
Or just look to Fortnite. PubG was the game that took a risk with a new genre. Epic rushed in when they saw it was popular.
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New genre? Risk?
It was PlayerUnknown's third time he started making a battle royale game. The genre itself existed without calling it that ever since QL added 30+ player FFA lobbies years before PUBG even existed in MYNAMEISINALLCAP's little egoistic head. Just like Apple and the smartphone, he only made an existing non-popular concept popular.
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God i can't stand this guy, Pitchford is so full of crap. I have no love for Steam the way it is, but to think Epic will kill steam just because Epic is throwing massive amounts of money at the moment to get the PC equivalent of console exclusives is beyond dumb.
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Is it so? Please show a single case where any non valve game signed a contract to not be released on any other launcher for a given time or forever.
So what you are saying is basically true because in the end it is allways a publisher decision where to release but before there was no explicit exclusive contract, only a decision.
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They aren't required to use Steam at all, and never have. They can sell their game anywhere they like, including DRM-free. That's one thing Valve has always been pretty firm about. In fact, one developer (Darkwood's) even released his own game on torrent.
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Borderlands 3 has the shortest Epic exclusivity period so far. Also, I got an email this morning telling me that Metro Exodus and Borderlands 3 are both now in the Humble Store. Sure, those are Epic keys, but I doubt Epic gets a cut of those sales. To me it looks like Epic's funds for buying exclusives are running low so they had to scale back their demands.
But Randy Pitchford thinks that Steam will be a dying store.
Though his big lie is when he takes credit for features that Epic promised will come later:
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