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7 of 9
A borg cube
Alright, i'm sold, it cant be as bad as discovery anyways. (please don't be as bad)
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Yeah, Brent Spiner isn't a part of this, it's most likely cgi so... uncanny valley
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He is still played by a man and not a black woman like they did with Bond and other characters. So the eyes should be the least of our worries nowadays.
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Having only read the books and watched the movies, I had no idea Bond comics were a thing, or that there were all these other characters. Though I don't see how having a new 007 would necessarily impact the comic book characters - they could always introduce Agent 0013 and Suzi Kew in an upcoming movie.
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Hopefully it will be better than ST Discovery. And positive no Michael and annoying Tilly around in that time line.
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I am hyped for this but not sure on prime video myself
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Let the Bezos s u c c your soul. It's painless i assure you. Don't you like having friends? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDkejTcSlY4
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I geuss when the time comes i will probably get it :p
Resistance is Futile :)
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Just to bring balance in the universe i'm gonna put a SW related link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKWVNeDYZmU
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like 98% of amazon prime shows are shit, its got stargate right now tho
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I'm far from an expert on Amazon Prime shows, but I'm totally enjoying Absentia right now, and The Expanse is terrific.
Also, their kids programming is actually really good. Creative Galaxy is great, and Tumbleleaf is a good show that I don't mind watching.
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You mean not enough, right? C'mon go watch and watch and re-re-rewatch this with us. ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!
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Hey, that's only a little more than three weeks if you do nothing but watch. On the plus side you will loose a lot of weight and have the best in a lifetime sleep quality after this marathon. You may die too but gloriously! Go watch TNG :D
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Maybe it's different for their video stuff then but for their store stuff, that personal checking accounts says US only which i am guessing you are from, and while so many have that and request for them to add PayPal they simply refuse.
These are the options:.
Add a New Payment Method:
FSA or HSA Cards
Use your FSA or HSA card to pay for eligible items
Credit or Debit Cards
Amazon accepts all major credit and debit cards.
Amazon.com Store Card
Access to exclusive financing offers. No annual fee. Zero fraud liability.
Personal Checking Accounts
Use your US based personal checking account
Enter your EBT card information
Add an EBT card
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Well f.e i might want to buy Launchbox, can only pay with amazon pay, there that trick won't work, then i could in theory try getting a gift card but you need to select a country, and i don't know if that would apply for payments like that too (or just items from amazon itself) if you can even pay through that (and ifso what country do i pick).
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Because i only figured out today you can apparently buy items through amazon.de with ideal but like in the example above, trying to buy launchbox it will still ask me for credit card details guessing because the seller is in america.
Also it's getting overwhelming negative reviews. https://nl.trustpilot.com/review/www.amazon.de
And i can avoid such things we got our stores (like bol.com) it's just services or items like f.e launchbox that only demand amazon pay, and as i said i don't know if amazon prime video would work with Ideal/SEPA?
But even then i would just find another way, then they just shouldn't make it so hard, or limited.
When you used to get such shows just on tv but no it's all amazon this, netflix that these days, even if it all worked it's also still a bit ridiculous having to subscribe to something just to watch that 1 show.
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Damn, I just learned a whole lot through this thread. As a German using amazon.de, I just assumed Amazon everywhere accepted bank accounts as payment option. Wild.
Also, personally I never had any problem with it plus, I just wanna add that people who had a bad experience are more likely to leave a review than those whose transaction worked perfectly. ...but I'm sure you know that too.
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Well there is much more than "just one show". The Expanse, the upcoming LotR series, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The Man in the High Castle, Bosch ...
Seems the negative reviews are mostly about slow deliveries. Doesn't look special, people satisfied with quick deliveries rarely will write a review about it. And 4k reviews isn't much considering the overwhelming market presence of Amazon.
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A debit card is a prepaid credit card? That's just plainly incorrect.
