There are private groups for more than friends. Some are to give unlucky users a chance, others are for high volume collectors, more for active members of the community (your 0 comments show you would never qualify), etc. As long as it isn't a group of friends doing fake giveaways, there is nothing wrong with it.
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"As long as it isn't a group of friends doing fake giveaways" ...I agree with friendlyfoam, group giveaways shouldn't count towards CV, because is easy to abuse of it. There are people with 5.000$-10.000$ all private and group giveaways. You may say "yes but there are all different winners", true but find/create a group of 30-50 people that want to abuse it's easy.
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I don't say there is something wrong with private/group giveaways. I say as stated in the topic - they shouldn't count towards contribution value which allows in turn to enter contributor only giveaways (not group restricted ones).
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You don't understand me.
there's a guy with 2000$ contribution value - all of those contributions were group giveaways - i'm not in that group so i couldn't join. Now i create a giveaway for contributors - let's say minimum CV 100$ - but not group-restricted. Why should this guy with 2000$ CV be allowed to join my giveaway? I wasn't allowed to join his.
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By your logic:
You make a ga with min CV $100 and (for example) I can't join. I make a public no CV GA and you join my GA. Why should you be allowed to join my GA? I wasn't allowed to join yours.
Oh, I see your rebuttal already; I can raise my CV. Yes, well you can increase your activity to join more groups. Some groups will never let you in due to being extremely private but hey, same with CV: some people can never reach X amount of CV because they just don't have the money to spend. It's life. Some open doors. Some closed ones. To strive for absolute "fairness" in this instance seems to be a lot more trouble than it's worth... because believe it or not there's legit groups out there that aren't just trading games between friends to farm CV. Oh my. Who da thunk it.
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I mean: if someone made a giveaway for a group only (or a private one) - he didn't actually contributre anything to the community - he contributed only to that group of his
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no that's not true. if it's not public then it's a different community altogether
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that's bullsh*t. most people enter gifting groups to have a higher chance of winning - they simply want to profit
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What is "bullshit"?
Groups are in fact apart of the SG community, just because you don't like the idea of (some of) them doesn't mean they're not.
There are more than private SG groups than just the giveaway groups, there are SG groups that are just between friends that met on this site, and there are some meant to help unlucky users get their first win. These are all apart of the SG community in some way. It seems like you don't like the giveaway groups, neither do I but if we were to exclude them it'd be unfair.
As I said before the site in centered around gifting whether it be to friends or strangers.
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Overgeneralisation about the private giveaways imo. Look at that Ozo guy who makes private giveaways for puzzle solvers on the forum almost daily, or DeltaBladex and his events where most are the giveaways are private. There are many others who do similar. They're available to anybody reading the forum and for my money at least "the community" is the forum. It's where people come together, give advice, share some experiences and laughs. Those people who never read it or post on it are separating themselves from it.
Private giveaways for forum readers are very much promoting community. I know not all private giveaways are on the forum but I think it's unfair not to make a distinction there.
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Contributor-only giveaways will be gone with SG v2.0 so there's really nothing to discuss here. For the 1000th time.
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when is SG 2.0 coming? will there be any incentive to actually contribute if contributors only GA will be gone?
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People were contributing just fine before the CV system was put in place. Those who wanted to do giveaways for contributing members did so in groups where the high contributors where invited. It will just get back to the way it was and we will be done with all the CV whining. Contributor's giveaway were a nice idea, to thank those who have helped keep the site alive with giveaways, but it became a race to the highest CV over time.
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i´d just random say that a Giveaway should only count when atleast a certain number of persons join :/
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I largely agree, but the CV system is horribly broken anyway. Ironically, if you want your giveaways to reach those who contribute in the right way, the best solution is to make a group for them. :) Personally I gave up making giveaways and just use keydrops and puzzles now.
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dude you didn't contribute a single thing - yet you dare speak about selfishness?!
get lost!
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i didn't say i'm better. he acuses me of being selfish - yet i did contribute and he didn't. if anyone looks selfish it's him.
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dude, go fuck yourself with your masturbation references. and don't preach about the spirit of the site, when you don't give - just take.
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just because someone doesnt make giveaways here doesnt necessarily mean hes selfish
For example I do restrict giving games to my friends and to people I know. If you consider this as an act of selfishness then too bad. Its my choice if I decide to make a giveaway here or not. If it really hurts your soul that much that some people cannot afford to give away games /do it elsewhere, then maybe you should get a life instead of being bothered what others do
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Agreed, really, get a fucking life. Already, giving away games that worth more than 15$ without any reason (and, for reason, I really mean any reason: promoting your game on greenlight or your YT channel, giving it away cause u won it somewhere and you don't like it, cause u want to celebrate something ecc. ) it's only silly, not generous. Then, you also want to make difference between you and who give them to thei friends (and not to strangers like you do - it's not charity, it's stupidness, cause everyone here could boy the game on his own, they're just here to try the luck)
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hahah what do you know about my life ;d
majority of people (including me) come here to win games - not to show they're selfless - current CV system allows group members to abuse the thing. give games to a small circle of friends - and thats not really contributing - and enter giveaways meant to be a thank you for real contributors. that's it.
