Of course, I understand as trading values are much more complex than just highest discounter price. I'm just wondering though, if we are looking purely at the 'market's' trade values(which I did not factor), how do you think I did?
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I'm not an expert trader but I think with maybe one (or two) exceptions (The Journey Down - Chapter One [highly discounted and bundled more often than Chapter Two] you did pretty well. Mostly BTA stuff and the games that were in T1 (like Brothers) are really good. As the last Humble Monthly was not very appealing to me personally and I like most of the games you got for them I would say you made a good deal :D
But be prepared that that's not really your average case: There are lots of people offering free games or
0,1 € games for BTA, T3 or even unbundled games.
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Tier 1 (=1$), Beat the Average (depends) & Tier 3 (normally ~ 12$ for 2 more games than BTA)
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Interesting.. What about the things people call 'refs'
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Those could be 2 things:
Refined metal from Team Fortress 2: something used as currency on Steam; one of the the smaller units of currency. Can't exactly say how much it's worth since I'm not that familiar with TF2
or referral links: Something everyone hates here on SG
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Ahh the former is more likely then. One last thing, how to people pay in keys when prices sometimes are quoted in decimals ie '2.5keys/2.52keys'? And thanks alot for the patience and for answering:)
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There are things that are worth less than keys that you can use to trade. ToD (Tour of Duty) and Refs are worth less. Think of it like dollars & cents. If 1 key= $1, then 1 ToD would be 50 cents (a key is worth more than 1 USD, it's just an example to illustrate how it works).
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Wow seems like alot of work for that precision. What exactly is a ToD then?
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It's an item used in TF2 to play on the "Mann up" servers in the Mann vs Machine game mode. You'll get an item if you win on one of those.
A TF2 or CSGO key is worth too much to be a good "smallest unit". There's a big difference between 2 & 3 keys in terms of value, so a smaller unit is needed for those cases. It's not as complex as it first seem, just be prepared for some traders valuing Refs & ToDs slightly differently.
Oh, and if you plan to do a lot of trading, then enhanced steam is nearly mandatory. With it you can easily see if someone has been reported on Steamrep or other such services, and you'll know that you're dealing with a known scammer. Also, always be careful when it comes to impersonators. If someone links to a profile here on SG, make sure that they are the person they claim to be (click on the steam icon on their profile).
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No problem ;) Keys normally refers to one of those:
CS GO keys are worth slightly more than TF2 keys and traders normally want non-vanilla keys (Those linked above; used to open crates from Operations). You can buy keys from the market or if you own the game ingame. Apparently buying them ingame is slightly cheaper because with CS GO it's not an option if you don't own the game.
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Pity you don't like atmospheric games, soma had an amazing story... I've played both, and while I enjoyed middle earth - it's a fun game, I adored soma.. It's story really stuck with me for ages... But yeah, not for people who need gameplay to be at the forefront.. Soma was definitely all about the story and atmosphere.
Either way, Gratz on your haul, and welcome to trading... Enjoy it while you can before valve finishes killing it off :D
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Well atmospherics are pretty good too but horror.. :')
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You sure about that? I'm not finding anything on it, and it's still showing as a valid giveaway to create [which means, even if it was given away for free, it was in small quantity (or, as another possibility, I believe certain OrlyGift giveaways and high level Alienware giveaways have gotten passes on it as well, due to their activation/access limitations.)].
It's been heavily bundled, however, so it certainly is low value regardless.
Still, us PnC fans gotta do what we gotta do to get our fix :D
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Nice one! Been meaning to get back into trading soon too. Somehow turned into a collector of games and was wanting to see if I could trade for any bundled games I'd missed.
As for what you traded for and what it cost you, I'd say you did well if you're happy. Some people trade for profit, trying to "trade up" slighlty on every trade. Other's might not do it for profit but are still very keen on $$$$ value of the games/will track the cheapest the games were available for and try to do like for like. Others will do it based on how much they wanted the games etc. Whichever way you approach it is fine as long as you're pleased with the outcome and it seems you are :)
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Very much just collecting at the moment, but my selection lacks the titles I want so trading.. Amazing how many traders have huge inventories/stocks
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Well... within a month you'll have plenty SOMAs floating around:)
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if it's worth it to you, then it's worth that much to you. personally though, i think you got ur trades done easy and fast because of u trading monthly games (a bit in the range of $1.5-2.20ish/game) for weekly/bi-weekly bundled games that were obtainable much cheaper.