I mean, it's your choice if you want to make a bank account, but if you don't, then it's obvious that you'll lack payment options online. I'm not sure how you receive your wages, but fair enough. A debit card is literally just a bank card. I don't know of any modern banks that, first of all, don't just give you a bank card outright for free to use it to pay for things (since most of the population doesn't use cash for all of their purchases) and also don't have a debit card functionality to them.
A credit card's a completely different beast and there's a reason it's not popular in Europe. A credit card's basically a microloan that you take and pay off at the end of the payment period. This has almost nothing in common with a debit card which is connected to your personal bank account and only draws out as much as has been deposited. No delayed payments, no credit, nothing like that.
When you say "no bank options", you're as misleading as possible with it because debit cards are literally "bank options". Options to pay with your bank account.
Not sure how you manage to run a PayPal account while not having a bank account. You must have the fishiest employer possible if they transfer your wages straight into PayPal.
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It's what some sites will say when you google, and they both work the same (and aren't debit also visa/mastercard?) as a creditcard. Just the how is different.
But not here, we get a bank pin card, which we can pay with through stuff such as a service like Ideal but we can't pay on sites and use it as a creditcard, i can't pay a humble bundle with my bank card, i need PayPal.
And yes we can attach our bank accounts to PayPal (which i am not doing anymore since i got hacked), but we can transfer amounts of our choosing through that service called Ideal.
It's not a bank option, not here atleast.
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It's what some sites will say when you google, and they both work the same (and aren't debit also visa/mastercard?) as a creditcard. Just the how is different.
Banks tend to outsource the debit portion to either MC or Visa. All they do is handle the payment. Nothing else. That's how it differs.
I'll quote Wikipedia here. "A debit card (also known as a bank card, plastic card or check card) is a plastic payment card that can be used instead of cash when making purchases. It is similar to a credit card, but unlike a credit card, the money is immediately transferred directly from the cardholder's bank account when performing any transaction. Some cards might carry a stored value with which a payment is made, while most relay a message to the cardholder's bank to withdraw funds from a payer's designated bank account. In some cases, the primary account number is assigned exclusively for use on the Internet and there is no physical card. In many countries, such as most of Western Europe, the use of debit cards has become so widespread that their volume has overtaken or entirely replaced cheques and, in some instances, cash transactions. The development of debit cards,unlike credit cards and charge cards, has generally been country specific resulting in a number of different systems around the world, which were often incompatible. Since the mid-2000s, a number of initiatives have allowed debit cards issued in one country to be used in other countries and allowed their use for internet and phone purchases. Debit cards usually also allow instant withdrawal of cash, acting as an ATM card for this purpose. "
But not here, we get a bank pin card, which we can pay with through stuff such as a service like Ideal but we can't pay on sites and use it as a creditcard, i can't pay a humble bundle with my bank card, i need PayPal.
I mean, if you say so. You'll probably be very soon integrated into the debit card system then since you'll be probably the last bank to not have debit cards. I'm not aware of Ideal, since I haven't bought a power generator before, but fair enough.
Point being that usually you'd get a bank card, that bank card has the 16 digits on it and a CVC code at the back. With those you'd buy a product online.
It's not a bank option, not here atleast.
If you say so. I'm a bit confused how your bank's let you down so much that they don't even have any modern options, but fair enough. I'd personally ask the bank, since I can't imagine why the bank would literally just decide to not earn money.
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It's not just my bank, it's just every bank here. We get an IBAN number and that's on your card. That's country code (NL22), bank abbreviation and 10 numbers.
They don't care about regular customers anymore, most offices are gone, hard to get a mortgage, you get 0 interest on your savings, we are close to actually having to pay to have our savings on the bank.
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It looks amazing yes, thank you for posting. With Patrick Stewart in such a leading/titular role, you know even if everything else is bad, his performance will still carry it (and Brent Spiner's as Data, my favourite character!!) Also! I read from someone who attended comicon that both Commander Riker (now Admiral?) and Troi will return as well!! The hype is definitely real here. :D
The only things not making me excited in this new trailer is the show's lighting and aesthetic, which both feel too modern to me for this Star Trek. The lighting is very harsh and bright instead of warm, and there's the lens flares, and it just feels over-polished and cold like nearly every modern Sci-Fi show right now. But I guess this could just be a nitpick driven by my own nostalgia for TNG.