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then make your own fuckin website where only one allowed to enter giveaways are people who give away games, duh. Simple as that, Mr. Elitist
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Yep, I assume hes a dumb fuck sitting in fron of the computer masturbating to his CV size
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But how will people raise their CV for free with their smurf accounts then?
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CV shouldn't even exist if you ask me, but that's another topic altogether.
If some people only do group giveaways, how does that hurt you exactly? You should only make group giveaways if it bothers you so much. Almost every gifter started with public giveaways, so you really don't have the right to complain. Unlike most people on the site, they have already proven their generosity and more importantly, most are trustworthy. If I were you, I'd prefer gifting to people like that instead of the hoards of leeches that will take and never give back. Or what about the people who try to boost their CV with price exploits? There are far worse people entering your giveaways.
I primarily create group giveaways, but I don't join public giveaways anyways. Every once in a while I join in public forum events to give back to the entire community and each time I leave disappointed that a leech got the game instead of someone who at least bothered to say thanks. You should ponder that yourself.
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that's what i mean - if you only do private/group giveaways - you shouldn't be allowed to join high CV public ones. and i don't support leeches. i do contributor GAs only - still public - every contributor can join
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because most people are giving away games for the pure act of kindness and not to rise their cv-s, oh no.
True story
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Cant say otherwise.
I just dont understand people lecturing about the importance of cv-s when at the end of the day it all goes down to win more games for verrry big part of people
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Most private giveaways are linked from the forum, or used in puzzles, and are open to everyone. Why would they be worth any less? You're still giving a game to perfect strangers. You're just weeding out the leeches who will go no further than the front page. (And those assholes using auto-join scripts)
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"each time I leave disappointed that a leech got the game instead of someone who at least bothered to say thanks"
^^ THIS ^^
I inadvertently did a GA for the Bundlestars group instead for one of the private groups (of 300 or so) I'm part of. The winner had entered close to 12,000 GA's and commented maybe 200 times. Did I get a return email thanking me? No.
Yeah, public GA's are just peachy-keen ;-p I do adore the many leechers with exactly zero manners and a "gimme your game and then F-off" attitude.
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The key words seem to be "(and not accessible by me)" - I'm sure that's not how you want it to sound, but why do people often use the word fair when they really mean less for you, and more for me? :)
If some generous person wants to give brand new, expensive games to his circle of friends, it doesn't hurt the rest of us. Good for them. If you want to restrict giveaways with some rules you've devised, first ask the support people to approve your rules, then make a private giveaway in the forum - you can't make rules on public giveaways. You could ask for something like "restricted to people who have $100 CV from public giveaways" or "restricted to people with red hair" - whatever you think is fair. :)
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...and there are the moments we realise just how broken the cv system is
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I mean, that's cool and all, but your contributions.
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just because you giveaway games in a group, doesnt mean you havent given anything away.
its still generosity.
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good luck convincing all those people too busy to grow their e-peen size
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So with this logic, private giveaway shouldnt also count for CV and also your "contributor only"- giveaways..cause you also only let enter a "specific" group to your giveaways...
So next time you wanna post something like this, first think about what you are doing wrong! ;)
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I wouldnt be surprised if he would have some emptiness in his head instead of a brain
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So ... I'm a bad contributor? :(
But wait .. I've never won any public GA, only Group/Private, but I've given out a bunch of public GA's .. THAT'S NOT FAIR, I DEMMAND WINNING PUBLIC GA'S RIGHT NOW!
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Wait...a guy who won 2 public giveaways in his first 4 weeks, who has not a single comment except the ones here in the forum and who contributed bundle games only is talking about contributing to the site and that group and private ones are bad?
Dude... Its contributing to SG. Private and Group giveaways are part of SG. People still buy these games you know. If you don't want them to enter your giveaways either make a group yourself or do it private with special rules.
If this is about "My chances would be better if..." then even worse as you are already pretty much above your average wins already.
Other than that: What Mindestens said
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The world doesn't revolve around you, nor does Steamgifts and the generous people who give away games. They are (as are private giveaways) for the Steamgifts community, just a smaller selection. People are still contributing games to others, hence there is no reason as to why they should not get CV.
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As stated in the topic.
Don't you think it would be fair? Why should someone whose giveaways are restricted to his group of friends (and not accessible by me)be allowed to enter my open giveaways for contributors only?
A giveaway for a group is a contribution only for that group and not for steamgifts community - so it shouldn't count towards CV!
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