Granted those games were good titles compared to some of the indie titles in the monthly, like The Walking Dead. But Walking Dead was in $1 tier with several other games. Although I have to say since you missed earlier HB, it is still most likely a good deal since even though games like TWD or Brothers were in tier 1, doesnt mean that their value at trading market is less than 1$, most traders keep them and trade at higher value, what value that is, i do not know. I've avoided tradings simply because when i was new to trading, i got sharked and/or got scammed-trolled. Both were my own faults though.
I'm not particularly active there anymore since i no longer have an active paypal account but another alternatives would be a Steam Group called "Group Buys". Most people are very fair in pricing and splitting. You might also be lucky to get some of the old bundled games there (most from obscure bundles, don't expect good stuffs like the one you got though)
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Was looking through the old bundles and many of them give me many regrets:(
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Had the same feeling as you did when I started trading like a few weeks ago, although I traded mostly smaller games. Before trading, I used to just redeem everything and farm cards to get some money back and +1s for my games total. The first few days I started trading I had already gotten around 10 games that I had wanted for a while and I was so happy and at the same time I felt dumb for not doing this sooner, haha.
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Indeed! Makes you question paying for some of the games back then because when you compare to prices here you realise how low the 'market value' of some of these games are!
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check it out, maybe you can still find some of the old bundled games there with fairly decent prices. not a trading group though so there's that.
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Will check out that group. So many new things learnt!
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Welcome to the Steamgifts trade section - If you are new, people will rip you off with their cheap bundled games or freebies for your more valuable games.
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Perhaps. Almost all my trades felt too easy, though I didn't have those games I perceived as better than the indie ones I got anyway. Is there some huge thread somewhere with some tier lists or something?
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You need to track the bundles, sales and etc and learn their values, trade 1$ tier bundle games for 1$ tier bundle games, else if someone asks for a Beat the avarage tier, it's not fair in my opinion. I've been trading over 3 years and at the time i didn't know about Humble Bundle and etc, but i remember i bought a lot of gaming magazines for really cheap from another place that usually sells for 7.50€, but i got those for 1.20€ each and every magazine came with Just Cause 2 steam key wich was worth arround 3€ or 2 tf2 keys and people ripped me off with their bundle leftovers for it because i was new to trading but that's actually pretty common, since i was very new to steam trading and at the time i didn't know that those were bundled and i thought i received pretty good offers for those games. If you were experienced trader, you would had received much better games, but don't worry, once you get to know values, you'll be trade god and receive fair offers for your games ;).
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So desregarding the fact that I wanted the games I got today, would you say I got offers on the poorer side of things from a trader's perspective? I mean, I did trade SR3 for Van Helsing, not that I really regret it.
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Well for Saints Row The Third it's not really that bad to be honest
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Even got the full package version so was indeed very happy about that one
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i actually checked your list of games you got in trades, and for a newbie it's not really that bad to be honest, i got much worse trades when i was new ^^.
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Got the August bundle and most games didn't appeal. Traded a little and ended up with:
Company Of Heroes 2 + Oberkommando West DLC
The Walking Dead
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
The Journey Down - Chapter One
Resident Evil Revelations 2
Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package
Endless Space - Emperor Edition
And I still hold my copy of Random Access Murder.
Also paid early for SOMA and as horror games aren't my type I traded it for Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY!!!
I know that this is likely because many of these are older and have been bundled before/owned by many but as one with not THAT many games they were all A grade and top class and wanted and it was definitely worth the $12 for me this month. Added the combined unbundled value and it ends up being slightly than HB's combined unbundled value too so great. Everyone here too is somehow super honest too so its amazing theres this oasis here lol. Thanks guys
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