Oh and I would also say that I'm not quite sold on that female lead character/Data's daughter(??) just yet.
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I was watching the trailer, came here, stopped watching the trailer and clicked the link to watch the trailer again.
Yeah, that didn't happen. Anyway, sadly I'm not a fan of star trek but I have seen all the films (way more into Star Wars, literally watched star wars 8 in Netflix yesterday). About amazon, you would just need to get that amazon prime via tricky way or if you want, actually pay for it.
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Thank. I'll definitely be looking forward to learning more.
I was never a TNG fan. I watched it all, but only because there was nothing better at the time. Last few seasons were okay. But yes, the Borg were the best thing about TNG, so this could be interesting. And considering it's the last Trek franchise I watched completely, the completist in me will probably need to watch this.
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Wait, you didn't watched all of treck? Multiple times? Sober and under numerous drugs? While fucking? While gardening? While studying?
At least watch the movie "first contact", i don't know what's so special about it but it tingles my dingles each time i see it.
Edit> Alright i'm watching it again, your fault! :D
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I watched the original series multiple times, or at least some of the episodes I watched multiple times. I think I watched the animated series completely. I watched all of TNG, two or three seasons of DS9 (though I was a Babylon 5 fan), and hardly any Voyager or Enterprise.
So I did watch all of TNG, including the movies. And I did enjoy First Contact, which is one reason I said the Borg are the best thing about TNG.
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There is a whole lot of borg content in voyager too. Different but interesting too :)
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Try this: https://youtu.be/YhBBXHwEsIo i'm gonna edit the thread too
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I´m only missing the "Hell yes with potato!" option.
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Just search something like "Star Trek: Picard - Official Teaser " dated from the 20 or 21 of this month. This is a mess due to region limited videos i guess... Already modified the link once due to this.
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To each his own, Ik that has its fans, glad you have something to be excited about.
But to me, meh, I didn't like the Watchmen movie, all the gray morals and subpar characters mainly being like Batman without his cool gear and outfit, and no super powers. I prefer superheroes and villains to be clear-cut good or bad. I was hyped by that movie's trailer and felt seriously let down when I watched the movie. What's more that even looks like a TV series, so drastically slowing down the action even more? I personally believe that 95% of TV shows would actually work better condensed down to the pacing of a movie or movie series. Very few are just so amazing and gripping that they deserve to be given the TV show treatment and what's more, given repeated viewings. All that being said however, I hope you enjoy the show you're anticipating! Have a good week.
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Hmm. I watched a lot of TNG when it was originally aired but always felt it lacked something that the original series had, deviating too much from the action and intrigue, often they didn't even explore planets opting instead to be on the ship to various ends including the holographic room. Good acting but when the show is mainly reduced to interactions between characters on the Enterprise it's slowed down way too much and exploring things with characters that were never needed. I love the movies including the TNG movies but now, they're pretty much the closest I get to TNG. But, one great thing it had going for it was Picard was a very charismatic man, and Patrick Stewart is a great actor. So that makes me rather mixed on this new series trailer.
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Hey, Holograms are fine, some says they are fine as fuck.
This message was sponsored by the Robert Picardo gang
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Why not include "Star Trek: Picard - Official Teaser" in the title?
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Star Trek Discovery is dogshit and the same people are behind this series as well. They don't know what made Star Trek great in the first place nor do they even care. Patrick Stewart is great but you gotta realize that his inclusion is a desperate attempt to recapture audience attention, same as bringing in the Pike and Spock characters in STD S2 because their own stories and characters were terrible. But I guess we should all get excited for Latest Product, especially because it has that Person we liked in a previous Product.
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